My name is Divay, and I'm a May 2023 grad in the Computer Science program at Purdue University with a minor in Mathematics. I'm interested in various fields in computing, including Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Web Development and Low-level programming.
I am currently working as an Undergraduate Researcher with Merck & Co. (through Purdue's Data Mine program), where I am researching and developing Machine Learning models that utilize Human Parsing in order to detect the level of PPE compliance in lab settings and provide text-based contextual inference, using video data. I am also currently a Teaching Assistant for the Systems Programming course and the Programming in C course at the Purdue University Department of Computer Science
I interned last summer as a Software Engineer for Slalom. I have also recently worked as a Full-Stack Web Developer for a local small business. I have previously worked at the Department of Economy & Tourism, Dubai as an Applications Development Intern during Summer 2021.