WARNING: This project contains a adapter submodule. Use
git clone --recursive [email protected]:bidmachine/BidMachine-IOS-MoPub-WaterfallSample.git
to use all project files
- Getting Started
- Initialize sdk
- Transfer targeting data
- Banner implementation
- MREC implementation
- Interstitial implementation
- Rewarded implementation
- Native ad implementation
target 'Target' do
project 'Project.xcodeproj'
pod 'MoPub-BidMachine-Adapters', '~>'
NOTE: If you want to use BidMachine Header Bidding, please, also add following lines
target 'Target' do
project 'Project.xcodeproj'
pod 'MoPub-BidMachine-Adapters', '~>'
pod "BDMAdColonyAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMAmazonAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMCriteoAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMFacebookAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMMyTargetAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMSmaatoAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMTapjoyAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMVungleAdapter", "~>"
pod "BDMPangleAdapter", "~>"
Key | Parameter | Type | Required |
kBDMExtSellerKey | seller_id | String | Required |
kBDMExtStoreUrlKey | sturl | String | Required |
kBDMExtStoreIdKey | stid | String | Required |
kBDMExtTestModeKey | test_mode | String | Optional |
kBDMExtLoggingKey | logging_enabled | String | Optional |
kBDMExtBaseURLKey | endpoint | String | Optional |
kBDMExtUserIdKey | userId | String | Optional |
kBDMExtGenderKey | gender | String | Optional |
kBDMExtYearOfBirthKey | yob | Number | Optional |
kBDMExtKeywordsKey | keywords | String | Optional |
kBDMExtBCatKey | bcat | String | Optional |
kBDMExtBAdvKey | badv | String | Optional |
kBDMExtBAppKey | bapps | String | Optional |
kBDMExtCountryKey | country | String | Optional |
kBDMExtCityKey | city | String | Optional |
kBDMExtZipKey | zip | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPaidKey | paid | String | Optional |
kBDMExtStoreCatKey | store_cat | String | Optional |
kBDMExtStoreSubCatKey | store_subcat | String | Optional |
kBDMExtFrameworkNameKey | fmw_name | String | Optional |
kBDMExtCoppaKey | coppa | String | Optional |
kBDMExtConsentKey | consent | String | Optional |
kBDMExtGDPRKey | gdpr | String | Optional |
kBDMExtConsentStringKey | consent_string | String | Optional |
kBDMExtCCPAStringKey | ccpa_string | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPublisherIdKey | pubid | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPublisherNameKey | pubname | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPublisherDomainKey | pubdomain | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPublisherCatKey | pubcat | String | Optional |
kBDMExtNetworkConfigKey | mediation_config | Array | Optional |
kBDMExtSSPKey | ssp | String | Optional |
kBDMExtWidthKey | banner_width | Number | Optional |
kBDMExtHeightKey | banner_height | Number | Optional |
kBDMExtFullscreenTypeKey | ad_content_type | String | Optional |
kBDMExtNativeTypeKey | adunit_native_format | String | Optional |
kBDMExtPriceFloorKey | priceFloors | Array | Optional |
@"seller_id" --> Your Seller ID
@"test_mode" --> Enable Test Mode. @"true" or @"false"
@"logging_enabled" --> Enable Bidmachine Log. @"true" or @"false"
@"endpoint" --> String URL that should be used as base URL for sdk
@"user_id" --> Vendor-specific ID for the user
@"gender" --> User gender refer to OpenRTB 2.5 spec (@"F", @"M", @"0")
@"yob" --> User year of birth
@"keywords" --> Comma separated list of keywords about the app
@"bcat" --> Blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories. Comma separated list
@"badv" --> Block list of advertisers by their domains. Comma separated list
@"bapps" --> Block list of applications by their platform-specific exchange- independent application identifiers. Comma separated list
@"country" --> User country
@"city" --> User city
@"zip" --> User zip code
@"sturl" --> Store URL. @"12356"
@"stid" --> Numeric store id identifier
@"paid" --> Paid version of app. @"true" or @"false"
@"store_cat" --> Store category
@"store_subcat" --> Store subcategories. Comma separated list
@"fmw_name" --> Name of framework. @"unity" or @"native"
@"coppa" --> Child app value. @"true" or @"false"
@"consent" --> User consent. @"true" or @"false"
@"gdpr" --> GDPR. @"true" or @"false"
@"consent_string" --> User consent string
@"ccpa_string" --> CCPA string: @"y---"
@"pubid" --> Publisher Id
@"pubname" --> Publisher name
@"pubdomain" --> Publisher domain
@"pubcat" --> Publisher category. Comma separated list
@"ssp" --> SSP name
@"banner_width" --> Banner width
@"banner_height" --> Banner height
@"ad_content_type" --> Fullscreen type - Video, Banner, All
@"adunit_native_format" --> Native type - Video, Icon, Image, All
@"priceFloors" --> Array of price floors
@"mediation_config" --> Array of header bidding network configuration
"seller_id" field is required for initialization.
