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yam-toolkit: Yet Another Motif toolkit


Requires a C compiler (tested with gcc/clang), GNU Make, and Zlib.

git clone  # Or download a recent release
cd yam-toolkit

This will create the final binaries in bin/ within the project folder.


I occasionally find myself needing to scan motifs against the Arabidopsis genome from the command line. Usually having the MEME suite installed locally, I resort to using fimo. Inevitably the wait time exceeds my limited patience. Eventually I decided to perform my own re-write of fimo, only this time I would only include features I need in addition to making sure it could run fast enough to satisfy me. This effort led to creating a faster replacement, yamscan, and then later a smattering of additional related programs/utilities as my needs demanded.

I would also like to mention that the fast performance of these programs was made possible by making use of several functions from Dr. Heng Li's amazing klib C library.


A regular DNA/RNA scanner with a focus on simplicity and speed.


yamscan v1.7  Copyright (C) 2023  Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay

Usage:  yamscan [options] [ -m motifs.txt | -1 CONSENSUS ] -s sequences.fa

 -m <str>   Filename of text file containing motifs. Acceptable formats: MEME,
            JASPAR, HOMER, HOCOMOCO (PCM). Must be 1-50 bases wide.
 -1 <str>   Instead of -m, scan a single consensus sequence. Ambiguity letters
            are allowed. Must be 1-50 bases wide. The -b, -t, -0, -p, and -n
            flags are unused.
 -s <str>   Filename of fast(a|q)-formatted file containing DNA/RNA sequences
            to scan. Can be gzipped. Use '-' for stdin. Omitting -s will cause
            yamscan to print the parsed motifs instead of scanning.
            Alternatively, solely providing -s and not -m/-1 will cause
            yamscan to return sequence stats. Non-standard characters (i.e.
            other than ACGTU) will be read but are treated as gaps during
 -x <str>   Filename of a BED-formatted file containing ranges within
            sequences which scanning will be restricted to. Must have at least
            three tab-separated columns. If a fourth column is present it will
            be used as the range name. If a sixth strand column is present
            scanning will be restricted to the indicated strand. Note that -f
            is disabled when -x is used. It is recommended the BED be sorted
            for speed. Overlapping ranges are allowed, but be warned that they
            will be individually scanned thus potentially introducing
            duplicate hits. The file can be gzipped.
 -o <str>   Filename to output results. By default output goes to stdout.
 -b <dbl,   Comma-separated background probabilities for A,C,G,T|U. By default
     dbl,   the background probability values from the motif file (MEME only)
     dbl,   are used, or a uniform background is assumed. Used in PWM
     dbl>   generation.
 -f         Only scan the forward strand.
 -t <dbl>   Threshold P-value. Default: 0.0001.
 -0         Instead of using a threshold, simply report all hits with a score
            of zero or greater. Useful for manual filtering.
 -p <int>   Pseudocount for PWM generation. Default: 1. Must be a positive
 -n <int>   Number of motif sites used in PPM->PCM conversion. Default: 1000.
 -M         Mask lower case letters and do not scan.
 -d         Deduplicate motif/sequence names. Default: abort. Duplicates will
            have the motif/sequence numbers appended. Incompatible with -x.
 -r         Don't trim motif (HOCOMOCO/JASPAR only, HOMER/MEME must already be
            one word) and sequence names to the first word.
 -l         Deactivate low memory mode. Normally only a single sequence is
            stored in memory at a time. Setting this flag allows the program
            to instead store the entire input into memory, which can help with
            performance in cases of slow disk access or gzipped files. Note
            that this flag is automatically set when reading sequences from
            stdin, and when multithreading is enabled.
 -j <int>   Number of threads yamscan can use to scan. Default: 1. Note that
            increasing this number will also increase memory usage slightly.
            The number of threads is limited by the number of motifs being
 -g         Print a progress bar during scanning. This turns off some of the
            messages printed by -w. Note that it's only useful if there is
            more than one input motif.
 -v         Verbose mode.
 -w         Very verbose mode.
 -h         Print this help message.


yamscan reports basic information about matches, including coordinates, scores, P-values, percent of the scores from the max, and the actual match. Additional information about the motifs and sequences is included in the header, which can be used for calculating Q-values after the fact. The coordinates are 1-based.

