Configurable Ionic directive for an indexed list with a configurable scroll bar.
#Table of contents
Use bower to install the new module. For reference,
bower install --save
If you would like to use this in your own app, see for the library, without the supporting demo code.
To use the ion-index-scroll
directive simply add the following snippet to your template:
<ion-index-scroll ng-model="model" sort-key="keyName" display-key="displayKeyName" num-display-chars="int" use-complete-alphabet="true" subheader="true">
Content Goes here...
where 'ng-model' is the model you would like to sort 'sort-key' is the name of the key you would like to sort by. 'display-key' is the name of the value displayed in both the sidebar and headers. 'num-display-chars' is an optional integer value from 1 to 3 which constrains the number of characters used in the display key. Default = 1. 'use-full-alphabet' is optional, and when set to "true", displays the full range of 26 alphabet characters in the scrollbar, and num-display-chars is overridden to equal 1. 'subheader' is optional, to be set if using a subheader in the view to allow proper scroll height.
For most use cases, 'sort-key' and 'display-key' will be equivalent, in which case only one need be specified. However, in some scenarios, one may wish to sort by a hidden value which differs from the displayed value. An example of this behavior is provided.
To display the properties of each item in the model, you can use the 'item' object within the directive:
<ion-index-scroll ng-model="model" sort-key="keyName">
<div>Name: {{}}</div>
<div>Address: {{item.address}}</div>
Here is a simple example:
angular.module('', [])
.factory('Contacts', function () {
// Some fake testing data
var contacts = [
id: 0,
name: 'Cow Bells',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 1,
name: 'Hopdoddy Bar',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'Freddie\'s Place',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Franklin BBQ',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 4,
name: 'Soco Burgers',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 5,
name: 'Sandy\'s Burgers',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 6,
name: 'Wholly Cow',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 7,
name: 'Uncle Billy\'s',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 8,
name: 'P Terrys',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 9,
name: 'Shake Shack',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
}, {
id: 10,
name: 'Five Guys',
address: '123 Fake St.',
face: ''
return {
all: function () {
return contacts;
remove: function (contact) {
contacts.splice(contacts.indexOf(contact), 1);
get: function (contactId) {
for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
if (contacts[i].id === parseInt(contactId)) {
return contacts[i];
return null;
angular.module('starter.controllers', [])
.controller('ContactsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Contacts', function ($scope, Contacts) {
$scope.contacts = Contacts.all();
<ion-view view-title="Contacts">
<ion-alpha-scroll ng-model="contacts" sort-key="name">
A more complex example follows, where the sort key differs from the displayed key. Specifically, we sort by the hidden "position" key, which represents the natural ordering. However, the scroll index is represented by one of the four primary or permanent keys representing the common nomenclature, but having no consistent ordering behavior. Also, note that selecting one of primary keys will not display a list or header element when the values are empty:
angular.module('', [])
.factory('Teeth', function () {
var teeth = [
position: 1,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '18',
permanentUniversal: '1',
permanentDescription: 'Third Molar'
}, {
position: 2,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '17',
permanentUniversal: '2',
permanentDescription: 'Second Molar'
}, {
position: 3,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '16',
permanentUniversal: '3',
permanentDescription: 'First Molar'
}, {
position: 4,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '55',
primaryUniversal: 'A',
primaryDescription: 'Second Molar',
permanentFdi: '15',
permanentUniversal: '4',
permanentDescription: 'Second Premolar'
}, {
position: 5,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '54',
primaryUniversal: 'B',
primaryDescription: 'First Molar',
permanentFdi: '14',
permanentUniversal: '5',
permanentDescription: 'First Premolar'
}, {
position: 6,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '53',
primaryUniversal: 'C',
primaryDescription: 'Canine',
permanentFdi: '13',
permanentUniversal: '6',
permanentDescription: 'Canine'
}, {
position: 7,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '52',
primaryUniversal: 'D',
primaryDescription: 'Lateral Incisor',
permanentFdi: '12',
permanentUniversal: '7',
permanentDescription: 'Lateral Incisor'
}, {
position: 8,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 1,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Right',
primaryFdi: '51',
primaryUniversal: 'E',
primaryDescription: 'Central Incisor',
permanentFdi: '11',
permanentUniversal: '8',
permanentDescription: 'Central Incisor'
}, {
position: 9,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '61',
primaryUniversal: 'F',
primaryDescription: 'Central Incisor',
permanentFdi: '21',
permanentUniversal: '9',
permanentDescription: 'Central Incisor'
}, {
position: 10,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '62',
primaryUniversal: 'G',
primaryDescription: 'Lateral Incisor',
permanentFdi: '22',
permanentUniversal: '10',
permanentDescription: 'Lateral Incisor'
}, {
position: 11,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '63',
primaryUniversal: 'H',
primaryDescription: 'Canine',
permanentFdi: '23',
permanentUniversal: '11',
permanentDescription: 'Canine'
}, {
position: 12,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '64',
primaryUniversal: 'I',
primaryDescription: 'First Molar',
permanentFdi: '24',
permanentUniversal: '12',
permanentDescription: 'First Premolar'
}, {
position: 13,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '65',
