A PHP implementation of socket.io-emitter.
This project uses msgpack-php and phpredis. Make sure to have those extensions in use before trying to use the emitter.
To install and use in your PHP project, install it as a composer package.
To run tests, invoke make test
. The current test suite will just be checking redis monitor that everything is published correctly. Some work will be put into making a better integration test suite in the near future.
$redis = new \Redis();
$redis->connect('', '6379');
$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter($redis);
$emitter->emit('event', 'payload str');
$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter(array('port' => '6379', 'host' => ''));
$emitter->emit('event', 'wow');
Possible flags
- json
- volatile
- broadcast
$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter(array('port' => '6379', 'host' => ''));
// broadcast can be replaced by any of the other flags
$emitter->broadcast->emit('other event', 'such data');
$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter(array('port' => '6379', 'host' => ''));
$emitter->emit('event', array('property' => 'much value', 'another' => 'very object'));