Example output:

##yamscan v1.5 [ -t 0.04 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa ]
##MotifCount=1 MotifSize=5 SeqCount=3 SeqSize=158 GC=45.57% Ns=0 MaxPossibleHits=292
##seq_name	start	end	strand	motif	pvalue	score	score_pct	match
1	30	34	+	1-motifA	0.0078125	4.874	73.4	CTCGC
1	31	35	-	1-motifA	0.0341796875	2.482	37.4	TCGCG
2	4	8	+	1-motifA	0.0166015625	3.860	58.2	GTCGA
2	16	20	-	1-motifA	0.0078125	4.874	73.4	GCGAG
2	42	46	+	1-motifA	0.01953125	3.725	56.1	GTCTA
2	43	47	-	1-motifA	0.015625	3.867	58.3	TCTAG
3	28	32	+	1-motifA	0.01953125	3.725	56.1	GTCTA

One can also use yamscan to get basic information about motifs and sequences. By only using yamscan with one of these at a time, the following is output:

$ bin/yamscan -m test/motif.jaspar
Motif: 1-motifA (N1 L1)
MaxScore=6.64	Threshold=[exceeds max]
Motif PWM:
	A	C	G	T
1:	-3.74	1.66	-1.12	-1.73
2:	-7.23	0.38	-2.81	1.35
3:	-1.43	1.34	-2.59	-0.09
4:	-3.06	-7.23	1.02	0.88
5:	1.27	-0.49	-0.36	-3.36
Score=-24.14	-->     p=1
Score=-12.07	-->     p=0.82
Score=0.00	-->     p=0.11
Score=3.32	-->     p=0.022
Score=6.64	-->     p=0.00098

$ bin/yamscan -s test/dna.fa
##seq_num	seq_name	size	gc_pct	n_count
1	1	55	49.09	0
2	2	70	45.71	0
3	3	33	39.39	0

$ bin/yamscan -s test/dna.fa -x test/dna.bed
##bed_range	bed_name	seq_num	seq_name	size	gc_pct	n_count
1:1-35(+)	A	1	1	35	51.43	0
2:11-48(-)	B	2	2	38	50.00	0

This mode shows the internal PWM representation of motifs, as well P-values for the min and max possible scores (with some in-between scores). Basic information about sequences is output, including size, GC percent, and the number of non-DNA/RNA letters found. If a BED file is also provided then the sequence stats are restricted to those ranges.

Finally, scanning can be restricted to only parts of the input sequences as specified in a BED file. This will, of course, result in nearly linear speed-ups to the runtime proportional to the fraction of the input sequences being scanned. Example output:

##yamscan v1.5 [ -t 0.04 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa -x test/dna.bed ]
##MotifCount=1 MotifSize=5 BedCount=2 BedSize=73 SeqCount=3 SeqSize=158 GC=45.57% Ns=0
##bed_range	bed_name	seq_name	start	end	strand	motif	pvalue	score	score_pct	match
1:1-35(+)	A	1	30	34	+	1-motifA	0.0078125	4.874	73.4	CTCGC
2:11-48(-)	B	2	16	20	-	1-motifA	0.0078125	4.874	73.4	GCGAG
2:11-48(-)	B	2	43	47	-	1-motifA	0.015625	3.867	58.3	TCTAG

Comparing yamscan and fimo

The two programs have slightly different defaults, so right out of the box they will not give identical values for scores and P-values. However with some slight tweaking to even things out we can see the outputs are nearly identical.


