test386.asm is a 80386 or later CPU tester, written for the NASM assembler. It runs as a BIOS replacement and does not depend on any OS or external library.
test386.asm communicates with the external world through the diagnostic POST I/O port and the parallel and/or serial ports. You'll need to configure the addresses of these ports for the system you're testing.
WARNING: this program is designed for emulators and was never tested on real hardware. Use at your own risk.
Please note that in the current version, test386.asm is still incomplete and is not able to test every functionality of a CPU. It will probably not detect that bug that is keeping you up at night, sorry.
For the full list of tested opcodes see intel-opcodes.ods.
Those opcodes that are tested have the relevant diagnostic code in the "test in
real mode" and/or "test in prot. mode" columns.
Besides the specific opcodes reported in the opcodes list file, other aspects of
the x86 architecture are only partially tested or not tested at all:
- no virtual-8086 mode testing
- no task management testing
- partial testing of user mode (ring 3) operations
Also, even if the program can run on any x86 32-bit compatible CPU, its testing routines are limited to the functionality of the intel 80386 processor family.
Total correctness depends on termination and there is no general solution to the halting problem.
That being said, and even aiming at partial correctness, the x86 architecture is so complex (and the input domain so vast) that the probability of reaching a good level of testing coverage, enough to declare a CPU implementation as bug free (for some definition of "free"), is close to 0.
Judging from the amount of errata that follow a CPU product launch, not even the CPU manufacturers are capable of such a feat, despite their infinite amount of engeenering resources.
Nonetheless I hope you'll find this program useful (and correct) enough to be added to your unit tests and worthy to be used alongside tools like s a n d s i f t e r.
First of all grab the NASM assembler from http://www.nasm.us/ and follow its installation instructions.
Then open src/configuration.asm and configure the EQUs with suitable values for your system.
A diagnostic code will be output to the configured POST port. Computation results in the form of ASCII messages will also be output to LPT, COM, and/or custom OUT ports, whichever is enabled and configured. See the src/configuration.asm file for information on how to configure the program's output.
If you're in a UNIX environment you can then use:
$ make
Otherwise use a command line like this one:
nasm -i./src/ -f bin src/test386.asm -l test386.lst -o test386.bin
Any multiple (testBCD:19) unterminated string warnings can be ignored.
The final product is a binary file named test386.bin of exactly 65,536 bytes.
The binary assembled file must be installed at physical address 0xf0000 and aliased at physical address 0xffff0000. The jump at resetVector should align with the CPU reset address 0xfffffff0, which will transfer control to f000:0045. All memory accesses will remain within the first 1MB.
Once the system is powered on, testing starts immediately and after a while
you should get the 0xFF POST code. In case of error the program will
execute an HLT instruction and the diagnostic code will tell you the test that
If the program restarts itself automatically, in an apparently infinite loop,
that's a possible buggy stack management, or a problem with CALL/RET execution.
In any case, your emulator should have a logging facility; use its output to inspect the instruction execution flow and determine the exact cause of the problem.
An inportant piece of information, useful as a diagnostic guide, is the intermediate source-listing file test386.lst, that is produced by NASM during assembly (assuming it's enabled with the -l switch). Once you determine the EIP value at which a problem arised, look it up in test386.lst, on the second column; you'll have a clearer picture of what the program was trying to do.
This is the list of tests with their diagnostic code:
POST | Description |
0x00 | Real mode initialisation |
0x01 | Conditional jumps and loops |
0x02 | Quick tests of unsigned 32-bit multiplication and division |
0x03 | Move segment registers in real mode |
0x04 | Store, move, scan, and compare string data in real mode |
0x05 | Calls in real mode |
0x06 | Load full pointer in real mode |
0x08 | GDT, LDT, PDT, and PT setup, enter protected mode |
0x09 | Stack functionality † |
0x0A | Test user mode (ring 3) switching |
0x0B | Moving segment registers |
0x0C | Zero and sign-extension |
0x0D | 16-bit addressing modes (LEA) |
0x0E | 32-bit addressing modes (LEA) |
0x0F | Access memory using various addressing modes |
0x10 | Store, move, scan, and compare string data in protected mode |
0x11 | Page faults and PTE bits |
0x12 | Other memory access faults |
0x13 | Bit Scan operations |
0x14 | Bit Test operations |
0x15 | Byte set on condition (SETcc) |
0x16 | Calls in protected mode |
0x17 | Adjust RPL Field of Selector (ARPL) |
0x18 | Check Array Index Against Bounds (BOUND) |
0x19 | Exchange Register/Memory with Register (XCHG) |
0x1A | Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters (ENTER) |
0x1B | High Level Procedure Exit (LEAVE) |
0x1C | Verify a Segment for Reading or Writing (VERR/VERW) |
0xE0 | Undefined behaviours and bugs (CPU family dependent) * |
0xEE | Series of unverified tests for arithmetical and logical opcodes ** |
0xFF | Testing completed |
† test 0x09 will test the upper 16-bit value of a 32-bit PUSH of a 16-bit segment selector when TEST_UNDEF is enabled, and will fail if the word is modified.
