A command line tool to export The Master Genealogist (TMG) data to a variety of databases and file formats like SQLite and JSON.
The Master Genealogist (TMG) data is stored in FoxPro tables and this software requires the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro 9.0 to be installed on your system prior to running this software.
Before exporting, run the TMG maintenance routines optimize, validate file integrity, optimize.
Make sure TMG files are not open in any program before trying to export
t:tmg TMG project file to read data from (*.pjc)
c:csv Dump tables to csv
j:json Dump tables to json
l:sqlite SQLite database file to be created (*.sqlite3)
m:mysql MySQL/MariaDB database connection string
p:postgres PostgreSQL database connection string
s:sqlserver SQL Server database connection string
x:xml Dump tables to xml
TmgExporter -t "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Master Genealogist v8\sample\sample__.pjc" -j -l sample.sqlite3
This will dump the sample TMG database to JSON and to a SQLite database called sample.sqlite3
TmgExporter -t "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Master Genealogist v8\sample\sample__.pjc" -m "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;"
This will dump the sample TMG database to a MySQL/MariaDB database specified by the connection string (the database needs to have already been created and the specified user must have permission to create tables and indexes)