the project uses Play framework Scala project alongside Swagger to provide a simple api to show data being held on the server side for a Google Graph implementation. I've taken Google Chart example
I've an example of the code running here on Heroku
and called 2 external API's and
to get data and store it for display on two chart2. The data is stored in a Sqlite database, being accessed using a simple REST API.
Clone the code, then type
./activator run
visit from browser either to see the swagger documentation for the API or to see what the charts looks like
You can add more data using either Swagger UI from the POST operation!/timeseries/postByName with name set to ^FTSE and body being { "label": "2016-05-14T06:40:35Z", "value": "1000" }
which generates a curl request of and runs the equivalent curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "label": "2016-05-14T06:40:35Z", "value": "1000" }' 'http://localhost:9000/timeseries/%5EFTSE'
Now the graph will change
There is no validation of the data held either on the backend or front end so the graph can break.
Final note, on Heroku the database I use postgres. Evolutions are disabled as the db scripts for sqlite and postgres are different. Heroku db create script is in heroku.psql