This solo project is a remake of the Ruby project Sweater Weather: It is a backend API that provides weather data for a yet-to-be-made frontend.
Express application hosted on Heroku that utilizes a machine learning model trained with over 300,000 data points to predict test outcomes for 5,000 mock students based on eating and sleeping habits for each student.
Application Highlights:
- Professional workflow as seen through:
- Blake Enyart - Django app, data visualization (chart.js, seaborn, matplotlib), machine learning implementation
- Here to Learn - Rails based central app designed for user interface
- Django application - Django based machine learning microservice
- Surveys - Sinatra based database microservice
Use the following code to setup the code locally:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
CREATE DATABASE heretolearn_production;
CREATE USER heretolearn WITH PASSWORD 'badgers';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE heretolearn_production TO heretolearn;
python migrate
python runserver
Navigate to localhost:8000
from your browser to see the app in development mode
Use the following endpoint to see the production app return data from the Sinatra app, make a prediction, and render data and prediction in JSON format: