Train yourself for live Texas Holdem games by seeing the probability of winning change as more cards are dealt.
🔄 This program simulates thousands of Texas Holdem Hands and saves them to a sqlite database.
Once the database of saved games is built up, the user can enter "Training Mode" where cards are dealt and the probability of winning the hand is shown to them.
The probabilities are calculated by running SQL queries on the database of simulated games (monte carlo).
For example, if you have pocket jacks and the flop is 2, 4, queen unsuited, what are your chances of winning a game with 4 other players? This program teaches you that.
Some of us have watched poker on TV and wondered how they come up with the live probabilities on screen... Others might be wanting to improve their poker game.
This is a working prototype and not a tutorial on optimal C# design. I'd be willing to re-write this in a different programming language if I had a good reason to.