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There are many other libraries, in Python and in other languages, for handling HTTP events in Lambda. So why this library?

All the libraries I have seen are oriented towards providing traditional HTTP response handling, in the web server style, for Lambda functions. They are often based on an actual web framework, generally provide routing, etc.

This library does none of that.

It is intended to be used in the serverless native style, where routing and validation logic is pushed into API Gateway whenever possible. It is intended to make API handlers more Pythonic and less webserver-like, while retaining the use of proxy integrations with API Gateway.

The functionality in this library can be put into two categories:

  • More Pythonic handlers: interact less with the raw proxy request and response objects, deal with client errors by raising Python exceptions, make JSON payloads easier.
  • Request validation: while as much validation as possible should be done at the API Gateway layer, there are situations where you may need to validate the request in the Lambda function instead. The code in your function should be able to rely on the request being validated.

Note that REST APIs using the Lambda proxy integration does not fully validate request payloads (read details here), and HTTP APIs do not do any validation.


from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

import datetime
import decimal

# When an APIErrorResponse is caught by a decorator, it's turned into an
# API response that by default has a payload of the form:
# {
#   "Error": {
#     "Code": <error_code>,
#     "Message": <error_message>
#   }
# }

def handler(event, context):
        # some code
    except SomePayloadError as exc:
        # this will re-raise as an APIErrorResponse so that it can be caught by
        # the decorator and converted to a response to API Gateway using the
        # given status code and a JSON response body with an error code set to
        # the exception class name and an error message set to the
        # stringified exception
        raise APIErrorResponse.from_exception(400, exc)

        # some code
    except SomeOtherPayloadError:
        # To expose fewer internal details, use this standard exception
        # which results in a status 400, a generic error code,
        # and the given error message
        # There's also APIErrorResponse.from_status_code() to create generic
        # exceptions for other status codes
        raise InvalidRequestError("Something's wrong with the request.")

        # some code
    except SomeServiceError:
        # In general, server-side problems should be raised as regular exceptions
        # causing the Lambda function to error out. This automatically
        # means API Gateway will return 500 and you'll see these errors in your
        # Lambda function metrics

    # more code

    # The decorator will convert this to a response with status code 200,
    # like the HTTP API Lambda proxy integration does automatically
    # but it works with REST APIs too, and it does more:
    # - JSON serialization of datetimes and decimals is provided
    # - returning a string will be converted to a text/plain response
    # - returning bytes will be converted to an application/octet-stream response
    return {
        "my_field": "my_value",
        "dynamodb_number": decimal.Decimal("8.1")
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

# Make subclasses of APIErrorResponse for your own purposes
# The error code is the class name by default
# The error message can be static or a template
# The template can use any fields of the exception
# or any keywords passed to the constructor
class FailedProcessing(APIErrorResponse):
    STATUS_CODE = 400
    ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "Failed during {step}."

# ApiErrorResponses caught by the decorator will log the internal message
# using this callable or logging.Logger
APIErrorResponse.DECORATOR_LOGGER = print

def handler(event, context):
        # some code
    except SomeInputError as e:
        # This will be caught by the decorator and converted to a response
        # You must provide an internal message suitable for logging
        # even if APIErrorResponse.DECORATOR_LOGGER is not set
        # keyword arguments are stored and can be referenced in
        raise MyError(f"Processing failed: {e}.", step="step 1")

        # some code
    except SomeOtherInputError as e:
        # You can also override the error message if it's using the default
        # constructor or kwargs are passed to the APIErrorResponse constructor
        raise MyError(f"Processing failed: {e}.", step="step 2",
            error_message="This error message overrides the template.")

    # return some other status code (or a fully-customized response)
    # with make_response()
    # format version can be provided implicitly as the Lambda function
    # input event rather than having to provide it explicitly
    return make_response(201, {"status": "created"}, format_version=event)
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

def handler(event, context):
    # set response headers and cookies through the Lambda context object
    # this works for both returning a value and raising an APIErrorResponse
    context.api_response.headers = {"my_header_key": "my_header_value"}
    return {"my_field": "my_value"}
# JSON schema validation requires either the fastjsonschema or jsonschema
# package be installed to work
# neither are required by this package by default
# install one separately or install this package with the
# appropriate extra as:
# aws-lambda-api-event-utils[fastjsonschema]
# or
# aws-lambda-api-event-utils[jsonschema]
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "some_field": {
            "type": "string",
    "required": ["some_field"]
# With fastjsonschema, use CompiledFastJSONSchema({ ... }) to
# compile your schema for faster evaluation

