41 commits
to master
since this release
pypylon release 4.0.0rc2 Changes: Version 4.0.0rc2 - Date 2024-07-03 - Fixed issue with upload of release artifacts. - Fixed reference version for linux and windows builds - Updated to pylon 7.5 on linux and windows. - pylon 6.2 is the lowest supported version when building pypylon. - Dropped support for python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 - Added CI builds for python 3.12 - Dropped linux armv7l (32bit) support as it is no longer supported by pylon. - Added PylonDataContainer and PylonDataComponent support for 3D cameras. You can use Basler 3D cameras with pypylon now. - Extended PylonImage support for GetArray and GetMemoryWindow. - Added pylondataprocessing.GetVersion(). It reports the version of the pylon Data Processing C++ SDK. - The Builders recipe AddInput and AddOutput methods have changed. see buildersrecipe_test.py on how to handle that. - Updated data processing module documentation. - Fixed an issue when using all GetMemoryWindow() methods when running under python 3.12 - Fixed an issue when using GetArrayZeroCopy(). - Fixed an issue when running the unit tests with python 3.12. - Fixed an issue with strings constaining regular expressions in setup.py - Fixed an issue when running with numpy 2.0 in the unit tests. - Extended the unit tests.