- No LLM/AI assistance for solving problems.
- Solve problems independently.
- Time-box problem-solving (45-60 minutes per problem).
- Always draw out solutions on paper first.
- Break down problems into smaller components.
- Maintain a detailed problem-solving journal.
- Completely understand the problem's context and requirements.
- Design a comprehensive solution on paper.
- Implement the solution methodically.
- Rigorously analyze and optimize time/space complexity.
- Systematically compare your solution with alternative approaches.
title Comprehensive 30-Day DSA Learning Roadmap
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Week 1: Foundational Skills
Arrays and Problem-Solving Fundamentals :done, 2024-12-12, 2d
String Manipulation and Processing :active, 2024-12-14, 2d
Basic Data Structures Exploration : 2024-12-16, 3d
section Week 2: Intermediate Techniques
Linked List Mastery : 2024-12-19, 3d
Recursion and Algorithmic Thinking : 2024-12-22, 3d
Sorting and Searching Strategies : 2024-12-25, 1d
section Week 3: Advanced Data Structures
Hash-based Data Structures : 2024-12-26, 3d
Tree Structures and Traversals : 2025-01-01, 3d
section Week 4: Advanced Algorithmic Paradigms
Graph Algorithmic Techniques : 2025-01-04, 1d
Dynamic Programming Strategies : 2025-01-05, 3d
Greedy Algorithm Principles : 2025-01-08, 3d
Final Comprehensive Assessment : 2025-01-11, 2d
- Develop robust problem-solving foundations.
- Master fundamental data structures: arrays, strings, stacks, queues.
- Build computational thinking and algorithmic reasoning skills.
- Array memory representation
- Zero-based indexing principles
- Basic Big O notation understanding
- Programming language array manipulation techniques
- Computational complexity analysis
- Understand arrays as contiguous memory blocks
- Learn memory allocation strategies
- Practice efficient array traversal techniques
- Develop pattern recognition in array problems
Two Sum (LeetCode 1)
- Hash map optimization techniques
- Complement-based problem-solving
- Space-time complexity trade-offs
- Key Learning: One-pass hash table approach
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (LeetCode 26)
- In-place modification strategies
- Two-pointer technique mastery
- Sorted array optimization principles
- Key Learning: Minimal additional space usage
Maximum Subarray (LeetCode 53)
- Kadane's algorithm introduction
- Dynamic programming foundations
- Continuous subarray tracking
- Key Learning: Running sum management
Move Zeroes (LeetCode 283)
- Two-pointer manipulation
- Element swapping techniques
- Maintaining element order
- Key Learning: Efficient single-pass solution
- String representation internals
- Character encoding understanding
- String immutability concepts
- Basic string method comprehension
- ASCII and Unicode foundations
- Understand string as character arrays
- Learn efficient string traversal
- Master character-level manipulations
- Develop string preprocessing techniques
Reverse String (LeetCode 344)
- In-place reversal technique
- Two-pointer string manipulation
- Minimal extra space strategy
- Key Learning: Symmetric swapping
Reverse Integer (LeetCode 7)
- Integer digit extraction methods
- Overflow handling strategies
- Mathematical digit manipulation
- Key Learning: Digit-by-digit reversal
Valid Palindrome (LeetCode 125)
- String cleaning techniques
- Case-insensitive comparison
- Non-alphanumeric character handling
- Key Learning: Two-pointer palindrome verification
Longest Common Prefix (LeetCode 14)
- Vertical scanning approach
- String comparison strategies
- Edge case management
- Key Learning: Prefix matching algorithm
- Abstract data type understanding
- LIFO and FIFO principles
- Stack and queue implementation details
- Operation complexity analysis
- Memory management concepts
- Understand stack and queue behavioral differences
- Learn implementation trade-offs
- Master operation efficiency
- Develop adaptive data structure thinking
Valid Parentheses (LeetCode 20)
- Stack-based matching technique
- Bracket pairing logic
- Order preservation strategy
- Key Learning: Stack for syntax validation
Implement Stack using Queues (LeetCode 225)
- Multi-queue simulation
- Amortized time complexity understanding
- Advanced data structure transformation
- Key Learning: Simulated abstract data type
Implement Queue using Stacks (LeetCode 232)
- Reverse engineering data structures
- Complex transformation strategies
- Operational efficiency analysis
- Key Learning: Flexible data structure implementation
Min Stack (LeetCode 155)
- Auxiliary data structure management