"sturl" field is required for initialization.
"stid" field is required for initialization.
"mediation_config" field is required for initialization if you use header bidding network
"priceFloors" field is used only in ad request parameters
The rest of the fields can be passed both to the initialization and to the request
"seller_id": "YOUR_SELLER_ID",
"test_mode": "true",
"logging_enabled": "true",
"endpoint": "https://same_url",
"user_id": "user123",
"gender": "F",
"yob": 2000,
"keywords": "Keyword_1,Keyword_2,Keyword_3,Keyword_4",
"badv": "https://domain_1.com,https://domain_2.org",
"bapps": "com.test.application_1,com.test.application_2,com.test.application_3",
"bcat": "IAB-1,IAB-3,IAB-5",
"country": "USA",
"city": "Los Angeles",
"zip": "90001–90084",
"sturl": "https://store_url.com",
"stid": "12345",
"paid": "true",
"store_cat": "cat_1",
"store_subcat": "cat_2,cat_3,cat_4",
"fmw_name": "native",
"coppa": "true",
"consent": "true",
"gdpr": "true",
"ccpa_string": "y---",
"pubid": "PUB_ID",
"pubname": "PUB_NAME",
"pubdomain": "PUB_DOMAIN",
"pubcat": "PUB_CAT,PUB_CUT_2",
"ssp": "Appodeal",
"banner_width": 320,
"banner_height": 50,
"ad_content_type": "All",
"adunit_native_format": "All",
"priceFloors": [
"id_1": 300.06
"id_2": 1000
"mediation_config" : []
"mediation_config" :
"network": "vungle",
"network_class": "BDMVungleAdNetwork",
"params" :
"app_id": "5a35a75845eaab51250070a5"
"ad_units": [
"format": "interstitial",
"params" :
"placement_id": "95298PL39048"
"custom_params" :
"custom_field": "unknown"
"network": "my_target",
"network_class": "BDMMyTargetAdNetwork",
"ad_units": [
"format": "banner_300x250",
"params" :
"slot_id": "576962"
"network": "facebook",
"network_class": "BDMFacebookAdNetwork",
"params" :
"app_id": "1525692904128549"
"ad_units": [
"format": "rewarded_video",
"params" :
"facebook_key": "1525692904128549_2395742753790222"
"format": "interstitial_static",
"params" :
"facebook_key": "1525692904128549_2395740550457109"
"format": "banner_320x50",
"params" :
"facebook_key": "1525692904128549_2395736947124136"
"network": "tapjoy",
"network_class": "BDMTapjoyAdNetwork",
"params" :
"sdk_key": "6gwG-HstT_aLMpZXUXlhNgEBja6Q5bq7i4GtdFMJoarOufnp36PaVlG2OBmw"
"ad_units": [
"format": "interstitial_video",
"params" :
"placement_name": "video_without_cap_pb"
"network": "adcolony",
"network_class": "BDMAdColonyAdNetwork",
"params" :
"app_id": "app327320f8ced14e61b2"
"ad_units": [
"format": "rewarded_video",
"params" :
"zone_id": "vzf07cd496be04483cad"
"format": "interstitial_video",
"params" :
"zone_id": "vz7fdef471647c416682"
"network": "amazon",
"network_class": "BDMAmazonNetwork",
"params" :
"app_key": "c5f20fe6e37146b08749d09bb2b6a4dd"
"ad_units": [
"format": "banner_320x50",
"params" :
"slot_uuid": "88e6293b-0bf0-43fc-947b-925babe7bf3f"
"format": "interstitial_static",
"params" :
"slot_uuid": "424c37b6-38e0-4076-94e6-0933a6213496"
"network": "criteo",
"network_class": "BDMCriteoAdNetwork",
"params" :
"publisher_id": "B-057601"
"ad_units": [
"format": "banner_320x50",
"params" :
"ad_unit_id": "30s6zt3ayypfyemwjvmp"
"format": "interstitial_static",
"params" :
"orientation": "portrait",
"ad_unit_id": "6yws53jyfjgoq1ghnuqb"
"format": "interstitial_static",
"params" :
"orientation": "landscape",
"ad_unit_id": "6yws53jyfjgoq1ghnuqb"
