This is a CLI tool for Seata named seata-ctl
$ seata-ctl -h
seata-ctl is a CLI tool for Seata
seata-ctl [flags]
seata-ctl [command]
Available Commands:
version Print the version number of seata-ctl
-h, --help help for seata-ctl
--ip string Seata Server IP (constants "")
--password string Password (constants "seata")
--port int Seata Server Admin Port (constants 7091)
--username string Username (constants "seata")
Use "seata-ctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Dependency: Go 1.19+
go build .
Some Seata commands are used to connect to the Seata server for configuration browsing, transaction simulation, and other functions. To use these features, you must first log in using the Login
Use this command to log in to the seata section. If the login is successful, the login information will be displayed at the beginning of the command line.
$ seata-ctl login --ip= --port=7091 --username=seata --password=seata > # input command here > help
[command] [flag]
Available Commands:
get Get the resource
help Help about any command
quit Quit the session
reload Reload the configuration
set Set the resource
try Try example transactions > get -h
Get the resource
get [flags]
get [command]
Available Commands:
config Get the configuration
status Get the status
-h, --help help for get
Use "get [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Get the status of the Seata server cluster: > get status
| nacos | | ok |
| nacos | | ok |
- Get the configuration
: > get config --key '["server.servicePort"]'
| server.servicePort | 8091 |
- Get multiple configuration (which could be written in multiple lines by ending with '\'): > get config --key '[ \
"server.servicePort", \
"server.recovery.timeoutRetryPeriod", \
"server.undo.logDeletePeriod" \
| server.recovery.timeoutRetryPeriod | 1000 |
| server.servicePort | 8091 |
| server.undo.logDeletePeriod | 86400000 |
- Get all configurations > get config
... > set -h
Set the resource
set [flags]
set [command]
Available Commands:
config Set the configuration
-h, --help help for set
Use "set [command] --help" for more information about a command. > set config -h
Set the configuration
set config [flags]
--config-center If set configuration center conf
--data string Configuration map (constants "{}")
-h, --help help for config
--registry If set registry conf
- Set the registry config, such as setting type to
: > set config --registry --data '{"registry.type": "eureka"}'
| KEY | FROM | TO |
| registry.type | file | eureka |
You can found that the Seata server is registered at eureka
- Set the configuration center config, such as setting type to
nacos > set config --config-center --data '{"config.type": "nacos"}'
| KEY | FROM | TO |
| config.type | file | nacos |
You can found that the configuration in nacos
is loaded.
- Set a configuration item which can be dynamically configured (such as
): > set config --data '{"server.undo.logSaveDays": "5"}'
| KEY | FROM | TO |
| server.undo.logSaveDays | 6 | 5 |
- Set multiple configurations at the same time: > set config --data '{ \
"server.maxCommitRetryTimeout": "3000", \
"server.maxRollbackRetryTimeout": "3000", \
"server.undo.logSaveDays": "14" \
| KEY | FROM | TO |
| server.maxCommitRetryTimeout | -1 | 3000 |
| server.maxRollbackRetryTimeout | -1 | 3000 |
| server.undo.logSaveDays | 5 | 14 |
+--------------------------------+------+------+ > try -h
Try if this node is ready
try [flags]
try [command]
Available Commands:
begin begin a txn
commit commit a txn
rollback rollback a txn
-h, --help help for try
Use "try [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Try to begin an example transaction: > try begin --timeout 300000
Try an example txn successfully, xid=
- Commit a transaction by xid: > try commit --xid
Commit txn successfully, xid=
- Rollback a transaction by xid: > try rollback --xid
Rollback txn successfully, xid=
Lifecycle of the transactions could be checked in Web console UI. (exposed at 7091
by default).
reload -h
Reload the configuration
reload [flags]
-h, --help help for reload > reload
Reload Successful!
Quit the session: > quit
Quit the session
Seata-ctl uses a YAML configuration file to set up various cluster addresses and connection details. Since manually creating this file can be complex for users, Seata-ctl provides a template for the configuration file.
Used to initialize the configuration file with no parameters required.
