Releases: birgersp/dcs-gws
Releases · birgersp/dcs-gws
- Added randomization of units
- Added "base links" feature, bases can now be disabled on destroying units
- Removed MIST from project
- Various improvements and bugfixes
- Fixed critical bug in auto-initialization (thanks Invisibull)
- Fixed unnecesarry route re-calculations
- Fixed on-road units going off road before reaching destination
- Split up examples into separate files
- Simplified functions
- Cleaned up documentation
- Simplified task force declarations
- Task force groups and units can now be specified in mission, and added automatically
- Reinforcing and advancing timers are now started automatically (can be overriden)
- Using roads is now task-specific
- Task forces will now move through previous tasks to get to current target
- Added "scanUnits" function
- Added "stopReinforcing" function
- Added "addUnits" function, multiple types of units can now be in the same task force group
- Changed reinforcement system (only reinforcing whole groups)
- Fixed Mi-8/UH-1 crash
- Removed "Intel On Closest Enemy Vehicles" feature
- Various minor changes
- Added task force speed modifier
- Added ability for task forces to use roads
- Added task force maximum route distance between waypoints
- Various code cleanup / fixes
- Updated example mission script to show new features
- Added docs
- Added modifier to set skill of task forces
- Minor code improvements
- Minor bugfixes
- Fixed reinforcement units initial heading
- Fixed reinforcement terminology
- Fixed various bugs in task force class