"network": "smaato",
"network_class": "BDMSmaatoAdNetwork",
"params" :
"publisher_id": "1100042525"
"ad_units": [
"format": "banner_320x50",
"params" :
"ad_space_id": "130563103"
"format": "interstitial_static",
"params" :
"ad_space_id": "130626426"
"format": "rewarded",
"params" :
"ad_space_id": "130626428"
You can pass constants that are listed below:
- banner
- banner_320x50
- banner_728x90
- banner_300x250
- interstitial_video
- interstitial_static
- interstitial
- rewarded_video
- rewarded_static
- rewarded
WARNING: To initialize BidMachine use Mopub configuration method at start application. If you use the lineItem settings (mopub server params), then parameters for initialization can be empty
NOTE: storeURL, storeId and seller_id - are required parameters. A list of all parameters can be found here (configuration params)
- (void)initializeMoPub {
MPMoPubConfiguration *sdkConfig = [[MPMoPubConfiguration alloc] initWithAdUnitIdForAppInitialization: @"AD_UNIT_ID"];
NSDictionary *configurationParams = @{
kBDMExtTestModeKey : @"1",
kBDMExtSellerKey : @"true",
kBDMExtLoggingKey : @"true",
kBDMExtStoreUrlKey : @"http://storeURL",
kBDMExtStoreIdKey : @"123456"
[sdkConfig setNetworkConfiguration:configurationParams
sdkConfig.loggingLevel = MPBLogLevelDebug;
[[MoPub sharedInstance] initializeSdkWithConfiguration:sdkConfig
NSLog(@"SDK initialization complete");
To pass data for Header Bidding add to your local extras "mediation_config": (configuration params)
All network required fields and values types are described in BidMachine doc. (WIKI). If ad network has initialisation parameters, it should be added in params of mediation config object. Ad network ad unit specific paramters should be added in params of ad unit object.
ATTENTION: In version 1.7.0, the format for transferring parameters for HB has changed
- (void)initializeMoPub {
MPMoPubConfiguration *sdkConfig = [[MPMoPubConfiguration alloc] initWithAdUnitIdForAppInitialization: @"AD_UNIT_ID"];
NSDictionary *configurationParams = @{
kBDMExtTestModeKey : @"1",
kBDMExtSellerKey : @"true",
kBDMExtLoggingKey : @"true",
kBDMExtStoreUrlKey : @"http://storeURL",
kBDMExtStoreIdKey : @"123456",
kBDMExtNetworkConfigKey : @[@{
@"network": @"criteo",
@"network_class": @"BDMCriteoAdNetwork",
@"params" :
@"publisher_id": @"B-057601"
@"ad_units": @[
@"format": @"banner_320x50",
@"params" :
@"ad_unit_id": @"30s6zt3ayypfyemwjvmp"
@"format": @"interstitial_static",
@"params" :
@"orientation": @"portrait",
@"ad_unit_id": @"6yws53jyfjgoq1ghnuqb"
@"format": @"interstitial_static",
@"params" :
@"orientation": @"landscape",
@"ad_unit_id": @"6yws53jyfjgoq1ghnuqb"
[sdkConfig setNetworkConfiguration:configurationParams
sdkConfig.loggingLevel = MPBLogLevelDebug;
[[MoPub sharedInstance] initializeSdkWithConfiguration:sdkConfig
NSLog(@"SDK initialization complete");
- (void)initializeMoPub {
MPMoPubConfiguration *sdkConfig = [[MPMoPubConfiguration alloc] initWithAdUnitIdForAppInitialization: @"AD_UNIT_ID"];
[sdkConfig setNetworkConfiguration:@{}
sdkConfig.loggingLevel = MPBLogLevelDebug;
[[MoPub sharedInstance] initializeSdkWithConfiguration:sdkConfig
NSLog(@"SDK initialization complete");
If you want to transfer targeting information you can use custom event's property localExtras which represents dictionary.
