(Experimental) ROS package for simulating Blue via Gazebo.
Install Ubuntu 16.0.4
- Start from 1.2 to 1.7, just copy paste into terminal
- For step 1.4, use Desktop-Full if unsure
Create a workspace:
mkdir -p ~/blue_ws/src && cd "$_"
Clone the required packages:
git clone https://github.com/berkeleyopenarms/blue_core.git git clone https://github.com/berkeleyopenarms/blue_simulator.git
Get the mimic joint plugin:
cd blue_simulator git submodule update --init
Install dependencies:
cd ~/blue_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
catkin_make install
echo "source ~/blue_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/blue_ws/devel/setup.bash
To launch the simulator (full.launch
corresponds to the full, two-arm setup; right.launch
or left.launch
can also be used):
roslaunch blue_gazebo full.launch
Running rviz afterwards is the same as with the physical robot:
roslaunch blue_bringup rviz.launch
- The gripper can be controlled using the
controller, but the URDF currently relies on mimic joints and will cause Gazebo to crash if the gripper grasps an object. This is because the mimic joint plugin used to implement mimic joints in Gazebo will exert instantaneous forces which crashes the simulation.