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Beginner: Sierpinski Tetrahedron

Zoltán Dócs edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

This short beginner tutorial shows how to create the Sierpinski Tetrahedron in IFSRenderer.

  • Open IFSRenderer, start a new blank fractal (File/New) and open the Editor window.
  • From the transforms list, click on Scale Center to add a new iterator with it. Click 3 more times to place iterators:

Initial node arrangement

  • Let's rearrange the nodes a bit (by dragging the top part of nodes), and connect them up in both directions (by dragging between unconnected nodes):

Rearranged nodes

  • We'll need the iterators to connect to themselves, just simply click the button with the circular icon on each node:

Final node structure

  • The structure is complete, now let's set the transform parameters. You can select an iterator by clicking on it to see its parameters on the right column.
  • Set the Scale parameter to 0.5 an all 4 iterators. (For exact values, it's easier to just click on the value and type the number instead of dragging the slider.)

Setting up parameters

  • Set the Center parameters on them using these values: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 and 1, 1, 1. The Scale Center transforms will keep pulling the points toward these center points which produces the sierpinski tetrahedron shape.
  • And we're pretty much done! Navigate closer in the main window and explore the Sierpinski Tetrahedron - don't forget to use the mouse wheel to adjust the camera movement speed.

Exploring the Sierpinski Tetrahedron

  • A few final tweaks using the gamma slider, the fog effect and camera parameters can make pretty renders:

Final result

You've completed the tutorial, but not the artwork!

  • This is a good base for further exploration: try adding new transforms, modify connections, see what each parameter does. Make the artwork colorful by giving a background color and adding a color palette (top of the editor window).
  • Make a final render, as described in the Getting Started Guide.
  • Post your issues or artwork on the Forum.
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