80chars rule (b05dc84 )
Merge pull request #125 from bigchaindb/transfer-multiple-inputs-rebase (879ae68 )
older versions readme explanation (2348a49 )
Breaking changes docs added (e745b59 )
small correction when changing to camelcase (ebf5f6a )
camelcase output_index (bc574c2 )
Resolve merge (c169eb5 )
Merge pull request #130 from bigchaindb/greenkeeper/lint-staged-6.0.0 (8f5864e )
Correct mistake in searchMetadata example (a3012bc )
chore(package): update lint-staged to version 6.0.0 (4f90fb3 )
Merge pull request #128 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge (e432ad2 )
Merge pull request #127 from bigchaindb/greenkeeper/ava-0.24.0 (ddacac9 )
gitter badge positioning (002b1bf )
Add Gitter badge (c8fff02 )
chore(package): update ava to version 0.24.0 (91d9cf5 )
merge master (1076d2d )
docs updated to new makeTransferTransaction format (6031868 )
Add test of transaction with multiple inputs (9f385c4 )
Issue #44 Multiple inputs for transfer transaction (e0f11ec )
remove yarn (a8250d6 )
Removed parenthesis in request.js (2df643b )
Issue 50: remove onlyJsonResponse connection.js (d05f7ef )
Revert "Fix Issue 50: connection.js remove onlyJsonResponse" (fee4530 )
Fix Issue 50: connection.js remove onlyJsonResponse (e99b4b9 )
Removed build dirs from soruce and edited gitignore for the last time (5cdcf3b )
Change gitignore with _build (76614e9 )
Ignore doc/_build instead of doc/build (13632c6 )
Added make hmtl and clean to Makefile (af86eb7 )
Removed /build and gitignore inside /docs, added /docs/build in main gitignore (dfe2210 )
Added gitignore to not upload build/ dir (1617444 )
Moved docs from personal repo to official js Driver repo (76867e1 )
Fix eslint errors (6416718 )
add has subcondition to ccJsonLoad test (4f48f17 )
add additional test for ccJsonLoad (4a34901 )
fix(package): update yarn to version 0.27.5 (fb7dd55 )
ignore yarn.lock (132c139 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.