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Building OLAFOAM with blueCFD Core

wyldckat edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 7 revisions


This wiki page provides information on how to download and build OLAFOAM with blueCFD-Core 2016 and 2017.

WARNING This page will be replaced for the instructions to build olaFlow, as soon as available.


Setting up matplotlib and PyLab in blueCFD-Core

To install matplotlib (and PyLab that comes with it), it's as simple as running the following commands in the blueCFD-Core terminal:

pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python2-pip
python -m pip install functools32
pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python2-matplotlib

Note: This is for installing the version for Python 2, because it's the default version being used with blueCFD-Core 2016 and 2017. This may change in the future.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that the command above will require full write permissions to do this with your blueCFD-Core installation, which is only available if you installed blueCFD-Core for your own personal use, either by:

  • having it installed in a folder such as C:\blueCFD-Core-2016;
  • or if you ran the blueCFD-Core installer from the command line with the additional option /SINGLEUSER=1, as explained in the page Command line installation options for blueCFD Core installers;
  • or if you change the security permissions on the default installation folder - e.g. C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2016.

How to download and build OLAFOAM with blueCFD-Core

Follow these steps to download and build OLAFOAM:

  1. Start the blueCFD-Core terminal.

  2. Run the following command, to switch to the default OpenFOAM-assigned user folder:

  3. Download the source code of OLAFOAM by running:

    git clone
  4. Then go into the downloaded source code folder by running:

    cd OLAFOAM
  5. Finally, build OLAFOAM by running:

  6. If all goes well, it should end with a message such as this (OpenFOAM version may be different):

    OLAFOAM has been installed successfully for OpenFOAM 4.x
    • If it does not end with this message, then please run:

      ./allMake > log.make 2>&1
      gzip < log.make > log.make.gz
    • Then create a new report here: - and attach the file log.make.gz to your report.