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binghe committed Mar 4, 2025
2 parents 78210ed + b8aab1e commit 0929daa
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Showing 24 changed files with 339 additions and 1,204 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Manual/Developers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Under both Moscow ML and Poly/ML the following are created:
: This tool creates LaTeX mungers, as described in the *DESCRIPTION* manual.

: This is the quotation filter embodied as a Unix filter, with a variety of options to specify behaviour. Note that this is not used by Poly/ML HOL, but can be useful there to see what the filter (as embodied by the `QFRead` module) is doing when it messes with user input.
: This is the quotation filter embodied as a Unix filter, with a variety of options to specify behaviour. Note that this is not used by Poly/ML HOL, but can be useful there to see what the filter (as embodied by the `HolParser` module) is doing when it messes with user input.

Under Poly/ML, the following additional files will appear:

Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions examples/cv_compute/cv_eval_exampleScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Demonstrates use of cv_eval_pat
open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib;
open cv_transLib cv_stdTheory

val _ = new_theory "cv_eval_example";

Definition test_def:
test n = if n = 0 then NONE else SOME (n+1, n+2, REPLICATE n T)

val _ = cv_trans test_def;

(* The following example demonstrates that the given pattern,
Some (Tuple ...), instructs cv_eval_pat what to do with the
result of evaluation. In this example, we can see that the
result must be a SOME containing a tuple and the elements
of the tuple are handled as follows.
- The first is just directly evaluated.
- The second is left untouched after the raw cv computation.
- The third is stored in a new constant, big_replicate, that
can be used in subsequent calls to cv_trans, cv_eval, etc.
val res = cv_eval_pat
(Some (Tuple [Eval EVAL, Raw, Name "big_replicate"]))
“test 10000”;
(* returns:
⊢ test 10000 = SOME (10001,cv$c2n (Num 10002),big_replicate)

val res = cv_eval “LENGTH big_replicate”;
(* returns:
⊢ LENGTH big_replicate = 10000

val _ = (max_print_depth := 10);
val _ = export_theory();
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions examples/separationLogic/src/holfoot/poly/build-state.hol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ val _ = holfoot_auto_verify_spec (examplesDir ^ "/automatic/list.sf")
val _ = holfoot_verify_spec (examplesDir ^ "/automatic/mergesort.sf") [];

use (Globals.HOLDIR ^ "/tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml");

val _ = HOL_Interactive.toggle_quietdec();

(* save state *)
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/1/TypeBase.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,11 +65,7 @@ val bool_info =
{ax=ORIG boolTheory.boolAxiom,
induction = ORIG boolTheory.bool_INDUCT,
case_def = boolTheory.bool_case_thm,
case_eq =
case_def = boolTheory.bool_case_thm,
nchotomy = boolTheory.BOOL_CASES_AX
case_eq = boolTheory.bool_case_eq,
case_elim =
case_def = boolTheory.bool_case_thm,
Expand Down
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/bool/boolScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3534,6 +3534,64 @@ in

bool_case_eq =
|- (bool_case t1 t2 x = v) <=>
(x <=> T) /\ t1 = v \/ (x <=> F) /\ t2 = v
val bool_case_eq = thm (#(FILE), #(LINE))("bool_case_eq",
let val x = “x:bool”
val t1 = “t1:'a”
val t2 = “t2:'a”
val v = “v:'a”
val eq = “$=”
val conj = “$/\”
val disj = “$\/”
val tm1 = “t1 = v”
val tm2 = “t2 = v”
val thmT1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM eq COND1) v
val thmF1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM eq COND2) v
val [TT,FF] = map (EQT_INTRO o REFL) [“T”,“F”]
val thmT2 =
val thml1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM conj TT) tm1
val thml2 = SPEC tm1 AND1
val thml = TRANS thml1 thml2
val thmr1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM conj TF) tm2
val thmr2 = SPEC tm2 AND3
val thmr = TRANS thmr1 thmr2
val thm1 = MK_COMB (AP_TERM disj thml, thmr)
TRANS thm1 (SPEC tm1 OR4)
val thmF2 =
val thmr1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM conj FF) tm2
val thmr2 = SPEC tm2 AND1
val thmr = TRANS thmr1 thmr2
val thml1 = AP_THM (AP_TERM conj FT) tm1
val thml2 = SPEC tm1 AND3
val thml = TRANS thml1 thml2
val thm1 = MK_COMB (AP_TERM disj thml, thmr)
TRANS thm1 (SPEC tm2 OR3)
val thmT3 = TRANS thmT1 (SYM thmT2)
val thmF3 = TRANS thmF1 (SYM thmF2)
val tm = “(if x then t1 else t2) = v <=> (((x <=> T) /\ t1 = v) \/ ((x <=> F) /\ t2 = v))”
val thT4 = SUBST_CONV [x |-> ASSUME “x = T”] tm tm
and thF4 = SUBST_CONV [x |-> ASSUME “x = F”] tm tm
val thmT = EQ_MP (SYM thT4) thmT3
val thmF = EQ_MP (SYM thF4) thmF3

