Script to split a GitHub Pull Request Review into n smaller reviews to avoid the GitHub unicorn page that occurs after doing large reviews.
Usage: ././
-o | --organisation <org name>
-r | --repo <repo name>
-p | --pr-number <number> # PR you want to operate on
-i | --review-id <number> # The review you want to split into smaller pieces
-s | --split <number> # Number of reviews to create
Will create --split-number
PR reviews in GitHub, each with a PENDING status. Since GitHub doesn't allow multiple reviews with a status of PENDING, you'll need to interactively eyeball and complete each PR review before the script can create the next one. In this sense the script is interactive - it does stuff, you check it out and accept/complete the review and then it continues.
Why not a fully automated script? Becuase even when using this, I still see 502 errors from GitHub's API; but the PR Reviews show up none the less. I prefer semi-automated so that I can cautiously proceed, rather than find I'm spamming reviews with a REQUEST_CHANGES or COMMENT status.
- You'll need a personal access token with repo access in order to access the GitHub v3 API endpoints.
- Jq on the path
- Bash (tested on MacOS with ancient Bash 3.2.57)
- Curl
This is unsupported, will set your hair on fire, etc.