After execution, a file named config.yaml
will be created in the same directory as the terminal. If the file already exists, a message will indicate this. Currently, selecting a different location is not supported.
After use, a file named 'config. yaml' will be created in the same directory as the terminal. If the file already exists, it will prompt that it already exists. We currently do not support selecting other locations.
Each cluster can fill in multiple instances, using a context mechanism similar to kubeconfig to select which cluster and service to use.
The format of the file and the meanings of each field are as follows:(The parameters of the log section will be explained in detail later in the log section)
- name: "" //kubernetes cluster name
kubeconfigpath: "" //kubeconfig path
ymlpath: "" //yml config path,not currently supported
- name: "" //prometheus name
address: "" //prometheus address
auth: "" //prometheus auth info,not currently supported
- name: "" //log name
types: "" //log type:ElasticSearch,Loki,Local
address: "" //log server address
source: "" //index name
username: "" //auth username
password: "" //auth password
index: "" //index name
kubernetes: "" //choose which clusters to use,depend on name
prometheus: "" //choose which clusters to use,depend on name
log: "" //choose which clusters to use,depend on name
If everything is normal, it will output:
Config created successfully!
If the file already exists, it will be output as follows:
Config file already exists!
The example of writing a configuration file is as follows:
- name: "cluster1"
kubeconfigpath: "/Users/wpy/.kube/config"
ymlpath: ""
- name: "seata"
kubeconfigpath: "/Users/wpy/Documents/Kubernetes/remotekube.txt"
ymlpath: ""
- name: "prometheus"
address: "http://localhost:9092"
auth: ""
- name: "es"
types: "ElasticSearch"
address: "https://localhost:9200"
source: "logstash-2024.10.24"
username: "elastic"
password: "bu4AC50REtt_7rUqddMe"
index: "log"
- name: "loki"
types: "Loki"
address: "http://localhost:3100"
source: ""
username: ""
password: ""
index: ""
- name: "local"
types: "Local"
address: "http://localhost:8080"
source: "seata"
username: ""
password: ""
index: ""
kubernetes: "cluster1"
prometheus: "prometheus"
log: "es"
Seata ctl provides various commands to operate Seata servers on Kubernetes clusters.
Use this command to apply CRD (Custom Resource Definition) and deploy controllers on a Kubernetes cluster` Seata tl 'will use these definitions to complete the deployment of Seata.
install --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-controller:latest --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
: Specifies the namespace to use (optional). If not specified, it defaults todefault
: Specifies the name of the image to use (optional). If not specified, it defaults toapache/seata-controller:latest
: Specifies the name of the deployed controller (optional). If not specified, it defaults toseata-k8s-controller-manager
If the CRD is deployed successfully, a message will display: create seata crd success
, indicating that a CRD named
has been deployed in the specified namespace.
If the Deployment is successful, a message will display: Deployment created successfully
, indicating that a Deployment named seata-k8s-controller-manager
has been created in the specified namespace, containing a single Pod.
install --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-controller:latest --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
INFO[0007] Create seata crd success
INFO[0007] Deployment created successfully
If the CRD already exists, a message will display: seata crd already exists
If the Deployment already exists, a message will display: Deployment 'seata-k8s-controller-manager' already exists in the 'default' namespace
install --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-controller:latest --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
ERRO[0001] install CRD err: failed to send post request: seata crd already exists
ERRO[0001] install Controller err: Deployment 'seata-k8s-controller-manager' already exists in the 'default' namespace
Use this command to uninstall the CRD and the controller.
uninstall --namespace=default --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
: Specifies the namespace to use (optional). If not specified, it defaults todefault
: Specifies the name of the deployed controller (optional). If not specified, it defaults toseata-k8s-controller-manager
If the CRD is deleted successfully, a message will display: CRD deleted successfully
. If the Deployment is deleted successfully, a message will display: Deployment 'seata-k8s-controller-manager' deleted successfully from namespace 'default'
uninstall --namespace=default --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
INFO[0017] delete CRD successfully.