* test 0xE0 needs to be enabled via the TEST_UNDEF equ, and the proper CPU family needs to be specified with the CPU_FAMILY equ (currently only 80386 supported). This test will fail, unless your emulator is a faithful replica of an Intel 80386. Results have been verified on real hardware.
** test 0xEE always completes successfully. It will print its computational ASCII results to the configured output ports.
Once you reach POST 0xFF, you need to check the results of POST 0xEE with the
provided reference.
POST 0xEE executes a series of arithmetic and logical operations that affect the
CPU's status flags. None of those operations is checked for correctness during
Assuming your ouput file is called my-EE-output.txt, compare it with test386-EE-reference.txt using a command like:
$ diff my-EE-output.txt test386-EE-reference.txt
Under Windows, use whatever diff-like tool you prefer.
Every line of test386-EE-reference.txt is composed of:
- operation opcode
- operation mnemonic
- operands size: B=byte, W=word, D=double word
- EAX value before and after execution; it's the value of the destination operand, even if it's not EAX
- EDX value before and after execution; it's the value of the source operand, even if it's not EDX; for shifts and rotates it's the amount; for arithmetic ops with an immediate it's the value of the immediate
- PS value before and after execution; it's the value of the processor status register, but only for the flags defined for the operation; undefined flags are masked out
Use test386.lst and your emulator's logs as a guide to determine instruction and cause of any possible difference.
Remember that test386.asm is open-source. Take advantage of this and read the source code and its comments to know what's really going on. The entry point, you guessed it, is in src/test386.asm.
The execution of test386.asm is deterministic. This means that, at POST FFh, the program results in the same RAM content every time it's executed.
If you have a known working emulator that you trust (preferably open-source), you can compare its memory dump with yours.
Note: unless you know what you're looking for, test 0xE0 (Undefined behaviours and bugs) should be disabled before comparing memory dumps, setting TEST_UNDEF equ to 0.
In the following example I'll use Bochs as a reference.
Beware: this is just an example, I cannot guarantee that Bochs is bug free.
I'll use commands and tools commonly found in Linux and other UNIX-like systems. I'm sure you can find similar tools for Windows, possibly with a GUI.
In Bochs' debugger, use the writemem command to dump the first 640K of memory:
writemem "bochs-640k-memdump.bin" 0 655360
Then do the same in your emulator producing a file named my-640k-memdump.bin.
If you can't dump the first 640K precisely, you can use this command to trim a bigger dump:
$ dd if=my-big-memdump.bin of=my-640k-memdump.bin bs=655360 count=1
Now do a binary compare of the two dumps. In order for it to be useful, for every difference detected it should show the byte offset and the values that differ, possibly in hex and/or octal forms.
You can use a combination of cmp and gawk:
$ cmp -l my-640k-memdump.bin bochs-640k-memdump.bin | gawk '{printf "%08X %02X %02X\n", ($1-1), strtonum(0$2), strtonum(0$3)}'
This is a possible output (the actual output of a comparison between my buggy emulator with Bochs):
00002008 27 67
000023C4 27 67
First column: the byte offset
Second column: the value in my-640k-memdump.bin
Third column: the value in bochs-640k-memdump.bin
To roughly determine what's the memory area used for, compare your offsets with the current memory map of test386.asm, reported at the top of the src/test386.asm file.
In this example, there's a problem in the way the emulator updates a PTE and in particular the Dirty bit.
To see what's going on, use your emulator's memory traps functionality and
define a read/write trap, in this example at dword 0x2008.
Doing so you'll quickly see who's doing what and where.
Again, use the EIP that you determined with the trap to look up the instruction
in test386.lst
Good luck.
test386.asm was originally developed for IBMulator starting as a derivative work of PCjs.
Distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.