Implementation of Bcube
IO interface for CGNS format. Checkout the relative Bcube
documentation for more infos.
Note that all CGNS specifications are not implemented (for instance, NGON elements).
using Bcube
using BcubeCGNS
mesh = rectangle_mesh(10, 20)
U = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1), mesh)
u = FEFunction(U)
projection_l2!(u, PhysicalFunction(x -> sum(x)), CellDomain(mesh))
write_file("output.cgns", mesh, Dict("u" => u, "grad_u" => ∇(u)))
result = read_file("output.cgns"; varnames = "*")
mesh = result.mesh
data = # Dict of variable name (String) to MeshData