Simple bash script to manage a configurable multiarch and multirelease apt repository
- Multi-component
- Multiarch
- Multi-release
- APT repo directory tree creation (--mkdirs flag)
- Config files for apt-ftparchive creation (--createconf flag)
- Packages creation per release and arch (--rebuild)
- Release creation per release and arch (--rebuild)
- Release and InRelease signing (--rebuild)
- Pub gpg keyring exportation (--rebuild)
- Repo sources.list creation
- After generating a new dir tree and createconfig, run with --rebuild to regenerate all
- After adding new packages to any pool, run with --rebuild to regenerate all
- New: local config file auto-installation .(but need to be configured manually)
- New: key-ids.conf file auto-installation.
- New: Additional checks to do more easy the initial configuration.
- Fix: multi-release feature.
- New: on --rebuild feature, ask for a extra commit info before committing the rebuild changes.
- Broken: multi-release feature
It's the recomended way since some depends relies on the debian package management.
Visit Berbascum's apt repo url to add the apt repo
Install the pachage from apt
sudo apt-get install berb-apt-mgr
The gpg key to use should be previously installed on the user's gnupg dir
script tags:
--mkdirs: Creates the repo dir structure, based on the releases and archs" configured in the berb-apt-mgr.conf file"
--rebuild: Rebuilds the repo"
--createconf: Generates the aptftp.conf and aptgenerate.conf files from" temples using the releases and archs configured in the" berb-apt-mgr.conf file"
Implies interactive optional --mkdirs