A WebAuthn-based passkey validator module for Biconomy's SDK (@biconomy/sdk). Enable secure transaction signing using device biometrics in your Web3 Client applications (e.g. Next.js, React, etc.).
- 🔐 WebAuthn-based transaction signing
- 📜 ERC-7579 compliant module implementation
- 🤝 Seamless integration with Biconomy's Nexus smart accounts
- 🔄 Support for both registration and login flows
- 👆 Native device biometrics support
Choose your preferred package manager:
# npm
npm i @biconomy/sdk @biconomy/passkey
# yarn
yarn add @biconomy/sdk @biconomy/passkey
# pnpm
pnpm i @biconomy/sdk @biconomy/passkey
# bun
bun i @biconomy/sdk @biconomy/passkey
import { toWebAuthnKey, WebAuthnMode, toPasskeyValidator } from "@biconomy/passkey"
import { createNexusClient, moduleActivator } from "@biconomy/sdk"
import { http } from "viem"
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains"
// 1. Initial Setup
const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
const chain = baseSepolia
const bundlerUrl = 'https://bundler.biconomy.io/api/v3/84532/nJPK7B3ru.dd7f7861-190d-41bd-af80-6877f74b8f44'
// 2. Create Nexus Client
const nexusClient = await createNexusClient({
signer: account,
transport: http(),
bundlerTransport: http(bundlerUrl)
// 3. Setup WebAuthn Credentials
const webAuthnKey = await toWebAuthnKey({
mode: WebAuthnMode.Register // Use .Login for existing passkeys
// 4. Initialize Passkey Validator
const passkeyValidator = await toPasskeyValidator({
account: nexusClient.account,
// 5. Install Validator Module
const opHash = await nexusClient.installModule({ module: passkeyValidator })
await nexusClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({ hash: opHash })
// 6. Activate the Validator
// 7. Send a Transaction
const tx = await nexusClient.sendTransaction({
to: "0x...",
value: 1