Polymer elements packed together for high speed reference, saves you build time.
Do not change the NPM version from 2.5.1. This will break ui-toolkit.
##Individual Components
You can pull in the whole ui-toolkit if you'd like, as shown in the
demo, or you can pull in individual components as needed. Just be sure
that the component you're looking for is in the package.json
else add
it and bump the version number. You can peg the component at
a particular version by appending #tag_name
"dependencies": {
"glg-nectar": "git://github.com/custom-elements/glg-nectar#2.0.2"
The server will on-the-fly transpile any coffeescript or less files into javascript and css for you. Then you can simply reference the custom element's html file directly as shown below.
<link rel="import" href="https://services.glgresearch.com/ui-toolkit/node_modules/glg-nectar/src/glg-nectar.html">
<!doctype html>
Use this polymer, but if you already have one -- you can skip it!
<link rel="import" href="https://services.glgresearch.com/ui-toolkit/polymer.html">
These are the widgets.
<link rel="import" href="https://services.glgresearch.com/ui-toolkit/ui-toolkit.html">
<ui-button>Hit me!</ui-button>