This is a system that monitors website availability over the network, produces metrics about this and passes these events through a Kafka instance into an PostgreSQL database.
Please see (WIP) specs in documentation folder.
Only docker is needed to run this facility.
However, following configuration data will be required :
- Kafka service
- cert/key/CA files
- servers hosts string
- postgresql service
- username string (user must be allowed to access table)
- password string
- server host string
- server port string
Finally, process can be configured with :
- URL checker : target URL and check period
- Metrics storage : number of workers to launch
postgresql preparation step would be fully automatic soon, it's important that this facility does not use admin user...
Create a user that has non-admin role, via aiven GUI or with admin user.
This username will be passed as an argument on docker run time.
In instructions below we assume that this new username is pguser
-- Extension: timescaledb
-- DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
SCHEMA public
VERSION "2.1.0";
-- Table: public.check_url_metrics
-- DROP TABLE public.check_url_metrics;
CREATE TABLE public.check_url_metrics
url text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
logdate date NOT NULL,
logtime time without time zone,
targetip inet NOT NULL,
sourceip inet NOT NULL,
statuscode integer NOT NULL,
resptimems double precision NOT NULL,
regexfound boolean
TABLESPACE pg_default;
ALTER TABLE public.check_url_metrics
OWNER to pguser;
timescaledb extension is activated, as this will help in our use case
From now on, admin user is NOT used anymore
Following commands should be issued when PWD in check_url folder of sources
This step would be fully automatic soon
Before it's implemented, so far topics must be created in Kafka via aiven GUI :
The Kafka certs files must be copied to the Dockerfile context.
Copy the certs into a new check_url/certs folder ; it will be ignored by git.
That way, docker images would be able to build with these (quite useful) files.
You'd end up with following files structure :
├── check_url
│ ├── certs
│ │ ├── ca.pem
│ │ ├── service.cert
│ │ └── service.key
Build docker image (this step needs Kafka creds files as explained above) :
docker -D build -f measurement/Dockerfile -t ben_aiven/test_url_measurement .
Build docker image (this step needs Kafka creds files as explained above) :
docker -D build -f storage/Dockerfile -t ben_aiven/test_url_storage .
Components can be launched in any order, even if it's always smarter to start consumer first
Run docker container with following command :
docker run -e WORKERS_COUNT=3 \
-e CHECK_PG_USER=pguser \
-e CHECK_PG_PASSWORD=nonAdminUserPassword \
-e \
-e CHECK_PG_PORT=16029 \
-it ben_aiven/test_url_storage
With :
- WORKERS_COUNT : the number of consumer workers to start
- CHECK_KAFKA_SERVERS : the Kafka service URI, with appended port
- CHECK_PG_USER : username of non-admin user
- CHECK_PG_PASSWORD : password of non-admin user
- CHECK_PG_HOST : database host URI
- CHECK_PG_PORT : database host port
Run docker container with following command :
docker run \
-it ben_aiven/test_url_measurement
With :
- CHECK_KAFKA_SERVERS : the Kafka service URI, with appended port
- CHECK_PERIOD_SECONDS : time between checks, in seconds
- CHECK_TARGET_URL : the URL to check after
- Handle consumer sigterm correctly...
- provide with automated bootstrap (create user, table in pg and topics in kafka)
- use logging instead of
- bind DLQ kafka topic to some email warn process or the like
- split postrges data into multiple tables, make table partitions, fine tune timescaledb
- implement some retry feature so that failed messages are retried a couple of times before DLQ
- implement some "consumer : more workers needed" alerting so that additional consumers can be launched
- provide with makefiles for easier setup