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* bool_case_ID = |- !x b. bool_case x x b = x *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand Down
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_transLib.sig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,16 @@ sig
(* The conv should evaluate `from <deep_embedding>` *)
val cv_trans_deep_embedding : conv -> thm -> unit

val cv_eqs_for : term -> thm list
val cv_eval_raw : term -> thm
val cv_eval : term -> thm
datatype pat = Raw
| Eval of conv
| Name of string
| Tuple of pat list
| Some of pat;

val cv_eqs_for : term -> thm list
val cv_eval : term -> thm
val cv_eval_raw : term -> thm
val cv_eval_pat : pat -> term -> thm

val cv_termination_tac : tactic

Expand Down
82 changes: 68 additions & 14 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_transLib.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -876,7 +876,13 @@ fun cv_eqs_for tm = let

val _ = computeLib.add_funs [cv_fst_def,cv_snd_def];

fun cv_eval_raw tm = let
datatype pat = Raw
| Eval of conv
| Name of string
| Tuple of pat list
| Some of pat;

fun cv_eval_pat pat tm = let
val _ = List.null (free_vars tm) orelse failwith "cv_eval needs input to be closed"
val th = cv_rep_for [] tm
val ty = type_of tm
Expand All @@ -887,19 +893,67 @@ fun cv_eval_raw tm = let
val cv_eqs = cv_time cv_eqs_for cv_tm
val _ = cv_print Verbose ("Found " ^ int_to_string (length cv_eqs) ^ " cv code equations to use.\n")
val cv_conv = cv_computeLib.cv_compute cv_eqs
val th1 = MATCH_MP cv_rep_eval th
val th2 = MATCH_MP th1 from_to_thm
val th3 = th2 |> UNDISCH_ALL
val _ = cv_print Verbose "Calling cv_compute.\n"
val th4 = cv_time (CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV cv_conv))) th3
val th5 = remove_T_IMP (DISCH_ALL th4)
in th5 end;

fun cv_eval tm = let
val th = cv_eval_raw tm
val _ = cv_print Verbose "Using EVAL to convert from cv to original types.\n"
val th = cv_time (CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV EVAL)) (UNDISCH_ALL th)
val th = th |> DISCH_ALL |> remove_T_IMP
in th end;
val th0 = th |> CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) cv_conv)
|> CONV_RULE (REWR_CONV cv_rep_def) |> UNDISCH
val _ = cv_print Verbose "Abbreviating result.\n"
val abbrev_defs = ref ([] : (string * thm) list)
fun make_abbrevs Raw th = th
| make_abbrevs (Eval _) th = th
| make_abbrevs (Name name) th = let
val (tm1,tm2) = concl th |> dest_eq
val cv_ty =
val name_tm = mk_var("cv_" ^ name, mk_type("fun",[cv_ty,cv_ty]))
val num_0 = cvSyntax.mk_cv_num(numSyntax.term_of_int 0)
val def_eq = mk_eq(mk_comb(name_tm,mk_var("x",cv_ty)),tm2)
val cv_def = new_definition("cv_" ^ name ^ "_def", def_eq)
val th1 = th |> CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (fn tm => SPEC num_0 cv_def |> SYM))
val tm3 = tm1 |> rand
val abbrev_def = new_definition(name ^ "_def", mk_eq(mk_var(name,type_of tm3),tm3))
val _ = (abbrev_defs := (name,abbrev_def) :: (!abbrev_defs))
(fn tm => abbrev_def |> SYM))
val th3 = remove_T_IMP (DISCH_ALL th2) handle HOL_ERR _ => th2
val _ = save_thm("cv_" ^ name ^ "_thm[cv_rep]",th3)
in th1 end
| make_abbrevs (Tuple []) th = failwith "Empty Tuples are not supported"
| make_abbrevs (Tuple [x]) th = make_abbrevs x th
| make_abbrevs (Tuple (x::xs)) th = let
val th0 = MATCH_MP from_pair_eq_IMP th
val th1 = make_abbrevs x (CONJUNCT1 th0)
val th2 = make_abbrevs (Tuple xs) (CONJUNCT2 th0)
in MATCH_MP IMP_from_pair_eq (CONJ th1 th2) end
| make_abbrevs (Some x) th = let
val th0 = MATCH_MP from_option_eq_IMP th
val th1 = make_abbrevs x (CONJUNCT1 th0)
val th2 = CONJUNCT2 th0
in MATCH_MP IMP_from_option_eq (CONJ th1 th2) end
val th1 = make_abbrevs pat th0
val th2 = CONV_RULE (REWR_CONV (GSYM cv_rep_def)) (DISCH T th1)
val th3 = MATCH_MP cv_rep_eval th2
val th4 = MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP th3 from_to_thm) TRUTH
fun use_abbrevs Raw th = th
| use_abbrevs (Eval conv) th =
| use_abbrevs (Name name) th =
snd (first (fn (n,th) => n = name) (!abbrev_defs)) |> SYM
| use_abbrevs (Tuple []) th = failwith "Empty Tuples are not supported"
| use_abbrevs (Tuple [x]) th = use_abbrevs x th
| use_abbrevs (Tuple (x::xs)) th = let
val th0 = MATCH_MP to_pair_IMP th
val th1 = use_abbrevs x (CONJUNCT1 th0)
val th2 = use_abbrevs (Tuple xs) (CONJUNCT2 th0)
in MATCH_MP IMP_to_pair (CONJ th1 th2) end
| use_abbrevs (Some x) th = let
val th0 = MATCH_MP to_option_IMP th
val th1 = use_abbrevs x (CONJUNCT1 th0)
val th2 = CONJUNCT2 th0
in MATCH_MP IMP_to_option (CONJ th1 th2) end
val th5 = use_abbrevs pat th4
in DISCH_ALL th5 end;

fun cv_eval_raw tm = cv_eval_pat Raw tm;

fun cv_eval tm = cv_eval_pat (Eval EVAL) tm;

54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_typeScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,4 +284,58 @@ Proof
Cases_on ‘v’ \\ fs [from_pair_def]

Theorem from_pair_eq_IMP:
from_pair f1 f2 x = Pair y1 y2 ==>
f1 (FST x) = y1 /\ f2 (SND x) = y2
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ rw [] \\ gvs [from_pair_def]

Theorem IMP_from_pair_eq:
f1 (FST x) = y1 /\ f2 (SND x) = y2 ==>
from_pair f1 f2 x = Pair y1 y2
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ rw [] \\ gvs [from_pair_def]

Theorem from_option_eq_IMP:
from_option f1 x = Pair (Num 1) y1 ==>
f1 (THE x) = y1 /\ IS_SOME x
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ rw [] \\ gvs [from_option_def]

Theorem IMP_from_option_eq:
f1 (THE x) = y1 /\ IS_SOME x ==>
from_option f1 x = Pair (Num 1) y1
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ rw [] \\ gvs [from_option_def]

Theorem to_pair_IMP:
x = to_pair t1 t2 (Pair x1 x2) ==>
FST x = t1 x1 /\ SND x = t2 x2
rw [to_pair_def]

Theorem IMP_to_pair:
FST x = y1 /\ SND x = y2 ==> x = (y1,y2)
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ gvs []

Theorem to_option_IMP:
x = to_option t1 (Pair x1 x2) ==>
THE x = t1 x2 /\ IS_SOME x
rw [to_option_def]

Theorem IMP_to_option:
THE x = y1 /\ IS_SOME x ==> x = SOME y1
Cases_on ‘x’ \\ gvs []

val _ = export_theory();
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tools-poly/configure.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -426,7 +426,6 @@ val _ = work_in_dir
"Holmake" (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "Holmake", "poly"])
(fn () => (OS.FileSys.chDir "..";
systeml [lexer, "HolLex"];
systeml [lexer, "QuoteFilter"];
OS.FileSys.chDir "poly";
polyc_compile (SOME "../mlton/")
"poly-Holmake.ML" hmakebin))
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions tools-poly/poly/poly-init2.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ val _ = use "Holmake/Systeml.sml"
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/AttributeSyntax.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/AttributeSyntax.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolLex.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFS_dtype.sml";
Expand All @@ -16,8 +15,6 @@ val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/poly/HFS_NameMunge.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFS_dtype.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFileSys.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFileSys.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sml";
val _ = use "poly/quse.sig";
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tools/Holmake/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions tools/Holmake/HolParser.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,8 +309,6 @@ structure ToSML = struct
val filename = ref filename
val {read, readAt} = mkDoubleReader read 0
val feed = mkParser {read = read, pos = ~1 (* fix for mllex bug *), parseError = parseError}
val lookahead = ref NONE
fun feed' () = case !lookahead of SOME tk => tk | NONE => feed ()
val inThmVal = ref false
fun finishThmVal () = if !inThmVal then (aux ");"; inThmVal := false) else ()
val line = ref (0, 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -551,7 +549,7 @@ structure ToSML = struct
and doDecls start [] stop = regular (start, stop)
| doDecls start (d :: ds) stop = doDecls (doDecl false start d) ds stop
in {
feed = feed',
feed = feed,
regular = regular,
finishThmVal = finishThmVal,
doDecl = doDecl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,8 +593,6 @@ fun exhaust_parser (read, close) =
recurse []

fun mkstate b = {inscriptp = b, quotefixp = false}

fun file_to_parser fname = let
val instrm = openIn fname
(* val isscript = String.isSuffix "Script.sml" fname *)
Expand Down
26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig

This file was deleted.


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