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Jetpack Compose Android Component to play Bitmovin Streams. Api reference is available at


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Bitmovin Streams on Android

This library features the BitmovinStream, which is a Jetpack Compose component to play Bitmovin Streams natively on Android.

The component is built on top of the Bitmovin Android Android.

It's properties are highly customizable and can be used in a variety of ways, from simple video playback to more complex use cases.

Note: If you are planning really advanced/deep use cases, we recommend using the Bitmovin Player Android SDK directly and building your own "Stream Player" on top of it to have full control over the player and suite your needs better. This project still can be a reference on how to build for Compose and Streams.

Getting Started

Add the Bitmovin Maven artifactory to your settings.gradle.kts file:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("")

Add the following to your build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

Or your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.bitmovin.streams:streams-android-sdk:<LATEST_VERSION>'

Finally, each activity that uses the BitmovinStream component must be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file with the following configuration:


You're all set! You can now use the BitmovinStream component in your project.


It has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Value Description
streamId None The stream id that you want to play. This is the only required property.
modifier Modifier The modifier to be applied to the Stream component.
authenticationToken null The access token to be used for the stream. Only necessary whenever the stream is protected with a signing key.
autoPlay false If true, the stream will start playing as soon as the component is loaded. Default is true.
muted false If true, the stream will be muted. Default is false.
loop false If true, the video will repeat itself when the end is reached. It's not recommended on long format videos. Always false when the stream is Live.
poster null The URL to a preview image displayed until the video starts. The property have the priority over the stream preview image if it is set.
startTime 0.0 The starting playback of the Stream in seconds.
subtitles Empty List Specifies an list of external subtitles to be used in the player. The values have to be of the type SubtitleTrack
streamListener null The listener for the player events.
enableAds true If true, ads will be enabled.
fullscreenConfig true The configuration for the fullscreen mode.
styleConfig None The style configuration for the player.
allLogs false If true, all logs will be printed. Otherwise, only the warnings and errors will be printed.

There is an alternative way to setup the component using Configuration object:

Parameter Default Value Description
config None The configuration object you want to pass. Configuration object own all the properties written above aside from the modifier.
modifier Modifier The modifier to be applied to the Stream component.

Note: The parameters only have effect on composition (first load). Changing the properties after the component is created will not have any effect. If you want to change the properties on the fly, we recommend encapsulating the BitmovinStream in the key compose keyword to get controls over the loading. However, it will force everything to be reloaded (a lot quicker thanks to the built-in cache).

Configurations classes


Meant to be used as a configuration object for the BitmovinStream component. It has the same properties as the BitmovinStream component.


The FullscreenConfig is a configuration object that allows you to customize the behavior of the player when it enters/exits fullscreen mode.


The StyleConfig is a configuration object that allows you to customize the appearance of the player. It has the priority over the style configuration set in the Bitmovin Stream dashboard.

You can find some predefined styles in the StreamThemes class.


The StreamListener is an interface that allows you to listen to the events of the player. Caution: The listener only handle it's own Events. to handle the player events, you can use the onStreamReady event to get the player instance and add your own listener with player.on(...).


Simplest way to use the BitmovinStream component

    streamId = "<YOUR-STREAM-ID>"

Using the Configuration object

val config = BitmovinStreamConfig(
    streamId = "<YOUR-STREAM-ID>"

Gif-like stream player

Player that will loop and not allow the user to interact with the player.

val reusableGifVidConfig = StreamConfig(
    streamId = "<YOUR-STREAM-ID>",
    autoPlay = true,
    muted = true,
    loop = true,
    fullscreenConfig = FullscreenConfig(
        enable = false
    // Hiding the UI by interacting directly with the Bitmovin Player API.
    onStreamReady = { player, playerView ->
        playerView.isUiVisible = false
BitmovinStream(config = reusableGifVidConfig)

Using the StyleConfig

You can customize the player appearance by using the StyleConfig object. Note that you can also inject custom css to the player by using the customCss property of the StyleConfig object. We recommend reading through the Bitmovin Player CSS documentation this property.

val myStyleConfig = StyleConfigStream(
    playbackMarkerBorderColor = Color(0xFF01295F),
    playbackMarkerBgColor = Color(0xAF01295F),
    playbackTrackBufferedColor = Color(0x8FC5FFFD),
    textColor = Color(0xFF88D9E6),
    playbackTrackBgColor = Color(0xAF8B8BAE),
    playbackTrackPlayedColor = Color(0xFF526760),
    backgroundColor = Color.BLACK

    streamId = "<YOUR-STREAM-ID>",
    poster = "really_cool_cat.jpg",
    styleConfig = myStyleConfig,
    modifier = Modifier.aspectRatio(16f/9f)

More examples

For more examples, please check the testapp module.


We are happy to accept contributions. Feel free to open a PR.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.