Primus is deployment tool that makes your project installation much more easy and clear for support and understanding. From the user point of view Primus requires minimal efforts to write and add installation script into context of a user project. Just one small python script plus installation instruction written in human readable format as step by step deployment procedure.
Primus follows the following paradigm:
- Has a way to describe a project deployment procedure less talkative way
- Keep deployment script in human readable format
- Make hands free from absolute paths. Make everything in a context of project home
- Centralize configuration properties (for many configs) in one place
Primus itself doesn't require any configuration activities. This is self deployed package that cares about itself.
To put Primus in a context of your project do the following:
Copy ".primus" folder into your project folder
Open ".primus/" file and write down your deployment process scenario
As soon as you complete writing deployment scenario go to your project home and type the following command in terminal:
$ python .primus/
Imagine a user has the following dummy project:
- User has a nice project “BigBang”
- This project is written in python (code in “lib” folder) and java (code in “src” folder)
- Project can work only with Python v2.5+
- Project requires “time.jar” third party library (available in a http repo)
- JUnit test has to be run
Open ".primus/" file and write down something like the following:
CheckPythonEnvironment(version=(2,5)), # check if Python version is 2.5+
DownloadFile('lib/', 'http://somwhere/timer.jar'), # download 'timer.jar' in 'lib' folder
CompileJavaCode('src', 'lib'), # compile all java code located in 'src' into 'lib' folder
ValidatePythonCode('lib'), # validate Python code located in "lib" folder
RunJUnit('test/TestBigbang.class', classpath = ['test', 'lib', 'lib/junit/junit-4.8.2.jar'])
- Documentation:
- Primus presentation
- In PDF:
- As keynote file: