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Luca Matteis edited this page Aug 12, 2013 · 8 revisions

August 12th

  1. As we have a limit of 100.000 points with Google fusion tables we had discussed to see if we can simply divide the table “MISSIONS_SAMPLES_SITES” in two separate tables by the CN number. Table 1: ID_MISSION CN001 - CN300 and Table 2: CN301 – CN598 (both about 80.000 records each). Of course we need to link each of them with the other related tables (see attached png)

  2. Create a new query interface for “Musa descriptors”: Clicking on the start page below “Choose a query…” on “Traits”, a window should pop up that lets the user choose for which crop we have traits available (at the moment they are 6) that can be queried. This means in our case that the user should be able to choose between: Musa, Ipomoea, Dioscorea, Manihot, Sorghum and Pennisetum.

  3. Choosing “Musa” the user should see a similar interface as in “MGIS” (see attached image file). You can see that MGIS has 3 chapters (Agronomic evaluation 7, stress descriptors 8-9 and Morpho Taxonomy 6) with a total of 12 sub-chapters with drop down menu etc. but as we have more data types extracted we would need: 6 chapters (Collecting descriptors 2, Environment 5, Characterization 6, Evaluation 7, Abiotic stress 8, Biotic stress 9) with a total of 36 sub-chapters with drop down menu etc. All these names and corresponding descriptor numbers are in the table “Lookup_Musa_Descriptors” in the updated access db “Bioversity Collecting Missions 1.2 2013-07-27_backup” that I put on the allshare: O:\AllShare\HANNES\For Luca

  4. The table “Musa descriptors” (always in the db on the allshare) includes 171 descriptors now that follow the “Descriptors for Musa 1996” (it has the same chapter, sub-chapter and descriptor name codes i.e. 9_1_1) and about 80 of them have also a crop ontology code in the name field.

  5. Luca, you should be able to associate each of the descriptors (in the Musa descriptors table) by its code to the 6 chapters and 36 sub-chapter names (in the Lookup_Musa_Descriptors table) and create a query interface (similar to MGIS). The result should be visible on the map (points) that should include the information form all the descriptors for the chosen sample(s) and also the passport data related to them from the table “MISSIONS_SAMPLES_SITES” and the accession number and institute form the “ACCESSIONS” table. All this information should be downloadable.


  1. When you access a mission, you want to download also the trait information for each mission.
  2. URL for mission and for each sample (ID_mission)+(id_new_sample)
  3. Trait query interface should be like MGIS, with the drop-down of descriptors categories so users can filter
  4. Find out how the limit of 100,000 points being displayed on map of Fusion Tables (either split or PAY)
  5. Enable Accession query.
  6. Enable queries: Give me all accessions from one genebank (ICARDA, USDA-GRIN), in a specific country or of a specific crop.
  7. Investigate on additional layers (climate,...).
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