$ fimo --bfile --uniform-- --motif-pseudo 1 --no-qvalue --text --thresh 0.02 test/ test/dna.fa
Using motif +motif of width 5.
Using motif -motif of width 5.
motif_id	motif_alt_id	sequence_name	start	stop	strand	score	p-value	q-value	matched_sequence
motif		1	30	34	+	4.87379	0.00781		CTCGC
motif		2	4	8	+	3.83495	0.0166		GTCGA
motif		2	16	20	-	4.87379	0.00781		CTCGC
motif		2	42	46	+	3.69903	0.0195		GTCTA
motif		2	43	47	-	3.91262	0.0137		CTAGA
motif		3	28	32	+	3.69903	0.0195		GTCTA

yamscan (also manually setting the nsites value found in the motif file):

$ bin/yamscan -b 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25 -p 1 -n 175 -s test/dna.fa -t 0.02 -m test/
##yamscan v1.5 [ -b 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25 -p 1 -n 175 -s test/dna.fa -t 0.02 -m test/ ]
##MotifCount=1 MotifSize=5 SeqCount=3 SeqSize=158 GC=45.57% Ns=0 MaxPossibleHits=292
##seq_name	start	end	strand	motif	pvalue	score	score_pct	match
1	30	34	+	motif	0.0078125	4.877	73.4	CTCGC
2	4	8	+	motif	0.0166015625	3.843	57.8	GTCGA
2	16	20	-	motif	0.0078125	4.877	73.4	GCGAG
2	42	46	+	motif	0.01953125	3.704	55.7	GTCTA
2	43	47	-	motif	0.013671875	3.919	59.0	TCTAG
3	28	32	+	motif	0.01953125	3.704	55.7	GTCTA

(Actually, you might notice one small difference: yamscan always returns the sequence on the forward strand for each hit, whereas fimo will return reverse complement sequences when hits are on the reverse strand. If you prefer the fimo behaviour you can pipe the yamscan output to scripts/


Using GNU Time on my MacbookPro M1 and the following equivalent commands to record time elapsed and peak memory usage. fimo is from MEME v5.4.1.

Default yamscan settings (low-mem mode active):

yamscan -v -t 0.0001 -m motifs.txt -s seqs.fa > res.txt

yamscan with multi-threading (and low-mem mode implicitly disabled):

yamscan -j4 -v -t 0.0001 -m motifs.txt -s seqs.fa > res.txt

fimo with Q-values disabled and immediate printing of results:

fimo --verbosity 1 --thresh 0.0001 --text motifs.txt seqs.fa > res.txt

homer using motifs with logodds scores matching P = 0.0001: motifs.txt seqs.fa > res.txt
yamscan yamscan -j4 fimo homer
100x1Kbp (100Kbp) + 10 motifs 0.02s, 4.30MB 0.02s, 9.91MB 0.23s, 3.92MB 0.48s, 6.64MB
100x1Kbp (100Kbp) + 100 motifs 0.20s, 5.89MB 0.07s, 12.31MB 1.96s, 4.44MB 1.43s, 6.63MB
100x10Kbp (1Mbp) + 10 motifs 0.10s, 4.28MB 0.06s, 11.44MB 2.44s, 4.20MB 1.45s, 6.67MB
100x10Kbp (1Mbp) + 100 motifs 0.70s, 6.02MB 0.23s, 15.80MB 23.24s, 4.77MB 10.32s, 6.66MB
TAIR10 (120Mbp) + 10 motifs 6.89s, 41.08MB 2.36s, 153.10MB 4m41.99s, 4.01MB 1m55.18s, 34.11MB
TAIR10 (120Mbp) + 100 motifs 1m06.29s, 41.59MB 19.14s, 152.10MB (not run) (not run)
GRCh38 (3.2Gbp) + 10 motifs 3m04.80s, 249.50MB 1m02.30s, 3.09GB (not run) (not run)

It's still not fast enough!

If you are unfortunate enough to be working with genomes sized in the billions and find this is not fast enough, then if you are willing to lose out on the dependency-free convenience of yamscan I recommend trying out MOODS. This library makes use of several filtering algorithms to significantly speed up scanning (whereas yamscan dumbly scores every possible match for all motifs across all sequences). I have found after some brief testing that when scanning hundreds of motifs across sequences in the Mbp-Gbp range several-fold speed-ups can be achieved. (In my limited testing I also noticed that for smaller scanning jobs MOODS can itself be several times slower due to the it's large startup cost -- an additional tradeoff to keep in mind.) Alternatively, if CPU time is meaningless to you and you have access to a large number of cores you can surpass even these impressive scanning times by making liberal use of yamscan's -j flag. See the latest MOODS paper for details.


Remove overlapping motif hits (or any type of sequence range).

