Releases: bivashy/PlasmoVoiceAddon
Releases · bivashy/PlasmoVoiceAddon
Caching fix
Release of 1.2.0
Now every AudioSource has its own SoundPlayer.
- Music controlling (pause, resume, skip to next, auto skip to next on the end of current music)
- API Improvements (Events, additional documentation, read every byte of sound, add custom sound format and etc.)
- -forcecache in commands
- Small issues with command
- Small exceptions
Fixes, small api improvement
- Exception on undefined size of file/url
- Exception on enabling plugin
Added: - Added method for creating ISound from AudioInputStream to AbstractSoundFactory
Fix java 8 compatibility
1.2.0-pre.2 Fix java 8 compatibility
Many changes, and improvements
- Now you can change bitrate for each sound in config.yml
- Added caching for /musicurl command
- Custom formats support
- Distance permission: plasmo.addon.distance.(distance, for example: 100)
- API changed and improved
- Now music quality must be better
- Control command permissions for: /musicurl, /musicfile, also you can disable commands, caching, add/toggle size limit and etc.
Own encoder for each sound, /music file force fix
- Forgot to add permission to the /music file force
- Own encoder for each sound (Probably better sound).
Many changes, MP3 sound better quality.
- Now plugin supports MPGA, and have better sound quality of the mp3
- New command system. New /musicreload command, /musicforceurl /musicforcefile commands.
Permissions: plasmo.addon.reload plasmo.addon.url plasmo.addon.file - config.yml Now have messages.
- Per sound format music-player-settings in config.yml
- Download boss bar also here!
Added sound format auto recognition
Just read title
Fixed Fixed last text format in "How to play ISound?" section