This is a simple, clean base plugin for developing event calendars.
- Creates events post type and customizes columns
- Creates simple metabox for collecting event date/time. This can be replaced with your own metabox (see Dev Notes below)
- Customizes the query to sort by event start date and only show upcoming events
- Creates an Upcoming Events widget
- If you're using Genesis, it adds appropriate event schema markup.
These can be added with add_theme_support( 'be-events-calendar', array() ). Add these keys to the array:
- 'event-category'. Creates an event_category taxonomy.
- 'recurring-events' . Allows for recurring events
The metabox can be disabled using the 'be_events_manager_metabox_override' filter. See wiki for more information.
Here's the code for an event calendar widget. It's not included in the plugin since it often requires modification.