Please open all issues with this template at Responsive Emails Theme repo.
This project is a Drupal Theme that allows themers to easily build responsive email themes based on Foundation for Emails, a framework for creating responsive HTML devices that work in any email client. It has a Gulp-powered build system with these features:
- Handlebars HTML templates with Panini
- Simplified HTML email syntax with Inky
- Sass compilation
- Image compression
- Built-in BrowserSync server
- Full email inlining process
Enable blueoi_mail, mimemail, smtp, mailsystem modules and dependencies
Enable responsive_emails_theme theme
Create new "Email HTML" text format used for outgoing emails admin/config/content/formats
- Ensure roles is set only to administrator
- Enable these filters: "Convert line breaks into HTML", "Convert URLs into links", "Convert Media tags to markup" (If installed), "Correct faulty and chopped off HTML", and "Emogrifier".
- Note: make sure that "Emogrifier" is last in the filter processing order.
Configure Mime Mail module admin/config/system/mimemail
- Ensure that "Link images only" is checked (note: disabling this will cause issues with emails sent via rules and or webform modules.
- Ensure that "E-mail format" is set to your newly created "Email HTML" text format
Configure SMTP module to use preferred SMTP provider /admin/config/system/smtp
- Ensure that "Allow to send e-mails formatted as Html" is checked
Configure Mail System module admin/config/system/mailsystem
- Set MimeMailSystem_SmtpMailSystem class as Site-wide default MailSystemInterface
- Set Theme to render the emails to "Responsive Emails Theme"
Configure Responsive Emails Theme admin/appearance/settings/responsive_emails_theme
Review your email template with sample data at blueoi/themed-email
To customize this template, your computer needs Node.js 0.12 or greater, bower, and gulp installed.
- Configure BrowserSync to use the proper proxy url depending on your development configuration. Setting the proxy url will allow you to run gulp and modify sass while reviewing your changes via browser in real-time.
- Modify the proxy line in gulpfile.babel.js
- Note: be sure to add a comma after the server line for proper syntax
// Start a server with LiveReload to preview the site in browser
function server(done) {
proxy: '' // set this to your development url
cd sites/default/themes/responsive_emails_theme
npm install
bower install
Templates are compiled from the src/templates directory into the templates directory via the gulp build process with the help of Panini. To learn more see the Panini project or Foundation for Emails.