Dear reader,
In the following folders you will find three different models under the notebook Final_Challenge_Hubacher_Freire_Jenni.ipynb. Two are made with the transfer learning method and one with the CNN method.
You will find the pictures in the raw_data folder.
The models, which you can view, can be found in the folder "models". In this folder, the model transfer_learning_trainables_true.h5 is the most promising. But the model resnet_model-2.h5 also achieves good accuracy. In the CNN method, the 2_conv_128_nodes-Batchnorm-Dropout-20220219112148.h5 model was the best, although this lags far behind the other two.
See the notebook comparison.ipynb for a comparison between the different models created during the elaboration. We hope you enjoy looking through our project.
With best regards
Bernardo, Guido and Lars