by Manila File Company
tidy up is a basic app to look through your large folders and help you organize. It features a tinder-like UI, allowing you to swipe left and right on files to see which ones are really worth your time ;)
as builds become available, they will be hosted on the Manila website here
If you'd like to DIY it, run these commands to:
- clone the repo
- enter the project directory
- install dependencies using npm
- build the react app
- build/package the electron app
git clone (repolink)
cd tidyUp
npm i
npm run build
npm run package
and there you go!
Feel free to fork, open bugs and PRs right here on github!
from a development point of view, the project is laid out as follows:
+--_public (react root html file)
| +--index.html
+--_server (electron node app code)
| +--_lib (supporting functions for electron)
| +--main.js (main electron process)
+--_src (folder for the react renderer process for development)
+--_components (containing renderer react process components)
key libraries/frameworks used:
React (Create React App) electron electron-persist electron-packager
osx-fileicon (in development, also by us)