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Brown Bag Session 2021


In this repository, we will be dabbling into the following areas:

  1. Test Automation with Robot Framework
  2. Load Testing with Locust


  • Windows in this case, is for users who have setup their Windows Linux subsystem.
  • Values in angle brackets (<>) are placeholders. Please replace with appropriate values that is relevant to your environment's context.

Setup of Virtual Environment

You can use Python virtual environment to isolate the Robot Framework related packages to avoid potential clashes in other Python packages and binaries for your other projects.

  1. Create a Python virtual environment. python3 -m venv <virtual_env_name>

  2. Activate the python virtual environment. source <virtual_env_name>/bin/activate

  3. Install the required Python packages python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For Windows user with Linux subsystem, please run with sudo

  1. At the end of the activity, please enter the follow command to exit from the virtual environment deactivate

Setup of chromedriver

MacOS brew cask install chromedriver


  • Install the latest stable version, (
  • After extracting from zip, set the chromerdriver.exe to your PATH
    • Search for environment > Click on Edit the system environment variables
    • Add a new environment variable for the chromedriver.exe
    • You must set the full path of the chromedriver.exe
      • To get full path, Shift + right click on the chromedriver.exe to Copy as path
    • You must restart your computer for the PATH to take effect
  • In your terminal, sudo apt-get install -y chromium-browser
  • To check for your Linux subsystem equivalent, enter echo $PATH

In your Activity1.robot under /robotframework_automation/web/test-suites,

  • Please include this under the Variables section
*** Variables ***
${CHROMEPATH}    <linux_equivalent_path_for_chromedriver.exe>
  • Please include the executable_option in the following line to specify to use the chromedriver
# Find the following line
Create Webdriver    Chrome    chrome_options=${chrome_options}    executable_path=${CHROMEPATH}

Activity 1 - Test Automation with Robot Framework

The learning objective of this activity is to familiarize with Robot Framework and its keyword driven approach.

In this activity, we are going to try automating some steps that are commonly done manually. We will be using a test site ( to try out the activity.

Let our starting point be at the Tablets section of the commerce test site.

Exercise 1

  • Using the Keywords available in SeleniumLibrary, write the script under the keyword Then I navigate to the first computer tablet.
  • Take a look at the GIF for the steps to automate.

Tip! Try using the Chrome Extension, Robotcorder, if you are not sure where/how to start.

website interaction

Exercise 2

  • Now that you are familiar with some of the keywords in SeleniumLibrary. Let's try Then I navigate to laptops page

Test Execution

  • You can execute the script with the command robot Activity1.robot.
  • If you would like to utilize the tags to run a specific test case, you can use either -i to include test cases with specific tags. E.g. robot -i run Activity1.robot which means only run test cases that have been tagged with 'run'.
    • Alternatively, if you are are the /robotframework_automation directory, you can run at the test-suite level with the command robot -i run test-suites

Optional Exercise: Mobile testing

  • The resources provided under /native includes a demo APK file and sample script from pCloudy's sample projects.
  • If you have Android Studio and a local Appium Server installed, you can try running it locally on your computer.
  • You can alternatively try the free trial on pCloudy's public device farm (

android mobile testing


Activity 2 - Load Testing with Locust

The learning objective of this activity is to familiarize with Locust and observe how load testing works in a small scale.


  1. Install NPM packages for the sample Express project and Locust
cd load_testing
npm install
pip install locust
  1. Run the sample Express project
  • A sample project with GET and POST request API, is provided in this activity. Please run the following command to start the project. node server.js
  • The database is Nedb, using the persistent datastore with automatic loading method.
  1. Open another terminal to start Locust
  • You will need to open 2 terminals - one for the master node and another for the worker node
  • By default, the locust test script filename is If you have named it differently, you will need to specify the filename with the -f option.
# Master Node
locust --master 

# Worker Node
locust --worker --master-host=<IP address of Master Node>
  1. Access the Web UI
  • Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8089
  • You can input the number of users you want to simulate and how fast the number of users grow
  • Click Start Swarming

load testing

  1. Interpretating the report You can refer to this article which is informative in explaining the report details