This macro is used to fetch a SVG file, optionally change the tag's attributes and render it's html
You will fist need to include the print-svg.vtl file like so:
#dotParse( '/pathToFile/print-svg.vtl' )##
Then you can just call the SVG in your template where ever you want it to show up:
#printSVG( $path $attributesObject )##
The macro accepts two arguments. The first $path
can be either an established common name reference for a SVG that you have added to the $knownSvgList
in the core code. This is just a short cut for ease of use within your team. You can alternatively pass a string that is the root relative path to your svg.
#printSVG( 'svgCommonName' )## this will check the list of commonly used SVGs for an available src
#printSVG( '/common/svg/icon.svg' )## you can also enter a relative path the the desired SVG
The second argument you can pass to the macro ($attributesObject
) is an object of html svg attribute value pairs, like so:
#printSVG( $path {'height':'200px', 'width':'100%', 'viewBox':''} )
Note that for viewBox
the empty value will tell the macro to delete that attribute. In contrast the height
and width
properties will just be updated to the defined values.
And that is all there is to it :-)