Keys for localExtras (here)
NOTE: Also all targeting data can be passed throug MoPub backend and can be configured as JSON in MoPub UI
In the snippet below you can see transfering of local extra data: (configuration params)
- (void)loadBannerAd {
CGSize adViewSize = (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) ? kMPPresetMaxAdSize90Height : kMPPresetMaxAdSize50Height;
NSDictionary *localExtras = @{ @"here" : @"params" };
self.adView = [[MPAdView alloc] initWithAdUnitId:@"AD_UNIT_ID"];
self.adView.delegate = self;
self.adView.frame = (CGRect){.size = adViewSize};
[self.adView setLocalExtras:localExtras];
[self.adView loadAdWithMaxAdSize:adViewSize];
In the snippet below you can see transfering of local extra data: (configuration params)
- (void)loadBannerAd {
CGSize adViewSize = kMPPresetMaxAdSize250Height;
NSDictionary *localExtras = @{ @"here" : @"params" };
self.adView = [[MPAdView alloc] initWithAdUnitId:@"AD_UNIT_ID"];
self.adView.delegate = self;
self.adView.frame = (CGRect){.size = adViewSize};
[self.adView setLocalExtras:localExtras];
[self.adView loadAdWithMaxAdSize:adViewSize];
In the snippet below you can see transfering of local extra data: (configuration params)
- (void)loadInterstitialAds {
NSDictionary *localExtras = @{ @"here" : @"params" } ;
self.interstitial = [MPInterstitialAdController interstitialAdControllerForAdUnitId:@"AD_UNIT_ID"];
self.interstitial.delegate = self;
[self.interstitial setLocalExtras:localExtras];
[self.interstitial loadAd];
In the snippet below you can see transfering of local extra data: (configuration params)
- (void)loadRewardedVideo {
NSDictionary *localExtras = @{ @"here" : @"params" } ;
[MPRewardedAds setDelegate:self forAdUnitId:@"AD_UNIT_ID"];
[MPRewardedAds loadRewardedAdWithAdUnitID:@"AD_UNIT_ID"
In the snippet below you can see transfering of local extra data: (configuration params)
- (void)loadAd:(id)sender {
self.nativeAdRequest = [self request];
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self.nativeAdRequest startWithCompletionHandler:^(MPNativeAdRequest *request, MPNativeAd *response, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
weakSelf.nativeAd = response;
- (void)showAd:(id)sender {
self.nativeAd.delegate = self;
[NativeAdRenderer renderAd:self.nativeAd onView:self.container];
- (MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings *)rendererSettings {
MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings *rendererSettings = MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings.new;
rendererSettings.renderingViewClass = NativeAdView.class;
return rendererSettings;
- (MPNativeAdRendererConfiguration *)rendererConfiguration {
return [BidMachineNativeAdRenderer rendererConfigurationWithRendererSettings:self.rendererSettings];
- (MPNativeAdRequest *)request {
NSDictionary *localExtras = @{ @"here" : @"params" } ;
MPNativeAdRequest *request = [MPNativeAdRequest requestWithAdUnitIdentifier:@UNIT_ID rendererConfigurations:@[self.rendererConfiguration]];
MPNativeAdRequestTargeting *targeting = MPNativeAdRequestTargeting.targeting;
targeting.localExtras = localExtras ;
request.targeting = targeting;
return request;