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Convert the case of keys in an object (e. g. to camelCase), or simply convert the case of a string to another case.
{ camelCased: 'some value' } => { snake_cased: 'some value' }
$ yarn add @bitchcraft/ocake
$ npm install -P @bitchcraft/ocake
convertKeys(haystack: Object, replacer: (key: string) => string): Object
Creates an identical object where the keys have been converted to the desired case.
- haystack can be any plain object including arrays
- replacer function which takes a string and returns a string:
(key: string) => string
. You can use one of the supplied StringConverters.
import { convertKeys, StringConverters } from '@bitchcraft/ocake';
const payload = convertKeys({
userName: 'Sam Axe',
userId: 5462,
clientId: 17,
}, StringConverters.toKebabCase);
const requestBody = JSON.stringify(payload);
var convertKeys = require('@bitchcraft/ocake').convertKeys;
var toKebabCase = require('@bitchcraft/ocake').StringConverters.toKebabCase;
var payload = convertKeys({
userName: 'Sam Axe',
userId: 5462,
clientId: 17
}, StringConverters.toKebabCase);
const requestBody = JSON.stringify(payload);
Convert the case in a string to another case, e. g.
'sentence case' => 'sentenceCase'
All string converters provided by OCake currently use no-case, which converts using a common intermediary. There are no source-target-pair specific replacers. Meaning that every conversion in fact first converts to sentence case before converting to the target case, e. g. when converting to snake case: 'unknownCase' -> 'unknown case' -> 'unknown_case'
. This has to be kept in mind when designing your app for roundtrip conversion. In that case you either have to be aware of the limitations or provide your own source-target specific replacers.
Known limitations are:
- Tall-man-case does not work roundtrip, because of ambiguity with camel case. (
'someTALLMANCASEkey' -> 'some tallmancase ekey' -> 'someTallmancaseEkey' -> 'some tallmancase ekey' -> 'someTALLMANCASekey' -> …
) - Odd camel case is not preserved on roundtrip (
'XMLHttpRequest' -> 'xml http request' -> 'XmlHttpRequest'
) - When converting keys that contain numbers, some cases cannot properly store subtle differences, e. g. (
'snake_case_1' -> 'snakeCase1' -> 'snake_case1'
List of provided StringReplacers
Replacer | Description |
toCamelCase() |
alias for toLowerCamelCase |
toLowerCamelCase() |
e. g. 'theCakeIsFake' |
toUpperCamelCase() |
e. g. 'TheCakeIsFake' |
toKebabCase() |
e. g. 'the-cake-is-fake' |
toAngryKebabCase() |
e. g. 'THE-CAKE-IS-FAKE' |
toSnakeCase() |
e. g. 'the_cake_is_fake' |
toAngrySnakeCase() |
e. g. 'THE_CAKE_IS_FAKE' |
toSentenceCase() |
e. g. the cake is fake |
toTitleCase() |
e. g. 'The Cake Is Fake' |
toShoutCase() |
e. g. 'THE CAKE IS FAKE' |
toTallManCase() |
e. g. 'theCAKEisFAKE' |
// babel: env, stage-0, flow
import { convertKeys, StringConverters } from '@bitchcraft/ocake/src/Ocake';
import convertKeys from '@bitchcraft/ocake/src/convertKeys';
import StringConverters, { toCamelCase, … } from '@bitchcraft/ocake/src/StringConverters';
Gzipped size (non-minified) is around 19KB, with 47% of that taken up by core-js. You can check out the bundle analytics for the non-minified bundle.
Please file issues in Github
We are open for PRs. Please respect to the linting rules.
Keyconst is free software und the BSD-3-Clause (see LICENSE.md).
- Josh Li (Maintainer)