This program is meant to work with direct yamscan output, and can work with a piped stdin. (However it can also work with regular BED files!) This means it expects sequence/motif/strand combinations to be in ascending order by their start coordinates. Separate sequence/motif/strand combinations can be interleaved (which is the case when yamscan is run using multiple threads), but within each unique combination the entries must be coordinate sorted. It tries its utmost to use the least amount of memory required to faithfully remove overlapping hits across the entire file, but for complex inputs it may still end up using several dozen MBs. As an example, running yamdedup with a BED file containing ~30,000,000 unique hits duplicated three times (final range count of ~120,000,000, or <2 GB gzip-compressed) for ~500 motifs (interleaved) across the Arabidopsis genome runs in about 48 seconds and reaches 80 MB peak memory usage. Of course this will vary wildly depending on how much of the input is overlapping; if all ranges in a file are overlapping in one big chain, then yamdedup will be forced to store the entire input in memory at a time.


yamdedup v1.0  Copyright (C) 2022  Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay               
Usage:  yamdedup [options] -i [ results.txt | ranges.bed ]                    
 -i <str>   Filename of yamscan results file or a tab-delimited BED file      
            with at least six columns: (1) sequence name, (2) 0-based start,  
            (3) end, (4) motif name, (5) motif score, and (6) the strand.     
            If a yamscan results file is provided the P-value is used for     
            deciding which overlapping hit(s) to discard, otherwise for BED   
            the score column is used and lower scores are discarded. The input
            is assumed to be partially sorted: different sequence/motif/strand
            combinations can be interleaved, but the individual combinations  
            themselves must be sorted by their start coordinates. The         
            yamscan program outputs its results this way, so no additional    
            sorting is needed. Can be gzipped. Use '-' for stdin.             
 -o <str>   Filename to output results. By default output goes to stdout.     
 -s         Ignore strand when finding overlapping ranges.                    
 -m         Ignore motif name when finding overlapping ranges.                
 -0         Ignore scores when removing overlapping ranges, causing yamdedup  
            to simply remove overlapping ranges in the order they appear.     
 -S         Sort on range size instead of score/p-value (keeping larger ones).
 -r         Sort in opposite order (i.e., keep lower scores, higher p-values, 
            or smaller ranges).                                               
 -y         Force yamdedup to treat the input as a yamscan output file.       
 -b         Force yamdedup to treat the input as a BED file.                  
 -v         Verbose mode.                                                     
 -w         Very verbose mode.                                                
 -h         Print this help message. 


Let us consider the following basic scenario:

$ bin/yamscan -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa | head -n6
##yamscan v1.5 [ -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa ]
##MotifCount=1 MotifSize=5 SeqCount=3 SeqSize=158 GC=45.57% Ns=0 MaxPossibleHits=292
##seq_name	start	end	strand	motif	pvalue	score	score_pct	match
1	3	7	+	1-motifA	0.060546875	1.459	22.0	GCTGA
1	7	11	+	1-motifA	0.1640625	-1.165	-17.6	ACTGA
1	11	15	+	1-motifA	0.0654296875	1.236	18.6	ATCGA

In this example we can see that all three hits overlap, but the middle hit has a much worse score. yamdedup will recognize this and simply remove only that hit:

$ bin/yamscan -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa | head -n6 | bin/yamdedup -i-
##yamscan v1.5 [ -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa ]
##MotifCount=1 MotifSize=5 SeqCount=3 SeqSize=158 GC=45.57% Ns=0 MaxPossibleHits=292
##seq_name	start	end	strand	motif	pvalue	score	score_pct	match
1	3	7	+	1-motifA	0.060546875	1.459	22.0	GCTGA
1	11	15	+	1-motifA	0.0654296875	1.236	18.6	ATCGA

Again, yamdedup won't mind if the input is a properly formatted BED file:

$ bin/yamscan -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa | head -n6 | scripts/ | bin/yamdedup -i-
1	2	7	1-motifA	12	+	1.459	22.0	0.060546875	.
1	10	15	1-motifA	11	+	1.236	18.6	0.0654296875	.

