LinuxCNC configuration for Wabeco D6000 with Toolchanger
sudo apt install git build-essential
ln -s Wabeco-D6000/Wabeco-D6000.pncconf Wabeco-D6000.pncconf
cd Wabeco-D6000/ sudo halcompile --install toolchanger.comp
The 240 should have an index proximity switch signalling each station, but mine was U/S along with a lot of other low voltage components My 160 did not have one and as I knew it could be indexed without, I did not replace the expensive Boxford 240 switch If you want to use an index pulse, then you will have to re-write so that the position-cmd is incremented until the signal and then locked back by an appropriate amount
These 8 station ATCs do not have the tool and drill stations at perfect 45 degrees as you would expect Stations 1,3,5,7 are tools and 2,4,6,8 are drills or round shank tooling Therefore requires different movement depending upon whether current tool is odd or even number.
One "Odd" move + one "even" move should add up to 90°
The Jogging seems to only work for values >= 0.30 in the GUI box