# any decorator from the package provides the base functionality
# of @api_event_handler
# Invalid JSON and JSON that violates the schema will generate
# an error response
def handler(event, context):
    payload = event["body"] # parsed and validated JSON

        # some code
    except SomeError as exc:
        raise APIErrorResponse.from_exception(400, exc)

    return {"status": "success"}
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

# @api_event_handler is the "no-validation" decorator
# using any decorator provides the APIErrorResponse and
# handler-return-value processing
@json_body(enforce_content_type=True) # require Content-Type: application/json header
def handler(event, context):
    my_param = event["queryStringParameters"]["my_param"]
    payload = event["body"] # parsed and validated JSON

    # do work with my_param and payload

    return {"status": "success"}
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

cors_config = CORSConfig(
    allow_origin = "",
    allow_methods = ["GET", "POST"]

def handler(event, context):
    if CORSConfig.is_preflight_request(event):
        return cors_config.make_preflight_response(format_version=event)

    context.api_response.cors_config = cors_config

    return {"status": "success"}
import os, http, boto3
from aws_lambda_api_event_utils import *

S3_BUCKET_NAME = os.environ["S3_BUCKET_NAME"]

# why use a session? read an explainer:
BOTO3_SESSION = boto3.Session()
S3_CLIENT = BOTO3_SESSION.client("s3")

# maybe this route is /obj/{param}
# the regex can constrain it further
# and capturing groups become path parameters
def handler(event, context):
    api_key = event["headers"]["x-api-key"]
    s3_key = event["pathParameters"]["s3_key"]

    if not is_authorized(api_key, s3_key):
        # generic errors for all HTTP 4XX and 5XX status codes
        raise APIErrorResponse.from_status_code(http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN)

    presigned_url = S3_CLIENT.generate_presigned_url("get_object",
            "Bucket": S3_BUCKET_NAME,
            "Key": s3_key

    # create an appropriate redirect response
    # format version can be provided implicitly as the Lambda function
    # input event rather than having to provide it explicitly
    return make_redirect(


pip install aws-lambda-api-utils

# with jsonschema validation support
# choose a schema validation library
pip install aws-lambda-api-utils[fastjsonschema]
pip install aws-lambda-api-utils[jsonschema]

API event formats

AWS does not define a global event format convention. API Gateway Lambda proxy events, which are the focus of this library, come in three styles: the REST API format and HTTP API format version 1.0, which are essentially the same, and HTTP API format version 2.0.

This library defines the FormatVersion enum, which represents these as two formats: FormatVersion.APIGW_10 and FormatVersion.APIGW_20.

The get_event_format_version() function takes an event and returns the event format version, or None if the event format version cannot be determined. By default, the event format version is cached within the event (the key used for this is available in the EVENT_FORMAT_VERSION_CACHE_KEY module field) to speed up multiple calls to get_event_format_version() (e.g., across multiple validations). This can be disabled in this function by setting disable_cache=True; it cannot be disabled when using validation functions or decorators.


Using at least one decorator from this package is required to get the APIErrorResponse and handler return value processing described below. Using one or more validation decorators is sufficient; if no validation decorators are needed, @api_event_handler provides this functionality as a standalone decorator.

Request body processing

To retrieve the body from the event, use the get_body() function. This returns the body value as-is if it has already been parsed into an object (e.g., by the @json_body decorator), as bytes if isBase64 is set to True in the event, or as a string otherwise. To validate that the event contains a binary body or not, set the type parameter to BodyType.str or BodyType.bytes, which will cause PayloadBinaryTypeError to be raised if it doesn't match.

To parse the body as JSON and optionally validate the JSON, use the @json_body decorator or the get_json_body() function.

@json_body and get_json_body() can apply schema validation to the JSON payload. This requires a JSON schema validation library to be installed; both fastjsonschema and jsonschema are supported. These are not required dependencies by default; install this libary with the fastjsonschema or jsonschema extra, respectively, or install them separately.

get_json_body() returns the parsed and validated JSON body; it does not modify the event. @json_body replaces the body in the event with the parsed and validated JSON body; it can be retrieved directly or with the get_body() function.

If you're using fastjsonschema, you can wrap the schema in the CompiledFastJSONSchema class (i.e., schema = CompiledFastJSONSchema({...})) to use the schema compilation feature of that library.

Without a schema, the decorator can be used with or without parentheses.

If the body cannot be parsed as JSON, get_json_body() raises PayloadJSONDecodeError. The exception will have an internal_message that includes the json.JSONDecodeError. The error response is status 400, the error code is InvalidPayload, and the error message says the payload must be JSON.

By default, HTTP methods that are not expected to have request bodies, like GET, do not cause an error. Set enforce_on_optional_methods=True to enforce that any request has a valid JSON body.

