Java application to serve traffic data from NDW in a friendly format
The software presents a shape file in GeoJSON format that can be imported into QGIS. Each point in the GeoJSON represents a measurement site, and contains all properties of the original shape file, plus URLs to the static data (fixed properties), dynamic data (traffic speed and flow) and a link to Google streetview.
First, add an openstreet background layer,
by clicking XYZ Tiles / OpenStreetMap
Then, add a vector layer, by opening menu
Layer / Add Layer / Add Vector Layer ...
The URL is
Click 'Add', then 'Close'.
You should now see all measurement sites on the map. Select a particular site using the 'Identify features' button.
This shows the static information about the measurement site, including an URL to the dynamic information. For example:
The URL to the SSE event stream has '/events' appended: