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Ahmad Gneady committed Jan 19, 2021
1 parent 3d11526 commit 4e4d8d0
Showing 24 changed files with 276 additions and 242 deletions.
100 changes: 50 additions & 50 deletions app/admin/incFunctions.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -164,109 +164,109 @@ function getThumbnailSpecs($tableName, $fieldName, $view) {
function createThumbnail($img, $specs) {
$w = $specs['width'];
$h = $specs['height'];
$id = $specs['identifier'];
$path = dirname($img);

// image doesn't exist or inaccessible?
if(!$size=@getimagesize($img)) return FALSE;
if(!$size = @getimagesize($img)) return false;

// calculate thumbnail size to maintain aspect ratio
$ow=$size[0]; // original image width
$oh=$size[1]; // original image height
$twbh=$h/$oh*$ow; // calculated thumbnail width based on given height
$thbw=$w/$ow*$oh; // calculated thumbnail height based on given width
$ow = $size[0]; // original image width
$oh = $size[1]; // original image height
$twbh = $h / $oh * $ow; // calculated thumbnail width based on given height
$thbw = $w / $ow * $oh; // calculated thumbnail height based on given width
if($w && $h) {
if($twbh>$w) $h=$thbw;
if($thbw>$h) $w=$twbh;
if($twbh > $w) $h = $thbw;
if($thbw > $h) $w = $twbh;
} elseif($w) {
$h = $thbw;
} elseif($h) {
$w = $twbh;
} else {
return FALSE;
return false;

// dir not writeable?
if(!is_writable($path)) return FALSE;
if(!is_writable($path)) return false;

// GD lib not loaded?
if(!function_exists('gd_info')) return FALSE;
if(!function_exists('gd_info')) return false;
$gd = gd_info();

// GD lib older than 2.0?
preg_match('/\d/', $gd['GD Version'], $gdm);
if($gdm[0]<2) return FALSE;
if($gdm[0] < 2) return false;

// get file extension
preg_match('/\.[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/U', $img, $matches);
$ext = strtolower($matches[0]);

// check if supplied image is supported and specify actions based on file type
if($ext=='.gif') {
if(!$gd['GIF Create Support']) return FALSE;
} elseif($ext=='.png') {
if(!$gd['PNG Support']) return FALSE;
} elseif($ext=='.jpg' || $ext=='.jpe' || $ext=='.jpeg') {
if(!$gd['JPG Support'] && !$gd['JPEG Support']) return FALSE;
if($ext == '.gif') {
if(!$gd['GIF Create Support']) return false;
$thumbFunc = 'imagegif';
} elseif($ext == '.png') {
if(!$gd['PNG Support']) return false;
$thumbFunc = 'imagepng';
} elseif($ext == '.jpg' || $ext == '.jpe' || $ext == '.jpeg') {
if(!$gd['JPG Support'] && !$gd['JPEG Support']) return false;
$thumbFunc = 'imagejpeg';
} else {
return FALSE;
return false;

// determine thumbnail file name
$thumb=substr($img, 0, -5).str_replace($ext, $id.$ext, substr($img, -5));
$ext = $matches[0];
$thumb = substr($img, 0, -5) . str_replace($ext, $id . $ext, substr($img, -5));

// if the original image smaller than thumb, then just copy it to thumb
if($h>$oh && $w>$ow) {
return (@copy($img, $thumb) ? TRUE : FALSE);
if($h > $oh && $w > $ow) {
return (@copy($img, $thumb) ? true : false);

// get image data
if(!$imgData=imagecreatefromstring(implode('', file($img)))) return FALSE;
if(!$imgData = imagecreatefromstring(implode('', file($img)))) return false;

// finally, create thumbnail
$thumbData=imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
$thumbData = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);

