Integrate multiomics data using knowledge graph and Graph Convolutional Networks
- Alberto Labarga
- María Gomez
- Robert Hoehndorf
- Nuria Queralt
We have integrated the following data resources
- Uniprot
- mirDB
- DisGeNet
- Rhea
- Drugbank (WIP)
to generate a biomedical knowledge graph
An updated visual description of the Knowledge Graph is here
The workflow and queries for constructing the knowledge graph is available here.
- Biostudies mapping to knowledge graph
- Multiomics data RDF representation definition
- We develop an OMOP SPARQL endpoint using:
- Mapheator:
- We developed a set of notebooks for benchmarking different clinical NLP extraction tools to enrich EHR structured data with the information contained in clinical texts. The notebooks are available at the src/nlp/notebooks folder.
For our use case, we integrated the different omics and clinical data with the knowledge graph to create a networkx-based graph representation. We then explore different Graph Neural Networks libraries that could be used for the different biological questions we had. The libraries we used where
- StellarGraph:
Other technologies leveraged were:
- SPARQLWrapper
- RDFlib
- Networkx
The algorithms proposed for the different use cases are:
- Patient classification: Graph classification
- Biomarker prediction: Node classification
- Data imputation: Node feature prediction
- Drup reporpousing: Link prediction
and the notebooks are available at the src/gcn/notebooks folder.
Check for a more detailed view of work done during Biohackathon