Universal Libretro Frontend
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App notice:
This app provided for free without any warranty
You cannot sell this app or any of it's components, it should be free
Not to be part of any commercial action
No tracking or analytics should be added at all
- RetrixGold is a libretro frontend
- As long there are no ARM64 cores ready, any ARM64 release will be pointless
- For ARM64 please refer to libretro for any update Click here
- Try the x86 release it may work
When I started this modified version, I had early understanding in UWP
many things, in my view can be better, for certain things understanding C/C++ is important to solve some important issues
good now I have both side covered, UWP and C/C++ even I got to understand more about DirectX stuff
I know the latest release was in Sep.2022, but will try to pick this again soon
some things has to be translated to C++, and we can get benfits from the UWP APIs (...FromApp)
those APIs can greatly improve loading perfomance.
This is C#/.NET project, it has it's limited capacity within it's current ~software render
whatever I spent on that cannot be better than RetroArch,
even on 2D level I had to make many tricks to avoid the GC hiccups, so it's not something I can rely on it for 3D
also no one seems to be ready to join and get that ready, if I did it I'm sure it will be bad
I don't really have good understanding in DirectX and others.
New Layouts
New Libretro VFS layer
New Cores
Online cores updater
Easy BIOS management
Games lists cache
Smart roms resolver (with 7z, rar, zip support)
Support start core without content
Play statisitics (Internal usage only)
Major base code changes
Advanced customization for Gamepad and options
Onscreen Keyboard
Custom Saves/System folder (if supported)
Pre-Configuration for cores with (free to use content)
Improved & accurate touch functions
Controllers ports mapping
URI integration (RetroPass)
Bugs fixes
Much more
This means you can use any Libretro core with Retrix directly
the new VFS layer is much smarter and provides compatiblity with archived roms (even if the core doesn't support that)
it can also solve many issues that prevent UWP app from accessing to the content
- HW Render Configuration
- OpenGL
- OpenGLES
- DirectX
It will work with build 17763 and above
It will support only 15035 build
The attached releases already retargeted to support Windows 10 Mobile 15063+
RetrixGold Developement by Bashar Astifan (Since 2019)
Based on RetriX by Alberto Fustinoni
Yo can help me to keep this kind of projects a live by supporting my projects like:
The for the following for their support and ideas:
- Khanlend Theinoend
- Dom's & Gamr13
- Danprice142
- Ranomez
- DekuDesu