- Constant-time minimum tracking
- Synchronized stack operations
- Key Learning: Multilayer stack design
- Master linked list manipulation
- Develop recursive thinking
- Understand fundamental sorting and searching algorithms
- Build complex problem-solving skills
- Enhance algorithmic reasoning capabilities
- Pointer and reference concepts
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Node-based data structure understanding
- Memory management principles
- Traversal and manipulation techniques
- Understand linked lists as dynamic data structures
- Learn node interconnection mechanisms
- Master memory-efficient list operations
- Develop visualization skills for list transformations
Reverse Linked List (LeetCode 206)
- In-place reversal techniques
- Pointer redirection strategies
- Recursive and iterative approach comparison
- Key Learning: Systematic node relationship manipulation
Linked List Cycle (LeetCode 141)
- Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm (Tortoise and Hare)
- Cycle detection strategies
- Constant space complexity techniques
- Key Learning: Pointer movement synchronization
Merge Two Sorted Lists (LeetCode 21)
- Sorted list combination algorithms
- Comparative element selection
- Minimal additional space usage
- Key Learning: Efficient merging strategy
Palindrome Linked List (LeetCode 234)
- List traversal techniques
- Reverse-in-place strategies
- Complex list validation approaches
- Key Learning: Multi-stage list analysis
- Call stack understanding
- Recursive function design
- Base case and recursive case identification
- Computational complexity of recursive algorithms
- Backtracking problem-solving paradigm
- Understand recursion as problem decomposition
- Learn recursive thinking patterns
- Master base case and recursive case design
- Develop mental model for recursive problem-solving
Climbing Stairs (LeetCode 70)
- Dynamic programming foundations
- Recursive solution optimization
- Memoization techniques
- Key Learning: Recursive state management
Permutations (LeetCode 46)
- Backtracking algorithm design
- Exhaustive combination generation
- State space exploration
- Key Learning: Recursive combination construction
Subsets (LeetCode 78)
- Powerset generation techniques
- Recursive subset creation
- Combinatorial problem-solving
- Key Learning: Systematic subset exploration
Generate Parentheses (LeetCode 22)
- Constraint-based generation
- Backtracking with validation
- Systematic string construction
- Key Learning: Recursive constraint management
- Comparison-based sorting algorithms
- Search algorithm design
- Time and space complexity analysis
- Algorithm stability concepts
- Divide and conquer strategies
- Understand sorting algorithm paradigms
- Learn efficient searching techniques
- Master algorithm selection strategies
- Develop comparative algorithm analysis skills
Sort an Array (LeetCode 912)
- Multiple sorting algorithm implementations
- Time complexity optimization
- In-place vs. auxiliary sorting
- Key Learning: Comprehensive sorting technique mastery
Search in Rotated Sorted Array (LeetCode 33)
- Modified binary search technique
- Pivot point identification
- Efficient search in modified arrays
- Key Learning: Advanced search space reduction
Sqrt(x) (LeetCode 69)
- Binary search application
- Approximation techniques
- Precision management
- Key Learning: Iterative approximation algorithm
Search a 2D Matrix (LeetCode 74)
- Multi-dimensional search strategies
- Efficient search space reduction
- Matrix traversal optimization
- Key Learning: Logical search space transformation
- Master hash-based data structures
- Develop complex tree manipulation skills
- Understand advanced data structure applications
- Build sophisticated problem-solving strategies
- Enhance algorithmic reasoning capabilities
- Hash function principles
- Collision resolution techniques
- Time complexity of hash-based operations
- Key-value pair storage mechanisms
- Memory allocation in hash structures
- Understand hash table internal workings
- Learn efficient mapping strategies
- Master collision handling techniques
- Develop deep hash-based problem-solving skills
Valid Anagram (LeetCode 242)
- Character frequency mapping
- Efficient string comparison techniques
- Constant space optimization
- Key Learning: Character counting strategy
Group Anagrams (LeetCode 49)
- Advanced hash map utilization
- String signature generation
- Complex grouping algorithms
- Key Learning: Categorical string mapping
First Unique Character in a String (LeetCode 387)
- Single-pass character tracking
