❯ crd
crd [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
gen generate codes and files
help Help about any command
info show definitions
midi midi util
text text processor
write write midi
--attr strings additional attribute definitions
--chord strings additional chord definitions
--debug enable debug
-h, --help help for crd
-o, --output string output file
Use "crd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
❯ crd text conv --help
convert text to yaml
Spaces, newlines, any text between ; and a newline are ignored.
Syntax details: input/ast/chords.y.
# C triad, 1 beat
# Bb minor triad, 2 beats
# D A7/E E Rest (D major)
# '_' is required when chord symbol is a number
echo 'D[1] A_7/E[1] E[2] R[1]' | crd text conv syllable --key D | crd write midi -o out.midi
See examples.
./task build