Have you ever received a recommendation for a really interesting movie, wrote it down on a piece of paper, or your notetaking app and ended up forgetting about it? With that in mind, we created CineMate to resolve this issue for you, here you can finally have your list of all your recommended movies and TV shows in one place, give and receive indications to your friends and give your opinion of it after watching it!
We are graduates from the School of Code and this is our final project, here we applied all the knowledge we gathered during our sixteen-week boot camp plus some other technologies we found out ourselves. The journey went through the ideation stage, user research, wireframe planning, and finally coding. All of it following the Agile principles, coming back, reassessing, and reformulating our original plan, it is still in progress but our MVP is available to use.
Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, SupaBase.
Add a "follow" feature.
Add a "friends list" feature.
Add the hability to comment under recommendation.
Introduce comprehensive tests.