For convenience, you can enforce that the Content-Type header is set to application/json by setting enforce_on_optional_methods=True. This uses the validate_content_type() function.

If the body can be parsed as JSON, but does not validate against the provided schema, get_json_body() raises PayloadSchemaViolationError. The exception will have an internal_message that includes the schema error. The error response is status 400, the error code is InvalidPayload, and the error message provides the schema error.

Handler return value processing

When a decorator is used on the Lambda function handler, the return value from the handler is inspected. If it is a dict containing a "statusCode" field, it is considered to be a response and returned intact.

Otherwise, it constructs a response using make_response(), with the following logic:

  • The status code is 200.
  • If the return value is of type bytes, it will be base64-encoded and a default content-type of application/octet-stream will be applied.
  • If the return value is of type str, it will be used as-is and a default content-type of text/plain will be applied.
  • Otherwise, the return value will be JSON-serialized and a default content-type of application/json will be applied.

When serializing to JSON, objects of datetime.datetime,, and datetime.time and decimal.Decimal classes are handled. By default, the datetime classes are serialized with their isoformat() methods and UTC timezones are converted from using an +00:00 offset to the plain Z suffix. By default, decimal.Decimal is serialized as a float. This can be changed with the set_default_json_serialization_config() function, and also make_response() can be provided with a JSONSerializationConfig override directly.

Headers and cookies can be set in the api_response.headers and api_response.cookies fields on the Lambda context object (the decorator creates these fields).


A redirect response can be generated using the make_redirect() function, which takes a 3XX status code and a URL to redirect to.


The requirement of the handler returing a structured value when an error occurs is not particularly Pythonic; instead, we should raise an exception and it should cauase the right thing to happen. This functionality is provided by the APIErrorResponse exception class. An APIErrorResponse subclass has a status code, and knows how to create the response to return to API Gateway through the get_response() method.

The most basic usage is when you catch an exception that should cause an error to be returned to the client, you can use APIErrorResponse.from_exception() to get an instance of a dynamically-generated APIErrorResponse subclass you can re-raise (or call the get_response() method on). You provide it the status code exception and use it for the response body (see below for error response body details): the error code will be the exception class name, and the error message will be the stringified exception. You can provide an internal message for logging (see below), or it will default to a string containing the error code and error message.

You can create your own subclasses of APIErrorResponse to make exceptions that will be caught by the decorators and turned into error responses as defined by the subclass. This package also provides a generic InvalidRequestError exception (an APIErrorResponse subclass), which has a status code of 400 and an error code of InvalidRequest, and an error message you provide. You can additionally call APIErrorResponse.from_status_code() to generate a generic exception instance for a given 4XX or 5XX status code.

Validators in this package raise subclasses of APIErrorResponse for validation failures; see the docs for each validator for more information.

Headers and cookies for responses generated in decorators can be set from within the handler using the api_response.headers and api_response.cookies fields on the Lambda context object (the decorator creates these fields).


Support for CORS is through the CORSConfig class, an immutable representation of a CORS configuration.

Check if an incoming event is a CORS preflight request with the CORSConfig.is_preflight_request() class method, and respond to it using a CORSConfig instance with the make_preflight_response() method.

A CORSConfig instance can be provided to any method or function in this package that creates a response. To set the CORS configuration for responses generated in decorators, set the api_response.cors_config field on the Lambda context object.

Error logging

To log APIErrorResponse exceptions caught in a decorator, you can set APIErrorResponse.DECORATOR_LOGGER to a callable (e.g., print) or a logging.Logger object. This will log the internal_message field of the APIErrorResponse exception. By default, this does not include a traceback; set APIErrorResponse.DECORATOR_LOGGER_TRACEBACK to True to include one.

Response generation

To generate a response directly, use the get_response() method (this is only necessary if you're catching APIErrorResponse/subclasses yourself, rather than using a decorator). This method must be provided an format_version to determine the format of the response; this can either be a format version directly, or the Lambda function input event (to determine the format version from). It can optionally take a body, headers, and cookies to pass to the class methods that determine those values for the response.

By default, the response body generated for an APIErrorResponse looks like the following:

    "Error": {
        "Code": "<error code>",
        "Message": "<error message>"

These field names can be changed by altering the ERROR_PARENT_FIELD, ERROR_CODE_FIELD, and ERROR_MESSAGE_FIELD class fields on APIErrorResponse; if ERROR_PARENT_FIELD is set to None, the error code and error message will be put at the top level.

Subclassing APIErrorResponse

Create your own subclasses of APIErrorResponse to represent your own error conditions and how they should be mapped into an API response.

