Make sure you have Golang v1.6 or higher installed. If not, install it now.
Fetch airtable-go:
go get
Import airtable-go into your project:
import ""
Create an instance of the airtable-go client:
import (
airtableAPIKey := os.Getenv("AIRTABLE_API_KEY")
baseID := "apphllLCpWnySSF7q" // replace this with your airtable base's id
client, err := airtable.New(airtableAPIKey, baseID)
if err != nil {
You can now call methods on the client instance. All client methods are documented in the project's GoDoc page. You can also check out the stubbed and integration tests included in this project for working examples of all the client methods and options.
For Airtable specific documentation, see the interactive documentation at
Execute the following to run the stubbed out unit tests:
go test -v ./tests/stubbed_tests
In order to run the integration tests, you will need to copy this test Airtable base into your own Airtable account using the "copy base" button in the top right.
Next, set two environment variables corresponding to your Airtable API key and the baseID of your copy of the test Airtable base.
Now you can run the integration tests with:
go test -v ./tests/integration_tests
This library uses Semantic Versioning.