INFO[0017] deleted Controller seata-k8s-controller-manager successfully
If the CRD does not exist, a message will display: CRD does not exist, no action taken
. If the Deployment does not exist, a message will display: Deployment 'seata-k8s-controller-manager' does not exist in namespace 'default', no action taken
uninstall --namespace=default --name=seata-k8s-controller-manager
ERRO[0005] CRD does not exist, no action taken.
ERRO[0005] Deployment 'seata-k8s-controller-manager' does not exist in namespace 'default', no action taken.
Use this command to deploy the Seata server on the Kubernetes cluster.
deploy --name=test --replicas=1 --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-server:latest
After the CR is successfully deployed, the controller will automatically deploy the Seata server instance.
Note: Since the specific namespace where the CRD and controller are installed is uncertain, the Deployment command will not check whether the CRD and controller have been successfully deployed. Before using this command, please ensure that the Seata CRD and controller have been successfully deployed in your cluster.
: Specifies the namespace. If not specified, it defaults todefault
: Number of deployment replicas. If not specified, it defaults to1
: Name of the CR. If not specified, it defaults toexample-seataserver
: Specifies the name of the image to use (optional). If not specified, it defaults toapache/seata-server:latest
If the deployment is successful, a message will display: CR install success, name: example-seataserver
deploy --name=test --replicas=1 --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-server:latest
INFO[0013] CR install success,name: test
If the deployment already exists, a message will display: This seata server already exists!
deploy --name=test --replicas=1 --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-server:latest
ERRO[0007] deploy err:seata server already exist! name:test
If the deployment fails, a message displaying the relevant error information will appear.
deploy --name=test --replicas=1 --namespace=default --image=apache/seata-server:latest
ERRO[0065] deploy err:the server could not find the requested resource
If this error occurs, it indicates that the CRD and controller were not successfully deployed. Please check your deployment status.
Use this command to uninstall the deployed Seata server.
undeploy --name=test --namespace=default
After deletion, the controller will automatically remove the Seata server instance.
: Specifies the namespace. If not specified, it defaults todefault
: Name of the CR. If not specified, it defaults toexample-seataserver
If the uninstallation is successful, a message will display: CR delete success, name: example-seataserver
, indicating that the CR has been successfully uninstalled, and the controller will automatically delete the Seata server from the cluster.
undeploy --name=test --namespace=default
INFO[0308] CR delete success,name: test
If the CR is not found, a message will display: "example-seataserver" not found
undeploy --name=test --namespace=default
ERRO[0290] undeploy error: "test" not found
If an exception occurs, the relevant error information will be displayed.
undeploy --name=test --namespace=default
ERRO[0284] undeploy error: the server could not find the requested resource
If this error occurs, it indicates that the CRD and controller were not successfully deployed. Please check your deployment status.
Use this command to modify the number of replicas for the deployed Seata server.
scale --name=test --replicas=2 --namespace=default
After the operation, the controller will automatically adjust the replica count, which may take some time.
: Specifies the namespace. If not specified, it defaults todefault
: Name of the CR. If not specified, it defaults toexample-seataserver
: Number of deployment replicas. If not specified, it defaults to1
If the modification is successful, a message will display: CR scale success, name: example-seataserver
, indicating that the CR has been successfully updated, and the controller will automatically adjust the number of Seata server replicas in the cluster.
scale --name=test --replicas=2 --namespace=default
INFO[0070] CR scale success,name: test
If the CR is not found, a message will display: This seata server does not exist!
scale --name=test --replicas=2 --namespace=default
ERRO[0058] scale err:This seata server does not exits!test
Use this command to view the status of the deployed Seata server on the cluster.
status --name=example-seataserver --namespace=default
Note: This command essentially filters and displays Pods based on their labels. If Seata server Pods were created using other methods (for example, outside of the controller), the relevant Pods may not be found.
: Specifies the namespace. If not specified, it defaults to default
: The name of the CR created when deploying the Seata server. If not specified, it defaults to example-seataserver
If everything is functioning correctly, a list of seata-pods
will be displayed.
status --name=example-seataserver --namespace=default
INFO[0319] status: POD NAME STATUS
INFO[0319] status: -------------------------------------------
INFO[0319] status: example-seataserver-0 Running
If no pods are found, an error message will be displayed.
status --name=example-seataserver1 --namespace=default
ERRO[0002] get k8s status error: no matching pods found
Use this command to display data retrieved from Prometheus.