//preserve transparency of png and gif images
if($thumbFunc=='imagepng') {
if(($clr=@imagecolorallocate($thumbData, 0, 0, 0))!=-1) {
if($thumbFunc == 'imagepng') {
if(($clr = @imagecolorallocate($thumbData, 0, 0, 0)) != -1) {
@imagecolortransparent($thumbData, $clr);
@imagealphablending($thumbData, false);
@imagesavealpha($thumbData, true);
} elseif($thumbFunc=='imagegif') {
} elseif($thumbFunc == 'imagegif') {
@imagealphablending($thumbData, false);
if($transIndex>=0) {
$transClr=imagecolorsforindex($imgData, $transIndex);
$transIndex=imagecolorallocatealpha($thumbData, $transClr['red'], $transClr['green'], $transClr['blue'], 127);
$transIndex = imagecolortransparent($imgData);
if($transIndex >= 0) {
$transClr = imagecolorsforindex($imgData, $transIndex);
$transIndex = imagecolorallocatealpha($thumbData, $transClr['red'], $transClr['green'], $transClr['blue'], 127);
imagefill($thumbData, 0, 0, $transIndex);

// resize original image into thumbnail
if(!imagecopyresampled($thumbData, $imgData, 0, 0 , 0, 0, $w, $h, $ow, $oh)) return FALSE;
if(!imagecopyresampled($thumbData, $imgData, 0, 0 , 0, 0, $w, $h, $ow, $oh)) return false;

// gif transparency
if($thumbFunc=='imagegif' && $transIndex>=0) {
if($thumbFunc == 'imagegif' && $transIndex >= 0) {
imagecolortransparent($thumbData, $transIndex);
for($y=0; $y<$h; ++$y)
for($x=0; $x<$w; ++$x)
if(((imagecolorat($thumbData, $x, $y)>>24) & 0x7F) >= 100) imagesetpixel($thumbData, $x, $y, $transIndex);
for($y = 0; $y < $h; ++$y)
for($x = 0; $x < $w; ++$x)
if(((imagecolorat($thumbData, $x, $y) >> 24) & 0x7F) >= 100) imagesetpixel($thumbData, $x, $y, $transIndex);
imagetruecolortopalette($thumbData, true, 255);
imagesavealpha($thumbData, false);

if(!$thumbFunc($thumbData, $thumb)) return FALSE;
if(!$thumbFunc($thumbData, $thumb)) return false;

return TRUE;
return true;
function makeSafe($string, $is_gpc = true) {
@@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ function toBytes($val) {
function convertLegacyOptions($CSVList) {
$CSVList=str_replace(';;;', ';||', $CSVList);
$CSVList=str_replace(';;', '||', $CSVList);
return $CSVList;
return trim($CSVList, '|');
function getValueGivenCaption($query, $caption) {
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions app/admin/incHeader.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function jsValidateEmail(address) {

function jsShowWait() {
return window.confirm("<?php echo $Translation['sending mails']; ?>");
return window.confirm('<?php echo addslashes($Translation['sending mails']); ?>');

function jsValidateAdminSettings() {
@@ -69,38 +69,36 @@ function jsConfirmTransfer() {
var mm=document.getElementById('moveMembers').checked;


if(dmm && !dm) {
modal_window({ message: '<div>'+"<?php echo $Translation['complete step 4']; ?>"+'</div>', title: "<?php echo $Translation['info']; ?>", close: function() { jQuery('#destinationMemberID').focus(); } });
return false;

if(mm && sm!='-1') {

confirmMessage = "<?php echo $Translation['sure move member']; ?>";
confirmMessage = '<?php echo addslashes($Translation['sure move member']); ?>';
confirmMessage = confirmMessage.replace(/<MEMBER>/, sm).replace(/<OLDGROUP>/, sg).replace(/<NEWGROUP>/, dg);
return window.confirm(confirmMessage);

if((dmm || dm) && sm!='-1') {

confirmMessage = "<?php echo $Translation['sure move data of member']; ?>";
confirmMessage = '<?php echo addslashes($Translation['sure move data of member']); ?>';
confirmMessage = confirmMessage.replace(/<OLDMEMBER>/, sm).replace(/<OLDGROUP>/, sg).replace(/<NEWMEMBER>/, dm).replace(/<NEWGROUP>/, dg);
return window.confirm(confirmMessage);

if(mm) {

confirmMessage = "<?php echo $Translation['sure move all members']; ?>";
confirmMessage = '<?php echo addslashes($Translation['sure move all members']); ?>';
confirmMessage = confirmMessage.replace(/<OLDGROUP>/, sg).replace(/<NEWGROUP>/, dg);
return window.confirm(confirmMessage);

if(dmm) {

confirmMessage = "<?php echo $Translation['sure move data of all members']; ?>";
confirmMessage = '<?php echo addslashes($Translation['sure move data of all members']); ?>';
confirmMessage = confirmMessage.replace(/<OLDGROUP>/, sg).replace(/<MEMBER>/, dm).replace(/<NEWGROUP>/, dg);
return window.confirm(confirmMessage);
@@ -223,7 +221,7 @@ function hideDialogs() {
$plugin_icon = '';
if($plugin['glyphicon']) $plugin_icon = "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-{$plugin['glyphicon']}\"></i> ";
if($plugin['icon']) $plugin_icon = "<img src=\"{$plugin['admin_path']}/{$plugin['icon']}\"> ";
if($plugin['icon']) $plugin_icon = "<img class=\"rspacer-md\" src=\"{$plugin['admin_path']}/{$plugin['icon']}\"> ";
<li><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $plugin['admin_path']; ?>"><?php echo $plugin_icon . $plugin['title']; ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions app/admin/pageEditMember.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -494,9 +494,6 @@

/* circumvent browser auto-filling of passwords */
setTimeout(function() { $j('#password').val(''); }, 100);

$j('#username-available, #username-not-available').click(function() { $j('#memberID').focus(); });

$j('#memberID').on('keyup blur', check_user);
49 changes: 31 additions & 18 deletions app/admin/pageHome.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,33 +3,33 @@
$GLOBALS['page_title'] = $Translation['membership management homepage'];

if(!sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_groups where allowSignup=1")) {
$eo = ['silentErrors' => true];

if(!sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `membership_groups` WHERE `allowSignup`=1")) {
$noSignup = true;
<div class="alert alert-info">
<i><?php echo $Translation["attention"]; ?></i>
<br><?php echo $Translation["visitor sign up"]; ?>
<i><?php echo $Translation['attention']; ?></i>
<br><?php echo $Translation['visitor sign up']; ?>

// get the count of records having no owners in each table
$arrTables = getTableList();

foreach($arrTables as $tn=>$tc) {
$countOwned=sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_userrecords where tableName='$tn' and not isnull(groupID)");
$countAll=sqlValue("select count(1) from `$tn`");
foreach($arrTables as $tn => $tc) {
$countOwned = sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM membership_userrecords WHERE tableName='$tn' AND NOT ISNULL(groupID)");
$countAll = sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `$tn`");

if($countAll>$countOwned) {
if($countAll > $countOwned) {
<div class="alert alert-info">
<?php echo $Translation["table data without owner"]; ?>
<?php echo $Translation['table data without owner']; ?>
@@ -148,12 +148,25 @@
<div class="panel-body">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
$res=sql("select lcase(memberID), count(1) from membership_userrecords group by memberID order by 2 desc limit 5", $eo);
while($row=db_fetch_row($res)) {
$res = sql("SELECT LCASE(`memberID`), COUNT(1) FROM `membership_userrecords` GROUP BY `memberID` ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5", $eo);
while($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
<th class="" style="max-width: 10em;"><a href="pageEditMember.php?memberID=<?php echo urlencode($row[0]); ?>" title="<?php echo $Translation["edit member details"]; ?>"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i> <?php echo $row[0]; ?></a></th>
<td class="remaining-width"><a href="pageViewRecords.php?memberID=<?php echo urlencode($row[0]); ?>"><img src="images/data_icon.gif" border="0" alt="<?php echo $Translation["view member records"]; ?>" title="<?php echo $Translation["view member records"]; ?>"></a> <?php echo $row[1]; ?> <?php echo $Translation["records"]; ?></td>
<th class="" style="max-width: 10em;">
<?php if($row[0]) { ?>
<a href="pageEditMember.php?memberID=<?php echo urlencode($row[0]); ?>" title="<?php echo $Translation["edit member details"]; ?>">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i> <?php echo $row[0]; ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil text-muted"></i> <i><?php echo $Translation['none']; ?></i>
<?php } ?>
<td class="remaining-width">
<a href="pageViewRecords.php?memberID=<?php echo urlencode($row[0] ? $row[0] : '{none}'); ?>">
<img src="images/data_icon.gif" border="0" alt="<?php echo $Translation["view member records"]; ?>" title="<?php echo $Translation["view member records"]; ?>">
<?php echo $row[1]; ?> <?php echo $Translation["records"]; ?>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/admin/pageRebuildFields.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function fix_field($fix_table, $fix_field, $schema, &$qry) {