There are a few options available for controlling the behaviour of yamdedup. For example, the default behaviour for BED files is to prioritize keeping higher scores, but this can be reversed using -r:

$ bin/yamscan -t 0.2 -m test/motif.jaspar -s test/dna.fa | head -n6 | scripts/ | bin/yamdedup -i- -r
1	6	11	1-motifA	7	+	-1.165	-17.6	0.1640625	.

Now we can see that the middle lower-scoring hit was kept instead.

Other options include ignoring the strand of motif hits (-s) if you wish to consider hits on opposite strands to be seen as overlapping, or even ignore the motif names (-m) themselves to remove any overlapping range period. Overlapping hits can be removed in the order they appear, irrespective of their hit score, using -0, or even consider the size of the ranges (-S) instead of the scores (perhaps more useful for non-motif BED inputs). (In the future I may consider adding additional options such as requiring specific amounts of overlap.)


A regular DNA/RNA sequence shuffler with a focus on simplicity and speed.


yamshuf v1.3  Copyright (C) 2023  Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay

Usage:  yamshuf [options] -i sequences.fa

 -i <str>   Filename of fast(a|q)-formatted file containing DNA/RNA sequences
            to scan. Can be gzipped. Use '-' for stdin.  Non-standard
            characters (i.e. other than ACGTU) will be read but are treated as
            the letter N during shuffling (exceptions: when -l is used or when
            -k is set to 1). Fastq files will be output as fasta.
 -k <int>   Size of shuffled k-mers. Default: 3. When k = 1 a Fisher-Yates
            shuffle is performed. Max k for Euler/Markov methods: 9.
 -o <str>   Filename to output results. By default output goes to stdout.
 -s <int>   Seed to initialize random number generator. Default: 4.
 -m         Use Markov shuffling instead of performing a random Eulerian walk.
            Essentially generates random sequences with similar k-mer
            compositions. Generally requires large sequences to be effective.
 -l         Split up the sequences linearly into k-mers and do a Fisher-Yates
            shuffle instead of performing a random Eulerian walk. Very fast.
 -r <int>   Repeat shuffling for each sequence any number of times. The repeat
            number will be appended to the sequence name. Default: 0.
 -R         Reset the random number generator every time a new sequence is
            shuffled using the set seed instead of only setting it once.
 -n         Output sequence as RNA. By default the sequence is output as DNA,
            even if the input is RNA. This flag only applies when k > 1 and -l
            is not used, since in such cases the existing sequence letters are
            simply being rearranged.
 -p         Activate an alternate mode which prints k-mer counts instead of
            shuffling. All options excepting -i, -k and -o are ignored.
 -v         Verbose mode.
 -w         Very verbose mode.
 -h         Print this help message.

Overview of shuffling algorithms

yamshuf uses a few different shuffling implementations. When k = 1, it performs a Fisher-Yates shuffle of the input sequences. For higher values of k, there are three available methods. The default method (Euler) involves constructing a k-mer edge graph from the k-mer counts of the input sequences and finding a random Eulerian walk through all of the available k-mers (thus ending up with the exact same number of k-mers in the final shuffled sequences). The -m flag triggers the use of the Markov method, where a Markov chain is constructed from the k-mer counts in the sequences and the resulting probabilities are used for generating new sequences of equal length (thus ending up with new sequences with similar, but not exactly the same, k-mer counts). Finally, the -l flag results in the input sequences being split linearly into chunks (with length k) which are then shuffled via the Fisher-Yates method.


Using GNU Time on my MacbookPro M1 and the following equivalent commands to record time elapsed and peak memory usage. A fasta file containing 10 sequences (each 10 Mbp long) with the alphabet ACGTN is used as input.