Before using this command, you need to ensure that Prometheus is properly set up and is correctly collecting metrics from Seata.
Use this command to show the data retrieved from Prometheus.
metrics --target=seata_transaction_summary
: Specify the metric entry to query. This may vary depending on the system and version, so make sure it aligns with the metrics in Prometheus.
If everything is functioning correctly, the relevant Prometheus metrics will be displayed in the form of a line chart.
metrics --target=seata_transaction_summary
INFO[0095] 10.00 ┼─────────╮
9.01 ┤ │
8.02 ┤ ╰╮
7.03 ┤ │
6.04 ┤ ╰╮
5.05 ┤ │
4.06 ┤ ╰╮
3.07 ┤ ╰╮
2.08 ┤ ╰─────────╮
1.09 ┤ ╰───────────╮
0.10 ┤ ╰─────────────
If an error occurs, an error message will be displayed.
metrics --target=seata_transaction_summary
ERRO[0093] Failed to show metrics: no data found for metric: seata_transaction_summary
This error may indicate that the metric was not found. Please check your Prometheus metrics.
Use this command to view logs on Kubernetes, currently supporting ElasticSearch, Loki, and a custom-developed logging platform. Configuration files and query parameters vary between platforms.
Use this command to retrieve Seata logs from different logging platforms.
Before using this command, please ensure that your logging system is fully deployed and functioning properly.
log --label={stream=stderr} --number=3
Before using ES, you need to make the following configurations in the global configuration file. The meanings of the related parameters are as follows,An example of the configuration is as follows:
- name: "es" //name
types: "ElasticSearch" //es type
address: "https://localhost:9200" //es address
source: "logstash-2024.10.24" //es index name
username: "elastic" // es auth username
password: "bu4AC50REtt_7rUqddMe" //es auth password
index: "log" //doc type
Note: Currently, only login with a username and password is supported for ES. If your ES has TLS encryption enabled, it is not supported at this time.
Note: Currently, only login with a username and password is supported for ES. If your ES has TLS encryption enabled, it is not supported at this time.
n the chart, the index
field represents the output field for the final log display, which may vary across different index structures in ES.The source contains our index structure and the returned document content, but most of the fields are unnecessary for us. We use the index entry to select among these, and only the matching logs will be outputted.
For example, if the returned structure of our query is this:
"took": 2,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 38,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 1.0,
"hits": [
"_index": "logstash-2024.10.24",
"_id": "KyvwyJIB5EKHPP6lI9Os",
"_score": 1.0,
"_ignored": ["log.keyword"],
"_source": {
"@timestamp": "2024-10-24T17:39:45.771Z",
"log": "2024-10-24T17:39:45Z\tINFO\tCreating a new SeataServer Service {default:seata-server-cluster}\t{\"controller\": \"seataserver\", \"controllerGroup\": \"\", \"controllerKind\": \"SeataServer\", \"SeataServer\": {\"name\":\"example-seataserver\",\"namespace\":\"default\"}, \"namespace\": \"default\", \"name\": \"example-seataserver\", \"reconcileID\": \"5912d1c4-6afd-4d66-8f11-eea6c54a1e4c\"}\n",
"stream": "stderr",
"time": "2024-10-24T17:39:45.771071Z",
"kubernetes": {
"pod_name": "seata-k8s-controller-manager-6448b86796-6l46n",
"namespace_name": "default",
"pod_id": "966edd0e-bc15-4276-9e6a-e255e84859ce",
"labels": {
"app": "seata-k8s-controller-manager",
"pod-template-hash": "6448b86796"
"host": "minikube",
"container_name": "seata-k8s-controller-manager",
"docker_id": "b87df4627de30b0aab402aef4621fa46f45b3a1976dd6f466ab4a42bb8265455",
"container_hash": "bearslyricattack/seata-controller@sha256:84ddedd9fa63c4a3ab8aa3a5017065014826dc3a9cac8c8fff328fbf9c600f11",
"container_image": "bearslyricattack/seata-controller:latest"
We only need the logs related to the log
field, so you can set index
to log
: Specify the query entries in the format{key1=value1, key2=value2, ...}
, wherekey
is the name of the index in ES andvalue
is the index's value. Neither the key nor the value requires quotation marks in the query.The default value is{}
: The number of log entries returned, with a default value of 10.