$j('.btn_update, #fix_all').click(function() {
return confirm("<?php echo $Translation['field update warning'] ; ?>");
return confirm('<?php echo addslashes($Translation['field update warning']); ?>');

var count_updates = $j('.btn_update').length;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/admin/pageServerStatus.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$appgini_version = '5.93.1127';
$generated_ts = '11/1/2021 5:42:13 PM';
$appgini_version = '5.93.1128';
$generated_ts = '19/1/2021 8:54:11 PM';

$currDir = dirname(__FILE__);
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions app/admin/pageSettings.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -153,6 +153,10 @@

function setNewPasswordAttribute($html) {
return str_replace(' type="password" ', ' type="password" autocomplete="new-password" ', $html);

function settings_textbox($name, $label, $value, $hint = '', $type = 'text') {
@@ -369,8 +373,8 @@ function settings_checkbox($name, $label, $value, $set_value, $hint = '') {
<div class="tab-pane" id="users-settings">
<div style="height: 3em;"></div>
<?php echo settings_textbox('adminUsername', $Translation['admin username'], $adminConfig['adminUsername']); ?>
<?php echo settings_textbox('adminPassword', $Translation['admin password'], '', $Translation['change admin password'], 'password'); ?>
<?php echo settings_textbox('confirmPassword', $Translation['confirm password'], '', '', 'password'); ?>
<?php echo setNewPasswordAttribute(settings_textbox('adminPassword', $Translation['admin password'], '', $Translation['change admin password'], 'password')); ?>
<?php echo setNewPasswordAttribute(settings_textbox('confirmPassword', $Translation['confirm password'], '', '', 'password')); ?>
<?php echo settings_textbox('anonymousGroup', $Translation['anonymous group'], $adminConfig['anonymousGroup']); ?>
<?php echo settings_textbox('anonymousMember', $Translation['anonymous user name'], $adminConfig['anonymousMember']); ?>
24 changes: 17 additions & 7 deletions app/admin/pageTransferOwnership.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -327,13 +327,23 @@
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="step-details">
$anon_group_safe = makeSafe($adminConfig['anonymousGroup'], false);
$noMove = ($sourceGroupID == sqlValue("select groupID from membership_groups where name='{$anon_group_safe}'"));
$destinationHasMembers = sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_users where groupID='{$destinationGroupID}'");

if(!$noMove) {
echo $Translation['move records'] ;
$anon_group_safe = makeSafe(config('adminConfig')['anonymousGroup']);
$anonGroupId = sqlValue("SELECT groupID FROM membership_groups WHERE name='{$anon_group_safe}'");

// present option to move member to destination group only if
// source/destination group is not anonymous group and
// source member is not super admin and
// source member is not 'all members'
$noMove = (
$sourceGroupID == $anonGroupId ||
$destinationGroupID == $anonGroupId ||
$sourceMemberID == config('adminConfig')['adminUsername'] ||
$sourceMemberID == -1

$destinationHasMembers = sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM membership_users WHERE groupID='{$destinationGroupID}'");

if(!$noMove) echo $Translation['move records'];

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/admin/pageViewGroups.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<?php if(!$groupMembersCount) { ?>
<a href="pageDeleteGroup.php?groupID=<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"
title="<?php echo $Translation['delete group'] ; ?>"
onClick="return confirm('<?php echo $Translation['confirm delete group'] ; ?>');">
onClick="return confirm('<?php echo addslashes($Translation['confirm delete group']); ?>');">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash text-danger"></i>
<?php } else { ?>

0 comments on commit 4e4d8d0

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