Default yamshuf settings (Euler shuffling, or regular Fisher-Yates for k = 1):

yamshuf -k $K -i 100Mbp.fa > shuffled.fa

yamshuf with Markov shuffling:

yamshuf -m -k $K -i 100Mbp.fa > shuffled.fa

yamshuf with linear shuffling:

yamshuf -l -k $K -i 100Mbp.fa > shuffled.fa

MEME v5.4.1 fasta-shuffle-letters tool (using the uShuffle library):

fasta-shuffle-letters -k $K 100Mbp.fa shuffled.fa
yamshuf yamshuf -m yamshuf -l fasta-shuffle-letters
10x10Mbp, k = 1 0.40s, 19.46MB (n/a) (n/a) 0.63s, 52.82MB
10x10Mbp, k = 2 1.80s, 19.49MB 1.66s, 19.49MB 0.36s, 19.52MB 2.62s, 416.46MB
10x10Mbp, k = 3 1.89s, 19.42MB 1.70s, 19.42MB 0.32s, 19.42MB 3.40s, 416.50MB
10x10Mbp, k = 4 1.93s, 19.49MB 1.71s, 19.42MB 0.30s, 19.42MB 4.36s, 416.50MB
10x10Mbp, k = 5 2.01s, 19.46MB 1.87s, 19.47MB 0.29s, 19.42MB 6.86s, 425.68MB
10x10Mbp, k = 6 2.06s, 19.66MB 1.77s, 19.55MB 0.34s, 19.42MB 13.42s, 416.98MB
10x10Mbp, k = 7 2.53s, 20.35MB 2.25s, 20.05MB 0.30s, 19.42MB 33.55s, 418.54MB
10x10Mbp, k = 8 2.63s, 23.87MB 2.32s, 22.54MB 0.28s, 19.46MB (not run)
10x10Mbp, k = 9 5.51s, 41.26MB 4.56s, 34.72MB 0.30s, 19.42MB (not run)

For some reason the fasta-shuffle-letters program is very memory hungry, much more so than the original uShuffle program. However the standalone uShuffle program did not include a fasta reader, meaning it could only take sequences as command line arguments, severely limiting the maximum sequence size (and thus I cannot benchmark it with the above sequence sizes).

Limitations of the Euler and Markov methods

yamshuf is a rather limited program in that it only recognizes a five letter alphabet (ACGTN or ACGUN; all other characters are recognized as N). This allows the program to use hard-coded constants and graph structures. This is in contrast to other tools such as uShuffle (and my own programs universalmotif and sequence-utils) which are generically coded to allow for any alphabet, but in turn (likely) allow for fewer compiler optimizations. Additionally, yamshuf constructs a k-mer edge graph for the complete set of possible k-mers for any k, even if some k-mers are absent in the input sequences. This means that for increasing values of k, the graph structure increases exponentially. As a result shuffling with high values of k is impractical. uShuffle gets around this by building a k-mer edge graph using only available k-mers, thus allowing for much higher values of k when shuffling short sequences (for longer sequences, so many k-mers will likely be present that it becomes affected by the same issue of impractically large edge graphs).

If there is not a requirement that the shuffled sequences have the exact same k-mer counts as the input sequences, then none of these limitations apply when using the linear method (-l). This is because yamshuf merely moves around chunks of the input sequences without needing to count k-mers or build any edge graph. (In fact, the higher the value of k, the fewer chunks there are to move around, thus increasing the speed of the shuffling.)

Extra scripts

A few extra utilities are included in the scripts/ folder. These take the yamscan results via stdin and output their results to stdout.

Utilities requiring the sort program

  • Calculate Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted P-values (or Q-values) and add them as a tenth column. (Note: Do not deduplicate/remove overlapping hits before calculating Q-values.) Currently not compatible with yamscan run using the -x flag. (Generally I find it doesn't make much sense to calculate Q-values when scanning for motifs.) Be warned that this can be quite slow for big inputs, since it has to sort everything twice.
  • Remove lower-scoring overlapping hits (of the same motif). Currently not compatible with yamscan run using the -x flag. This should only be used for very small inputs (eg <100,000 rows) unless you are willing to wait a while. Note: As of yamscan v1.4 this scripts has been deprecated in favour of the yamdedup program.
  • Sort the results by coordinate.
  • Sort the results by motif name.
  • Sort the results by P-value.

Extra arguments can be provided by setting a SORT_ARGS environmental variable in the shell. For example:

$ SORT_ARGS="--buffer-size=1G" scripts/ < results.txt

Simple operations/format conversions

  • Reverse complement sequence matches on the reverse strand. This can be useful if you wish to see matches from the strand the motif was matched from, as the default is to always return the sequence from the forward strand.
  • Filter the output of yamshuf -p to only include k-mers containing standard letters (ACGT or ACGU).
  • Convert the results to a BED6+4 format.
  • Convert the results to GFF3.
  • Convert the results to GTF/GFF2.

