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Engine specific Service Protocol extensions

Chinmay Garde edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 9 revisions

The Flutter engine adds several extensions to the Dart VM Service Protocol. The Flutter Engine specific extensions are documented here. Applications may also choose to register their own extensions.

List views: _flutter.listViews

Tooling requests this very early in the application lifecycle to ask for the details of the root isolate.

No arguments.


  "type": "FlutterViewList",
  "views": [
      "type": "FlutterView",
      "id": "_flutterView/0x1066096d8",
      "isolate": {
        "type": "@Isolate",
        "fixedId": true,
        "id": "isolates/453229818",
        "name": "main.dart$main-453229818",
        "number": 453229818

Isolate Restart or Cold Reload: _flutter.runInView

The IDE has requested (or the user pressed ‘R’ from the ‘flutter run’ interactive console) a cold reload. For example, this happens when the user presses the green play button.

Used to "cold reload" a running application where the shell (along with the platform view and its rasterizer bindings) remains the same but the root isolate is torn down and restarted with the new configuration. Only used in the development workflow.

The previous root isolate is killed and its identifier invalidated after this call. Callers can query the new isolate identifier using the _flutter.listViews method.

Four arguments:

viewId = _flutterView/0x14ba08c68
mainScript = /path/to/application/lib/main.dart
packagesFile = /path/to/application/.packages
assetDirectory = /path/to/application/build/flutter_assets


  "type": "Success",
  "view": {
    "type": "FlutterView",
    "id": "_flutterView/0x104e0ab58",
    "isolate": {
      "type": "@Isolate",
      "fixedId": true,
      "id": "isolates/1056589762",
      "name": "main.dart$main-1056589762",
      "number": 1056589762

The object in the view key is constructed in the same way as the views in the List Views method.

Flush UI thread tasks: _flutter.flushUIThreadTasks

Does nothing but waits for all pending tasks on the UI thread to be completed before returning success to the service protocol caller.

No arguments.


{"type": "Success"}

Get screenshot of view as PNG: _flutter.screenshot

Get the screenshot as PNG of a random Flutter view on the device.

No arguments.


  "type": "Screenshot",
  "screenshot": "<base64_data>"

Get screenshot of view as Skia picture: _flutter.screenshotSkp

Get the Skia SKP of a random Flutter view on the device.

No arguments.


  "type": "ScreenshotSkp",
  "skp": "<base64_data>"

Update asset bundle path: _flutter.setAssetBundlePath

In case of a hot-reload, the service protocol handles source code updates. However, there may be changes to assets. The DevFS updates assets in an separate directory that needs to be used by the engine.

Two arguments:

viewId = _flutterView/0x15bf057f8
assetDirectory = /path/to/flutter_assets


  "type": "Success",
  "view": {
    "type": "FlutterView",
    "id": "_flutterView/0x104e0ab58",
    "isolate": {
      "type": "@Isolate",
      "fixedId": true,
      "id": "isolates/1056589762",
      "name": "main.dart$main-1056589762",
      "number": 1056589762

The object in the view key is constructed in the same way as the views in the List Views method.

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