- Efficient uniqueness verification
- Optimal space complexity approaches
- Key Learning: Character occurrence tracking
- Tree data structure fundamentals
- Recursive tree traversal techniques
- Binary search tree properties
- Tree balance concepts
- Recursive algorithm design
- Understand hierarchical data representation
- Learn tree structure manipulation
- Master recursive tree algorithms
- Develop spatial reasoning skills
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (LeetCode 104)
- Recursive depth calculation
- Tree traversal strategies
- Depth-first exploration techniques
- Key Learning: Recursive tree measurement
Validate Binary Search Tree (LeetCode 98)
- Complex constraint validation
- Recursive range checking
- Efficient tree property verification
- Key Learning: Recursive interval management
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (LeetCode 236)
- Advanced tree traversal
- Ancestor identification techniques
- Recursive path tracking
- Key Learning: Sophisticated tree path analysis
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (LeetCode 102)
- Breadth-first search implementation
- Multi-level tree exploration
- Queue-based traversal strategy
- Key Learning: Hierarchical data extraction
- Master graph algorithms
- Develop dynamic programming skills
- Understand optimization techniques
- Build complex algorithmic thinking
- Enhance problem-solving efficiency
- Graph representation techniques
- Traversal algorithms
- Connectivity concepts
- Path finding strategies
- Computational complexity of graph algorithms
- Understand graph as interconnected structure
- Learn efficient graph exploration
- Master traversal and connectivity analysis
- Develop spatial reasoning skills
Number of Islands (LeetCode 200)
- Depth-first search implementation
- Connected component identification
- Grid-based graph traversal
- Key Learning: Connectivity mapping
Clone Graph (LeetCode 133)
- Deep copy graph techniques
- Cycle handling in graph traversal
- Efficient node mapping
- Key Learning: Complex graph reproduction
Number of Provinces (LeetCode 547)
- Disjoint set (Union-Find) concepts
- Connected component counting
- Graph connectivity analysis
- Key Learning: Efficient group identification
Max Area of Island (LeetCode 695)
- Recursive area calculation
- Grid-based exploration
- Boundary and connectivity tracking
- Key Learning: Comprehensive area measurement
- Optimization problem identification
- Memoization techniques
- Recursive vs. iterative approaches
- Subproblem decomposition
- State transition understanding
- Understand problem decomposition
- Learn optimal substructure identification
- Master state space reduction
- Develop recursive optimization skills
Unique Paths (LeetCode 62)
- Combinatorial problem solving
- Dynamic programming foundation
- Recursive vs. iterative solutions
- Key Learning: Path counting optimization
Coin Change (LeetCode 322)
- Comprehensive optimization approach
- Subproblem solution aggregation
- Minimal solution tracking
- Key Learning: Optimal resource allocation
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LeetCode 300)
- Complex sequence analysis
- Multiple solution approach comparison
- Efficient subsequence tracking
- Key Learning: Advanced sequence optimization
Longest Palindromic Substring (LeetCode 5)
- String-based dynamic programming
- Complex substring identification
- Efficient palindrome detection
- Key Learning: Advanced string manipulation
- Local optimization concepts
- Global solution construction
- Constraint satisfaction techniques
- Decision-making strategies
- Proof of optimality understanding
Jump Game (LeetCode 55)
- Forward and backward approach
- Optimal path identification
- Constraint satisfaction
- Key Learning: Efficient traversal strategy
Jump Game II (LeetCode 45)
- Minimal step optimization
- Lookahead decision-making
- Comprehensive path analysis
- Key Learning: Optimal step calculation
- Create detailed project documentation
- Analyze solved and unsolved problems
- Reflect on learning journey
- Identify growth areas
- Develop personalized improvement plan
- Share learning experiences
- Contribute to coding forums
- Participate in coding challenges
- Build professional network
- Continuous skill development
- Embrace algorithmic thinking
- Develop problem-solving mindset
- Continuously expand computational skills
- Stay curious and persistent
- Celebrate learning achievements
Algorithms are not just about solving problems—they're about developing a systematic, logical approach to thinking and problem-solving.