Updates and additions
- updated overlay view controllers with new icons for close and torch buttons
- switched to using HTTPS in podspec for Cocoapods
- enabled capturing high resolution camera frames:
When custom UI integration is performed, use -(void)captureHighResImage:(MBCaptureHighResImage)highResoulutionImageCaptured on MBRecognizerRunnerViewController
When using provided scan overlay view controllers, high resolution full camera frames taken at the moment of successful scan are returned if this option is enabled throughMBOverlaySettings
. - Added support for checking if scanning is unsupported for camera type on
- Added
method toMBBaseOverlayViewController
, enabling it on all it's subclasses
Minor API changes
- renamed MicroBlink.framework to Microblink.framework
- renamed MicroBlink.bundle to Microblink.bundle
is now class method ofMBMicroblinkSDK