Pronto runner for ansible-lint, a Python Style Guide Enforcer. What is Pronto?
gem install pronto-ansible_lint
pronto run
PRONTO_ANSIBLE_LINT_OPTS="-x 301" pronto run
for passing CLI options toansible-lint
git clone
this repo and cd pronto-ansible_lint
brew install cmake # or your OS equivalent
brew install rbenv # or your OS equivalent
rbenv install 2.4.5 # or newer
rbenv global 2.4.5 # or make it project specific
gem install bundle
gem install pronto
bundle install
virtualenv venv # tested on Python 2.7 and 3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make your changes
git checkout -b <new_feature>
# make your changes
bundle exec rspec
gem build pronto-ansible_lint.gemspec
gem install pronto-ansible_lint-<current_version>.gem # get current version from previous command
uncomment the lines in dummy_playbook/
pronto run --unstaged
It should show
dummy_playbook/example.yml:9: [E301] [HIGH] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
dummy_playbook/example.yml:10: [E206] [LOW] Variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
dummy_playbook/example.yml:12: [E301] [HIGH] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
0.1.0 Initial public version. Based heavily on