See the scripts for a description of the output formats.


In this example, the output of yamscan is first piped to to reverse complement the reverse strand motif matches, then to to calculate Q-values, to to remove overlapping hits, coordinate sorted with, and finally converted to BED with

bin/yamscan -t 0.05 -m test/motif.homer -s test/dna.fa \
  | scripts/ \
  | scripts/ \
  | scripts/ \
  | scripts/ \
  | scripts/ \
  > res.clean.txt

Compatible motif formats

The format will be auto-detected by yamscan. A brief overview of the requirements for each format follows.

Example JASPAR motif:

A [   3   0  16   5 106 ]
C [ 139  57 111   0  31 ]
G [  20   6   7  89  34 ]
T [  13 112  41  81   4 ]

JASPAR motifs each have a header line starting with > followed by the motif name. Counts for each DNA letter at each position follow this line. Each row starts the character for each DNA letter, and is followed by counts for each position in the motif enclosed by square brackets. These counts must be integers.

Example HOMER motif:

>CYCKA	1-motifA	5.30478607528482
0.015	0.798	0.113	0.074
0.000	0.325	0.033	0.641
0.094	0.630	0.040	0.236
0.028	0.000	0.510	0.463
0.607	0.177	0.192	0.024

HOMER motif header lines have (at least) three tab-separated essential elements, in addition to needing to begin with the > character:

  1. Consensus sequence (yamscan ignores this but requires something be here)

  2. One-word name

  3. Minimum logodds score (yamscan ignores this but will warn if missing and running with -v/-w)

This header line is immediately followed by the motif probability values (first column for A, second for C, third for G, and fourth for T/U).

Example MEME motif:

MEME version 5


strands: + -

Background letter frequencies
A 0.249493 C 0.257606 G 0.249493 T 0.243408

MOTIF 1-motifA
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 5 nsites= 175 E= 0
 0.015363  0.797841  0.113101  0.073695 
 0.000245  0.325285  0.033308  0.641162 
 0.093911  0.629765  0.039881  0.236444 
 0.027719  0.000057  0.509626  0.462598 
 0.606981  0.176988  0.191848  0.024182 

There are three essential elements to a MEME motif file:

  1. MEME version information

  2. For each motif, a line that starts with MOTIF and contains the one-word motif name (extra text is ignored)

  3. For each motif, a line that starts with letter-probability matrix and is immediately followed by the motif probability values (first column for A, second for C, third for G, fourth for T/U)

Other optional lines:

  • The ALPHABET line is checked by yamscan; if using a custom alphabet definition then it is ignored (it is up to the user to ensure the custom alphabet represents DNA/RNA)

  • The strands: line is briefly examined, and if it does not match the yamscan settings for which strands to scan a warning will be emitted if using -v/-w

  • Background values will be used if a line starting with Background letter frequencies and immediately followed by probabilities for A,C,G,T/U is found

Both full and minimal MEME motif files can be used (alongside its derivatives DREME and STREME).

Example HOCOMOCO motif:

144.000000003	180.000000003	79.000000001	97.000000001
179.000000003	57.000000001	181.000000003	83.000000001
176.000000003	53.000000001	255.000000003	16.0000000004
9.0000000002	3.0000000001	16.0000000004	472.000000006
10.0000000002	5.0000000001	476.000000006	9.0000000002
473.000000006	5.0000000001	8.0000000002	14.0000000002
16.0000000004	415.000000006	27.0000000004	42.000000001
12.0000000002	8.0000000002	438.000000006	42.000000001
39.000000001	159.000000003	8.0000000002	294.000000006
144.000000003	233.000000003	72.000000001	51.000000001
268.000000006	57.000000001	93.000000001	82.000000001

HOCOMOCO motifs have a header line starting with > followed by the motif name. Only mononucleotide count matrices (PCM) can be used. The counts are split into four columns (A,C,G,T/U). These counts need not be integers. The headers cannot contain the tab character.


Yet Another Motif Toolkit







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