primaryUniversal: 'J',
primaryDescription: 'Second Molar',
permanentFdi: '25',
permanentUniversal: '13',
permanentDescription: 'Second Premolar'
}, {
position: 14,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '26',
permanentUniversal: '14',
permanentDescription: 'First Molar'
}, {
position: 15,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '27',
permanentUniversal: '15',
permanentDescription: 'Second Molar'
}, {
position: 16,
arch: 'maxillary',
quadrant: 2,
quadrantDescription: 'Upper Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primaryDescription: '',
permanentFdi: '28',
permanentUniversal: '16',
permanentDescription: 'Third Molar'
} , {
position: 17,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '38',
permanentUniversal: '17',
permanentDescription: 'Third Molar',
}, {
position: 18,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '37',
permanentUniversal: '18',
permanentDescription: 'Second Molar',
}, {
position: 19,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '36',
permanentUniversal: '19',
permanentDescription: 'First Molar',
}, {
position: 20,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '75',
primaryUniversal: 'K',
primary_description: 'Second Molar',
permanentFdi: '35',
permanentUniversal: '20',
permanentDescription: 'Second Premolar',
}, {
position: 21,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '74',
primaryUniversal: 'L',
primary_description: 'First Molar',
permanentFdi: '34',
permanentUniversal: '21',
permanentDescription: 'First Premolar',
}, {
position: 22,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '73',
primaryUniversal: 'M',
primary_description: 'Canine',
permanentFdi: '33',
permanentUniversal: '22',
permanentDescription: 'Canine',
}, {
position: 23,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '72',
primaryUniversal: 'N',
primary_description: 'Lateral Incisor',
permanentFdi: '32',
permanentUniversal: '23',
permanentDescription: 'Lateral Incisor',
}, {
position: 24,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 3,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Left',
primaryFdi: '71',
primaryUniversal: 'O',
primary_description: 'Central Incisor',
permanentFdi: '31',
permanentUniversal: '24',
permanentDescription: 'Central Incisor',
}, {
position: 25,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '81',
primaryUniversal: 'P',
primary_description: 'Central Incisor',
permanentFdi: '41',
permanentUniversal: '25',
permanentDescription: 'Central Incisor',
}, {
position: 26,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '82',
primaryUniversal: 'Q',
primary_description: 'Lateral Incisor',
permanentFdi: '42',
permanentUniversal: '26',
permanentDescription: 'Lateral Incisor',
}, {
position: 27,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '83',
primaryUniversal: 'R',
primary_description: 'Canine',
permanentFdi: '43',
permanentUniversal: '27',
permanentDescription: 'Canine',
}, {
position: 28,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '84',
primaryUniversal: 'S',
primary_description: 'First Molar',
permanentFdi: '44',
permanentUniversal: '28',
permanentDescription: 'First Premolar',
}, {
position: 29,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '85',
primaryUniversal: 'T',
primary_description: 'Second Molar',
permanentFdi: '45',
permanentUniversal: '29',
permanentDescription: 'Second Premolar',
}, {
position: 30,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '46',
permanentUniversal: '30',
permanentDescription: 'First Molar'
}, {
position: 31,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '47',
permanentUniversal: '31',
permanentDescription: 'Second Molar',
}, {
position: 32,
arch: 'mandibular',
quadrant: 4,
quadrantDescription: 'Lower Right',
primaryFdi: '',
primaryUniversal: '',
primary_description: '',
permanentFdi: '48',
permanentUniversal: '32',
permanentDescription: 'Third Molar',
return {
all: function () {
return teeth;
ids: function (dentitionAge, dentitionLocale) {
var returnArray = [];
function arraysIdentical(a, b) {
var i = a.length;
if (i != b.length) return false;
while (i--) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
for (var t in teeth) {
if (arraysIdentical(['primary', 'fdi'], [dentitionAge, dentitionLocale])) {
else if (arraysIdentical(['primary', 'universal'], [dentitionAge, dentitionLocale])) {
else if (arraysIdentical(['permanent', 'fdi'], [dentitionAge, dentitionLocale])) {
else if (arraysIdentical(['permanent', 'universal'], [dentitionAge, dentitionLocale])) {
else {
console.log('Failed to map teeth notation from the arguments provided');
console.log('t = ', t, ', dentitionAge = ', dentitionAge, ', dentitionLocale = ', dentitionLocale);
return returnArray;
toothDescriptions: function (dentitionAge) {
var returnArray = [];
for (var t in teeth) {
switch (dentitionAge) {
case 'primary':
case 'permanent':
console.log('Failed to map teeth descriptions from the arguments provided');
return returnArray;
maxIdLength: function (dentitionAge, dentitionLocale) {
return (dentitionAge === 'primary' && dentitionLocale === 'universal') ? 1 : 2;
angular.module('starter.controllers', [])
.controller('ContactsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Contacts', function ($scope, Contacts) {
$scope.contacts = Contacts.all();
.controller('TeethCtrl', ['$scope', 'Teeth', function ($scope, Teeth) {
$scope.teeth = Teeth.all();
$scope.toothIds = Teeth.ids('permanent', 'fdi');
$scope.toothDescriptions = Teeth.toothDescriptions('permanent');
$scope.maxIdLength = Teeth.maxIdLength('permanent', 'fdi');
.controller('AccountCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.settings = {
enableFriends: true
<ion-view view-title="Teeth">
<ion-index-scroll ng-model="teeth" sort-key="position" display-key="permanentFdi" num-display-chars="2">
Using the sidebar index with the full alphabet option can lead to hyperlinks to the first divider header when list elements do not exist for that index, rather than to the nearest logical divider.
Initial inspiration and code taken from this codepen by mikelucid. Further adapted from by aquint.
The Ionic index-scroll directive is available under the MIT license.