Note: To accommodate different ES index structures, a preliminary index structure check will be conducted during log queries. If the index does not contain this structure, the query will not proceed and an error will be returned.
log --label={job="seata-transaction"} --start=2025-10-18-14:21:21 --end=2025-10-18-22:16:14 --number=3
Before using Loki, you also need to configure it in the configuration file.
- name: "loki" //loki name
types: "Loki" //type name
address: "http://localhost:3100" //loki address
source: ""
username: ""
password: ""
- query: The label for the query, following the native format, e.g.,
, depending on the overall log format created. - start: Start time in UTC timezone, formatted as
. - end: End time in UTC timezone, formatted as
. - number: The number of log entries returned.
log --level=INFO --number=5
Similarly, to meet more diverse needs, we have developed a custom logging system for Seata applications on Kubernetes. This system will continue to evolve along with the Seata-K8s project.
At first,configure it in the configuration file.
- name: "local" //name
types: "Local" //type
address: "http://localhost:8080" //address
source: "seata" //application
username: ""
password: ""
index: ""
If everything is functioning correctly, the specified log entries will be returned.
log --label={stream=stderr} --number=3
INFO[0015] 2024-10-24T17:39:45Z INFO Creating a new SeataServer Service {default:seata-server-cluster} {"controller": "seataserver", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SeataServer", "SeataServer": {"name":"example-seataserver","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "example-seataserver", "reconcileID": "5912d1c4-6afd-4d66-8f11-eea6c54a1e4c"}
INFO[0015] 2024-10-24T17:39:45Z INFO Creating a new SeataServer StatefulSet {default:example-seataserver} {"controller": "seataserver", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SeataServer", "SeataServer": {"name":"example-seataserver","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "example-seataserver", "reconcileID": "5912d1c4-6afd-4d66-8f11-eea6c54a1e4c"}
INFO[0015] 2024-10-24T17:39:45Z INFO SeataServer(default/example-seataserver) has not been synchronized yet, requeue in 10 seconds {"controller": "seataserver", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SeataServer", "SeataServer": {"name":"example-seataserver","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "example-seataserver", "reconcileID": "5912d1c4-6afd-4d66-8f11-eea6c54a1e4c"}
If the index does not exist, an error message will be displayed.
log --label={stream1111=stderr} --number=3
ERRO[0001] get log error: invalid index key: stream1111
If no documents are found, an error indicating "no results found" will be returned.
log --label={stream=stderr11} --number=3
ERRO[0060] get log error: no documents found
If any other errors occur, an error message will be displayed.
If everything is functioning correctly, the specified log entries will be returned.
log --label={job="seata-transaction"} --start=2024-10-18-14:21:21 --end=2024-10-18-22:16:14 --number=2
INFO[0098] 2023-10-17 14:15:23.363 INFO [TransactionManager] --- Transaction [XID:] ends with SUCCESS.
INFO[0098] 2023-10-17 14:15:23.360 INFO [RMHandler] --- Transaction resource committed successfully: ResourceId: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_test, XID:
If no documents are found, an error indicating "no results found" will be returned.
log --label={job="seata-transaction"} --start=2025-10-18-14:21:21 --end=2025-10-18-22:16:14 --number=3
ERRO[0058] get log error: loki query returned no results
If any other errors occur, an error message will be displayed.
If everything is functioning correctly, the specified log entries will be returned.
log --level=INFO --number=5
Peer example-seataserver-2.seata-server-cluster:9091 is connected
Peer example-seataserver-1.seata-server-cluster:9091 is connected
Node <default/example-seataserver-0.seata-server-cluster:9091> term 4 start preVote.
Peer example-seataserver-2.seata-server-cluster:9091 is connected
Peer example-seataserver-1.seata-server-cluster:9091 is connected
If any other errors occur, an error message will be displayed.