The minimal subclass looks like this:

class MyError(APIErrorResponse):
    STATUS_CODE = 400 # the status code for the response

    ERROR_MESSAGE = "My error message." # static message

# usage:
# APIErrorResponse requires an internal message be provided to its constructor.
raise MyError("This is the internal error message for logging")

# Providing a keyword argument named error_message will override the error message
raise MyError("This is the internal error message for logging",
    error_message="Override error message.")

The error code defaults to the class name, but can be set explicitly with the ERROR_CODE class field.

The error message can be a string template using the ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE field, rather than a static value. The template uses the standard str.format() method. It can reference any instance fields. For convenience, any keyword arguments provided to the APIErrorResponse constructor are stored and can also be referenced in the template, meaning you don't need to define your own constructor.

class MyError(APIErrorResponse):
    STATUS_CODE = 400 # the status code for the response

    ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "My error message: {msg}." # static message

# usage:
raise MyError("This is the internal error message for logging.",
    msg="value for the error message template")

# Providing a keyword argument named error_message will override the error message
raise MyError("This is the internal error message for logging.",
    error_message="Override error message.")

You can provide your own constructor to take more detailed information, and then construct the internal message there. You can override get_error_message() to include more logic.

class MyError(APIErrorResponse):
    STATUS_CODE = 400 # the status code for the response

    # taking kwargs and passing them to APIErrorResponse to allow
    # overriding the error message like normal
    def __init__(self, bad_param, **kwargs):
        self.bad_param = bad_param
        if "internal_message" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["internal_message"] = f"Bad param: {bad_param}"

    def get_error_message(self):
        # allow overriding error message
        # self.kwargs are kwargs to APIErrorResponse
        if "error_message" in self.kwargs:
            return self.kwargs["error_message"]
        if self.bad_param == "secret":
            return "Bad parameter."
            return f"Bad parameter: {self.bad_param}."

# usage:
raise MyError("param1")

# Providing a keyword argument named error_message will override the error message
raise MyError("secret", error_message="Bad secret.")

Headers and cookies

To fully control the headers in the response, override the get_headers() method, which takes the headers given to get_response() as input. To add default headers, override get_default_headers(); these headers will be added if they are not already present in the result of get_headers().

To control the cookies in the response, override the get_cookies() method, which takes the cookies given to get_response() as input.

Error response body

The response body is constructed in the get_body() method; the default implementation uses the get_error_code() and get_error_message() fields with the make_error_body() class method.

The get_error_code() method has a default implementation that uses the ERROR_CODE class field if it is set, falling back to the exception class name.

The get_error_message() method has a default implementation that uses the error_message keyword argument to the APIErrorResponse constructor if it was given, otherwise using the following class fields. ERROR_MESSAGE class field if it is set, otherwise using the ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE class field if it is set, calling the string format() method with vars(self) as inputs (that is, you can reference fields from the exception in the template). If neither ERROR_MESSAGE or ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE are set, the message An error occurred. is used.

The make_error_body() class method constructs a body of the following form, taking the error code and message as input:

  "Error": {
    "Code": "MyErrorCode",
    "Message": "My error message."

You can change the error code field name with the ERROR_CODE_FIELD class field, and the error message field name with the ERROR_MESSAGE_FIELD class field. You can change the top-level field name by setting the ERROR_PARENT_FIELD class field, or by setting it to None the error code and message fields will be set at the top level.


Validation is provided with both a decorator API and a functional API. See the full documenation on validators here.

Creating responses directly

The make_response() function formats a response for the function according to a given format version. The format version must be specified, but can be given implicitly by setting format_version to the Lambda function input event.

If the body arugment is not a string or bytes, it will be serialized to JSON, and a Content-Type header of application/json will be added.

The function signature is as follows:

    status_code: Union[int, http.HTTPStatus],
    body: Optional[Any],
    format_version: Union[FormatVersion, Dict],
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = None,
    cookies: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    cors_config: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
    json_serialization_config: Optional[JSONSerializationConfig] = None,
) -> Dict

If you catch APIErrorResponse yourself, you use the get_response() method to generate the response to return from the handler. The arguments are the same as to make_response(), except that status code cannot be provided, as it is fixed by the exception class. When body, headers, or cookies are provided, they override the defaults in the exception class.

The signature is as follows:

    format_version: Union[FormatVersion, Dict],
    body: Optional[Any] = None,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = None,
    cookies: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    cors_config: Optional[CORSConfig] = None,
    json_serialization_config: Optional[JSONSerializationConfig] = None,
) -> Dict


Lightweight processing of API events for AWS Lambda







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