Download Scratchy Guess on GooglePlay Store
- App/Game Description
Scratchy Guess is an amazing Game where you have scratch the screen of your phone to find out what's hidden ?,QUICK TIP!, You cannot scratch the whole screen, you scratch a portion of your screen , with a little portion of the picture that you scratch you will have to guess what it is! , AND YES! Be Smart! You just have a limited Points! Scratch different categories from Cities, Celebs, Animals, Cartoons and More.
Email [email protected] if you want to contribute to this project
Scratch & Guess.
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Scratch Different Categories i.e. CELEBS, ANIMALS, BRANDS, CITIES, AND MORE
NB: All content images i.e. logos, celebs, cartoons, animals etc. that depicted in this game are protected by copyright or registered trademarks of their respective corporations. This game nor anyone related to it, claim any ownership rights or copyright of the content images used. The images content i.e. logos, celebs, cartoons, animals etc. are protected by copyright or registered trademarks.
Download or Clone the project
Make sure you have the latest java jdk and latest eclipes installed
Make sure you have the lates android sdk , you can import the project with Android Studio
I have inclded all project libraries such as googleplay_lib and WScratchViewLibrary, However you can download WScratchViewLibrary on it's a Library by winsontan520 , you can get googleplay_lib on
Steps -import googleplay_lib folder and WScratchViewLibrary folder to eclipes or Android Studio(no need to import googleplay_lib ) -import Scratch Guess Folder , build if you have errors clean the project or restart the your IDE #Licence
Feel free to use this project for anything you want, even republishing this app for commecial it's FREE
Referencing my name "Bennet Zakaria Makwakwa" is Appreciated but NOT MUST
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