Turing machines are awesome, and modern computers are basically Turing machines with dynamic state transitions.
A programming language is said to be Turing complete if it has:
- conditional branching
- ability to change arbitrary memory locations
- requires HALT state
These are fine, but not very interesting. The more interesting way is to simulate a universal Turing machine.
The attempt of this project is to simulate a universal Turing machine with interesting languages, therefore proving them as Turing complete.
There are differing definitions of what a Turing machine is, but we'll try to use one that is as restrictive as possible while still recognizing all languages that other Turing machines recognize.
A Turing machine is a state machine with these properties:
- infinite, 1-dimensional memory (tape)
- divided into cells
- has beginning, but no end
- usually described as horizontal, with leftmost being the beginning
- read/write head that can move left and right, cell-by-cell
- each transition function moves the head left or right
- reading is optional
- writing is optional
- moving is mandatory (cannot move to same cell)
Here is the formal definition of a Turing machine:
A Turing machine is a 7-tuple, (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0, qaccept, qreject), where Q, Σ, Γ are all finite sets and:
- Q- set of states
- Σ- input alphabet, not containing blank symbol ␢
- Γ- tape alphabet, where ␢ ∈ Γ and Σ ⊆ Γ
- δ-
Q × Γ → Q × Γ × {L,R}
is the transition function- q0 ∈ Q- start state
- qaccept ∈ Q- accept state
- qreject ∈ Q- reject state, where qreject ≠ qaccept — Michael Sipser
An alternative syntax explaining the same thing can be found here.
In order to be complete and accept all possible input, each implementation takes two files as input:
- state transitions- line delimited text file, wich each state transition represented as a 5-tuple (q,a,b,d,r)
- q- current state
- a- symbol at the current head location
- b- symbol to write to the current head location
- d- direction to move (L or R, meaning respectively left or right)
- r- next state to transition to (accept and reject are special states, meaning reject what they imply)
- input- comma-delimited sequence of input
- allows implementations to accept strings of arbitrary length as input to a single state
Here is an example state transition going from state 'start' to state 'first' on input 'a', writes the character 'c', and moves the head right:
For simplicity, all implementations assume that Σ and Γ contain only single-characters.
- Σ is calculated from the state transitions file
- to be complete, the Σ calculated from the input file must be a subset of this Σ calculated from transition file
- Γ is calculated from taking the union of Σ, ␢ (empty write will write a null), and the symbols written from the state transition file
This means that in order for a state transition to not modify the tape, it must write the same symbol it read. Because this can be tedious, the '*' symbol is reserved and cannot be part of Σ or Γ:
- when used as the symbol read, it means read any symbol
- when used as the symbol to write, it mean write the same symbol read (don't modify the tape)
An implementation does not necessarily output anything, but must use correct error codes to signify success (accept) or failure (reject).
Following Unix-style exit codes, 0 means success and non-zero means failure.